Watch natural and authentic conversations in English in this video app, with audioscripts to help you follow along. Each video features:
an audioscript so you can read along while you listen
a glossary to help you learn and remember words
comprehension questions to help check your understanding
pitch control to slow down the audio.
This section offers you grammar practice in snack-size bites. Our Grammar Snack videos show the grammar being used in a natural way. A conversation-style explanation and interactive exercises will check that you can really......
The benefits of participating in the Twitter conversation about ESL and TESOL are many, including:
Strong community of teachers and learners of all levels who will gladly offer tips and answer questions
Easily discover new tools and resources for learning English (and any other language!)
Stay engaged, motivated, and immersed in the process of learning English.
Sugerencia de material para una actividad de lectura y escritura para alumnado adulto de EOIs. Es un texto sobre la mujer, crea discusión y debate y permite la creación de un comentario online o tweet.