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started by quanghuyhome on 24 May 24 no follow-up yet
Ihering Alcoforado

Brazil Overview | Global Property Guide - 2 views

    Bubble trouble in Brazil Property prices are skyrocketing in Brazil. The construction sector is booming. And the mortgage market is expanding rapidly. But there is a growing concern that all this is unsustainable. And imbalances in the economy - an overvalued currency and high inflation - are exacerbating the dangers of the looming credit and property bubble. The average asking prices of new apartments across the country soared by 24.7% in April 2011 from a year earlier, according to Exame Magazine (using data from Ibope Intelligence, the largest Brazilian market intelligence firm). Based on the Ibope Intelligence figures, in April 2011:       *In Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro's most expensive district, the average price of        new properties rose 36% y-o-y to BRL13,031 (US$8,212) per sq. m., while the        price of existing properties increased 25% y-o-y to BRL12,134 (US$7,646)        per sq. m.       *In Jardim Paulista, Sao Paolo's most expensive district, the average price        of new properties rose 39% y-o-y to BRL9,120 per sq. m (US$5,747); the        average price of existing properties escalated 49% y-o-y to BRL6,959        (US$4,385) per sq. m. The FIPE ZAP Index of Dwelling Price Offers shows Sao Paolo dwelling prices up 25.9% during the year to April 2011, and up 83.7% over the past 3 years. In just two years (2008-2010), the average selling price of new one-bedroom apartments in São Paulo almost doubled. Newly launched two to four-bedroom apartments increased in value by between 40% and 60% over the same period, according to Embraesp, a local real estate research firm. Looking longer term, from 1996 to 2010, prices of newly launched apartments in São Paolo rose by almost 229% (131.6% in real terms), according to Embraesp, as the accompanying graph shows. For all years since 1996 price rises have been strongly positive, except in 2007, when house prices dropped slightly due
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    college town, collegetown,
    China is going to have a collapse soon. In the last ten years the new construction market has grown at 30% per yer. Its being supported by government paying for massive new real estate development. One day the Gov't in China is going to quit paying for this expansion and then it's really going to hurt.
Iklan Mobil

Rumah Subsidi Murah Pesona Kahuripan Bogor ~ - 0 views

    DIBUKA KEMBALI TAHAP VII .. !! PERUMAHAN PESONA KAHURIPAN (bersubsidi), BEBAS BANJIR, CICILAN FLAT SAMPAI LUNAS Developer : PT. HIKMAH AGUNG SEJAHTERA Alamat : Jl. Raya klapanunggal Ds. Cikahuripan kel. Klapanunggal Cileungsi Bogor jawa barat Harga Rumah (CASH) Rp. 141.000.000 TIPE 30/66 : Booking fee hanya 1.000.000 Uang Muka/DP 18.050.000 Biaya KPR BTN 2.500.000 TOTAL 21.550.000 ( DP Bisa Di Cicil 6 X selama 6 bulan ) RUMAH INDENT 6 BULAN Cicilan tetap sampai lunas (FLAT) hanya : Rp. 1.445.600/Bulan selama 10 tahun Rp. 1.075.500/bulan Selama 15 tahun Rp. 895.800/bulan selama 20 tahun = sertifikat HGB , setelah lunas bisa peningkatan hak ke SHM Pesona Kahuripan Rumah Subsidi Bermutu Iklan ini kami dedikasikan bagi yang sedang mencari rumah murah subsidi tapi berkualitas & masih dekat Jakarta. ( Siapa cepat, yang dapat unit ) STOCK TERBATAS Spec berkualitas Pesona Kahuripan : 1. Double dinding 2. Rangka atap baja ringan 3. Plafon Giftsum rangka hollow 4. Lantai keramik 30 x 30 5. Pondasi batukali , beton bertulang 6. Sanitair Closet Jongkok, Sumur Pantek/Bor 7. Kusen Kayu 8. Genteng Beton plat 9. Pintu Double Teakwood 10. Dinding Batako Press, Plester Aci, Cat 11. Listrik 1300 watt 12. Kamar tidur 2, kamar mandi 1 ketentuan pokok pemesanan : 1. Usia 21 th - 45 th 2. Status karyawan tetap min 1th & karyawan kontrak min 3 th 3. Bekerja di JABODETABEK 4. BI Checking Bagus Fasilitas Pemukiman 1. Masjid 2. TK,SD,SMP,SMK 3. Taman Bermain 4. Puskesmas 5. Bale Warga 6. Pasar Tradisional ( 500 m ) Fasilitas Penunjang 1. SD NEGERI Bojong 02 berjarak 500 m 2. SMP Negeri 1 Klapanunggal berjarak 1 km 3. SMA Negeri 1 Klapanungga berjarak 1 km 4. Klinik Kesehatan (Provider BPJS) berjarak 500 m 5. Kolam Pemancingan berjarak 300 m KEUNGGULAN PERUMAHAN PESONA KAHURIPAN 1. Bangunan rumah dibuat double dinding 2. View Perbukitan hijau dan asri 3. Bebas Banjir, Nyaman, Aman dan Udara Sejuk 4. Bebas dari menara sutet 5. Rumah beraksen minimalis 6. Jalan Lingkungan paling k

sac longchamp noir pas cher laver - 0 views

10réponses.Votre avis> Tous les avisRepris par le groupe de médias belge Dupuis Presse, le magazine de la communication CB News arrivera en septembre sur l'iPhone avec une newsletter, et sur l'i...


started by wyserena on 18 Nov 14 no follow-up yet
Purvi Joshi

Assotech Windsor Court | Noida Sector-78-Buy, Sell Property - 0 views

    Windsor Court, in sector 78 Noida, a ground-breaking project that brings to Noida. An absolute innovation that gives its customers the flexibility to transform living spaces into working areas, play areas; or areas where their next big idea can take shape, it offers 2 BR MUVS, 3 BR MUVS, 3BHK Executive and 3BHK M.P. Room Royal. Conceived because of the ever growing demand for space in the market, it offers spaces like 1875 sq. ft., 2000 sq. ft. and 2550 sq. ft. and is also available in 4 BHK+M.P. Room, 3 BHK+ M.P. Room and 3 BHK.

cement - Prakashjhak on Diigo - 0 views

    About > Board of Directors About Overview Board of Directors Management Team Awards Vision and Mission Code of Conduct Plant Locations PF Balance Code of Practices and Procedures for Fair Disclosure Investor Center Financials Shareholders Information Announcements Conference Call Chairmans Speech Compliance with Corporate Governance Online Investor Support Green Initiative in Corporate Governance Sustainability Business with Us Prospective Suppliers E Procurement Careers Online Application Form BOARD OF DIRECTORS photo1 SHRI B.G.BANGUR, Chairman Shri B.G. Bangur is a B. Com (Hons.) from Calcutta University and he brings with him an extensive experience in the industry. He is also the Director in Marwar Textile (Agency) Pvt. Ltd. He has also been actively associated with various philanthropic and charitable institutions and trusts. photo2SHRI H.M.BANGUR, Managing Director Shri H.M. Bangur is a Chemical Engineer from IIT, Mumbai and he brings to the board technical insights which are a driving force of the technical excellence achieved by the Company. Shri Bangur is President of Rajasthan Foundation Kolkata Chapter. He is also Executive … [read more]photo3SHRI R.L.GAGGAR, Director Shri R.L. Gaggar is a B.A. (Hons.) from Kolkata University and is a renowned solicitor and advocate based at Kolkata. He is practicing at the High Court of Kolkata for more than past 50 years. photo4SHRI O.P.SETIA, Director Shri O.P. Setia is an M.Com from Delhi University and is an eminent banker and Ex-Managing Director of State Bank of India and has held many key positions in its associate banks. photo5SHRI SHREEKANT SOMANY, Director Shri Shreekant Somany holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Kolkata University. He is an Eminent Industrialist having rich experience of Business. He is Chairman of Indian Council of Ceramic Tiles and Sanitaryware and member of Confederation of Indian Industry (Northern Region). photo7DR.Y.K.ALAGH, Director Dr. Y.K. Alagh is a noted Economist and

Sacoche Longchamp pas cher sac longchamp - 0 views

17Où paieton le plus d'impôts et charges sociales en.News Corp veut faire payer l'accès à ses journaux en ligne La r volution digitale a ouvert de nouvelles voies de distribution mais n'a pas rendu...


started by wyserena on 19 Nov 14 no follow-up yet
Purvi Joshi

Jaypee Green Buddh Circuit Studio Phase II - 0 views

    Jaypee Greens Buddh Circuit Studios is located in Yamuna Expressway, Noida, you will find all an intelligently designed studio apartments that give you just the space you seek. Within this vibrant residential community, only 5 minutes from the iconic Buddh International Circuit, home of India's F1** Grand Pix and other exciting motorsports events. These beautiful and spacious studios are available in 2 convenient options of 1 BHK - 52.02 sq. m (560 sq. ft.) and 1.5 BHK - 67.35 sq. m (725 sq. ft.).
Purvi Joshi

Work With CommonFloor.Com? Meet Us This Weekend At The Startup Jobs Fair - 0 views

    Satrtup Jobs Fair is India's first exclusive campaign to connect the most promising talent with the most exciting start ups. The fair will take place on the 27th of April, from 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. in MLR-Whitefield, Bangalore. Participate in the fair and get an on-the-spot evaluation done, attend workshops on technical & non-technical areas including Design, Tech, Soft skills, etc. and as well as get a chance to meet with us directly at the CommonFloor stall.
Iklan Mobil

RUMAH STRATEGIS,NYAMAN SIAP HUNI,Cocok Rumah Tinggal/Kantor/Tempat Usaha (Nego) ~ Griya... - 0 views

    DIJUAL RUMAH TINGGAL/Cocok Rumah Tinggal/Unt Kantor/Tempat Usaha dll. Tanpa Renovasi,Tinggal Menempati,Lingkungan Aman & Bersih,Jalan Besar. Fasilitas : Garasi Mobil Bisa 2 Mobil,PDAM,PLN 2200 Watt,CCTV,AC. SHM - Sertifikat Hak Milik Detail Properti: Rumah Menghadap : Utara Luas Tanah/Kavling (m²) : L.10 x P.18 = 180 m2 Luas Bangunan (m²) : 185 m2 Jumlah Lantai : 2 Kamar Mandi : 2 Kamar Tidur : 4 Row Jalan : 2 Mobil Lantai menggunakan Keramik 60 x 60 Cm Hubungi : John Ferry - 081 DuaLimaDuaLima EmpatEmpatEmpat 54 - 08 SatuSembilan SatuSembilan Empat444 LimaEmpat BISA Menjadi ALTERNATIF Hunian SELAIN : Sutorejo Prima, Mulyosari Mas, Kertajaya Indah Regency, Galaxy Bumi Permai / Araya, Klampis Indah / Anom Wisma Mukti, Babatan Pantai, Pantai Mentari, Greenville, San Diego, East Coast Park, Long Beach, Dharmahusada, Mojoklanggru dan sekitarnya
Iklan Mobil

Dijual Cepat Rumah Tanpa Perantara ~ - 0 views

    RUMAH DIJUAL: Dijual cepat rumah di Cisitu Indah (Dago) (Jl. Cisitu Indah V dalam (Dago)) Jl. Cisitu Indah V dalam Rt.07 Rw.04 kelurahan Dago kecamatan Coblong, Bandung 40135 Bandung Rp. Sertifikat Akta Jual Beli (AJB) Kamar tidur: 3 Kamar mandi: 1 Luas tanah: 168 Luas bangunan: 130 Berapa lantai? 1 Bangunan menghadap: Timur Dijual rumah di Cisitu Indah (Dago) - Luas Tanah 168 m - Luas Bangunan 130 m - Kamar tidur : 3 - kamar mandi : 1 - AJB (pembeli langsung dibuatkan sertifikat) - Rumah harus di renovasi ulang - Cocok untuk tempat tinggal - Cocok untuk dibangun kost
Iklan Mobil

Dijual Cepat Rumah Mewah Siap Huni Penjaringan Sari ~ - 0 views

    Dijual cepat rumah SHM (tanpa perantra) langsung ke lokasi alamat.. bertemu dengan Ipung. lantai = 2 kamar tidur. = 8 kamar (Bawah 5 kamar atas 3 kamar) Ukuran tanah. = 250 M². Luas bangunan sktar = 320 M² Listrik. = 3000 + Kamar mandi dalam = 3 Kamar mandi luar. = 2 Air. = PAM lokasi strategis nyaman tenang.. bebas banjir - Dekat dengan Bandara Juanda - Akses tol dekat - Dekat dengan kampus UPN - Merr - Galaxy mall
CBREThailand RealEstate

Phuket Residential MarketView Q1 2013 - 0 views

    CBRE's Q1 2013 Phuket Residential MarketView showed there was positive momentum in the Phuket property market. International passenger arrivals at Phuket International Airport increased by 23% Y-o-Y from Q1 2012 and 36% Y-o-Y from Q1 2011, according to the Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited (AOT). The resort condominium market continues to improve with better sales volume and a higher price per sq.m. based principally on smaller units and cheaper total unit prices. In Q1 2013, there were six new condominium and apartment projects launched; Baan Mai Khao (Sansiri), Amari Residences, Laguna Shores Phase 2 (Laguna Resorts and Hotels), Oceana Condominium, The Emerald Terrace, and Shivalai. They were all on the West Coast with either sea views or beach proximity. Most of these projects are Luxury and High-end (prices above THB 90,000 per sq.m.) More developers are using the leasehold ownership structure offering a series of 30+30+30 years leases rather than using the condominium structure and facing the 49% foreign ownership restriction. To continue reading or to download the full report, visit
Purvi Joshi

Noida Extension Sector 2 real estate - 0 views

    Noida Extension , apart from all the hassled regarding approvals and land problems,Noida Extension as a whole is coming up with a good option for buyers and investors. Along with the affordability factor, the area is becoming a good property destination for investors also. There are many factors like connectivity, price, projects which are drawing the crowd. Sector 2 has 2000 plots ranges between 162 sq m to 220 sq m.
Purvi Joshi

Sobha Serene | Chennai Porur-Buy, Sell, Rent Property - 0 views

    Sobha Serene encapsulates that rare blend of quality and class which only a Sobha home can provide. Majestically spread across 3.15 acres of landscaped beauty, Sobha Serene redefines luxury with its 176 distinctive 1 BHK, 2 BHK, 2 BHK + study & 3 BHK units that range from 55.57 Sq m to 161.70 Sq m.
Purvi Joshi

Campus Court | Kochi Kakkanad-Buy, Sell, Rent Property - 0 views

    Set in the 100 acre Rajagiri Vidyapeetom premises, with Rajagiri's famous educational institutions in the vicinity, Campus Court faces the 35 m Infopark Road. It has unparalleled connectivity, situated just 300 m away from the Seaport-Airport Road. Apartments at Campus Court come in 3 bed and 2 bed with study. This pioneering development also includes Asten Mall - a commercial shopping mall facilitated with multiplex, food court, hypermarkets, other lifestyle stores and a 120 room luxury hotel block.
Tween Tomol

tween1025's uploaded images - Imgur - 0 views

    Discover a home that lets you experience a true sea view! This development has 97 meters white-sand beach and has the following Amenities: Boardwalk Cabanas and infinity swimming pool (7 meters x 15 meters) Jacuzzi pool Underground electric wiring system Guard house 6-meter-wide concrete road CCTV monitoring system It is overlooking the City of Tagbilaran, and is just 10 minutes away from the Tagbilaran port, BQ Mall, and major banks and universities. Panglao Island, Bohol, Philippines Map of Bohol | About Bohol LOT AREA 66-82 sq.m. FLOOR AREA 82 sq.m. PROP. TYPE Townhouses 3 bedrooms 1 garage 2 toilets and baths 1 maid's quarter Terrace Service area Carport For more info Contact: Tween Felisilda-Tomol Contact# 09273824616 Email:
maher muhawieh

Maher Auction of Craig Davis buildings postponed - 0 views

    Maher muhawieh Auction of Craig Davis buildings postponed The foreclosure auction of four office buildings in Highwoods Office Park that was scheduled for 10 a.m. Sept. 17 was postponed. The auction has been rescheduled for 10 a.m. Oct. 15, says Barry Mann, the Raleigh lawyer assigned as substitute trustee for the transaction. The buildings are owned through a partnership of Craig Davis Properties of Cary and First Point Partners LLC, which had purchased the buildings from Highwoods Properties (NYSE: HIW) of Raleigh for $30.4 million. The portfolio, which totals about 256,000 square feet of office space, includes the Global Building at 3200 Atlantic Ave., the Magnolia Building at 3120 Highwoods Blvd., the Red Oak Building at 3128 Highwoods Blvd. and the Laurel Building at 3100 Highwoods Blvd. Read more: Auction of Craig Davis buildings postponed - San Francisco Business Times
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