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Peter Van der Straaten

Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels - 0 views

  • The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
Peter Van der Straaten | Use cases, ten years later - 1 views

  • Is a use case a requirement or just a story? Is a scenario just another name for a use case? Is a use case a formal, semi-formal, or informal structure? Is there a linking structure for use cases, or do they just come in piles?
  • make use cases “rigorous
  • People want a fairly informal medium in which to express their early thoughts
  • ...28 more annotations...
  • handling all the variations a system must handle.
  • Using these semi-formal structures, we can both Assert that use cases really are requirements and need a basic structure, and also Allow people to write whatever they want when they need to.
  • Here is the semi-formal structure
  • Linking use cases to actors’ goals
  • If the software supports those goals, the software will yield the greatest business value.
  • goals sometimes fail
  • failure handling
  • Therefore, a use case is structured into two sections: the sequence of actions when everything goes well, followed by various small sequences describing what happens when the various goals and subgoals fail.
  • Why do we write things in the use case that are not externally visible behaviors?
  • contract between stakeholders
  • there remained a split between those who still wanted to keep use cases short and informal and those who wanted them to be detailed
  • Here are four key pieces of advice that you should note from the evolution of use cases.
  • readable use cases might actually get read
  • Prepare for Multiple Formats
  • Only Use Them When the Form is Appropriate
  • Be Aware of Use Case Limits
  • Use cases should not be used to describe UI designs
  • use case is normally intended as a requirements document, and the UI design is a design
  • The same system feature is likely to show up as a line item in multiple use cases
  • Use cases have a basic mismatch with feature lists
  • Use cases are not test plans or test cases
  • Avoid the Standard Mistakes in Use Cases
  • The two most common and most costly to the project are including too many details and including UI specifics
  • it’s just that by the time I get subgoals at a good level and remove the design specifics, the task is less than nine step
  • The greatest value of the use case does not lie in the main scenario, but in alternative behaviors
  • If the main scenario is between three and nine steps long, the total use case might only be two or three pages long, which is long enough.
  • The Stakeholders and Interests model fills the holes in the Actors and Goals model
  • Originally published in STQE magazine, Mar/Apr 2002
Peter Van der Straaten

ANSI/IEEE Standard 1471 :: ISO/IEC 42010 - 0 views

  • This is the website for IEEE Std 1471–2000, Recommended Practice for Architectural Description of Software-intensive Systems, which is now also ISO/IEC 42010:2007
Peter Van der Straaten

EAM-Initiative : ArchiMate® - 0 views

  • Advantages & Disadvantages of ArchiMate®
  • One advantage of ArchiMate® is that it enables the visualization of architectures on separate layers but also allows the depiction of cross-layer relationships
  • Additionally, ArchiMate® provides extensive list of enterprise architecture entities, a predefined meta-model, some simplified standard views and publicly available, comprehensive documentation. Also, tool support for modeling the enterprise architecture using this architecture description language is available
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • A downside of ArchiMate® is that there is a limited extensibility of the modeling language. Further, some concepts are ambiguous [BBL12] and modelers need training to apply the framework successfully. Finally, when implementing ArchiMate®, a terminology mapping assigning existing concepts to the ArchiMate concept needs to be conducted
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