member since 2008-05-10
Algis Davidavicius
I am a happy parent of three sons, a husband of a wonderfull wife, professionally working in project managment/fundraising. Mostly interested in emotional intelligence, preserving and deepening human value.
member since 2007-07-09
member since 2008-02-29
Monday Never Comes / Joseph Dunphy
Some discussion of history, political theory, ... from a pragmatic, independent, generally centrist with rightward and some lingering Libertarian leanings, but with an awareness of how often Lassez Faire has failed to produce civilized or even rational results.
member since 2011-01-22
Orb Weishaupt
Working for illuminism 2.0 and empowerment pragmatism. Interests: Patterns recognition, data mining, analysis of massive data, brain hacking, open Think Tanks, open Intelligence.
member since 2014-02-27
member since 2014-08-26
member since 2015-12-10
member since 2018-04-03
Group Members
9 members total, 1 receiving alerts immediately, 3 receiving alerts daily, and 2 receiving alerts weekly.