Understand the differences between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. See how Chapter 7 helps take care of unsecured debts while Chapter 13 helps you adopt a timeline for repayment.
NEP: New Economics Papers
Urban and Real Estate Economics
Edited by: Steve Ross
University of Connecticut
Issue date: 2012-04-17
Papers: 23
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In this issue we have:
Is India's Manufacturing Sector Moving Away From Cities?
Ejaz Ghani; Arti Grover Goswami; William R. Kerr
A Regional Model of Endogenous Growth with Creative Destruction
Steven Bond-Smith
Local average neighborhood effects from moving to opportunity
Dionissi Aliprantis; Francisca G.-C. Richter
Compulsory Schooling Laws and In-School Crime: Are Delinquents Incapacitated?
Gregory A. Gilpin; Luke A. Pennig
What price a roof? Housing and the cost of living in 16th-century Toledo
Drelichman, Mauricio; Gonzalez Agudo, David
Well-Being in Germany: GDP and Unemployment Still Matter
Johannes Vatter
Landfill Diversion in a Decentralized Setting: a Dynamic Assessment of Landfill Taxes
Massimiliano Mazzanti; Francesco Nicolli
Taxing home ownership: distributional effects of including net imputed rent in taxable income
Francesco Figari; Alari Paulus; Holly Sutherland; Panos Tsakloglou; Gerlinde Verbist; Francesca Zantomio
Early Childhood "Pay-For-Success" Social Impact Finance: A PKSE Bond Example to Increase School Readiness and Reduce Special Education Costs
Robert Dugger; Robert Litan
Complex Methods in Economics: An Example of Behavioral Heterogeneity in House Prices
Bolt, W.; Demertzis, D.; Diks, C.G.H.; Van der Leij, M.J.
Robust Test for Spatial Error Model:Considering Changes of Spatial Layouts and Distribution Misspecification
Guo, Penghui; Liu, Lihu
Comparing Treatments across Labor Markets: An Assessment of Nonexperimental Multiple-Treatment Strategies
Carlos A. Flores; Oscar A. Mitnik
Understanding Places Using a Mixed Method Approach
Deutsch, Kathleen E; Goulias, Konstadinos G.
Hope VI Fairfield Court Neighborhood: 2011 Evaluat