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Lakoff: Why Conservative Lies Spread and What Progressives Can Do to Fight Them | Tea P... - 0 views

    When Democrats use conservative language to promote their agenda, it ultimately creates more support for Republicans.

YouTube - George Carlin ~ The American Dream - 0 views

    "You have to be asleep to believe it." A short excerpt from the video "Life Is Worth Losing" (2005).

America's Tragic Descent into Empire | | AlterNet - 0 views

    "Engelhardt's new book, "The American Way of War," explores the U.S.'s jaw-dropping transformation into a global military empire. "

Did the media help pull the trigger on this shooting spree? : Johann Hari - 0 views

    The media has been lasciviously describing every blood-flecked cranny of the murder spree in Northumbria this week, while blankly ignoring the most important question - did we help to pull the trigger? Every time there is a massacre by a mentally ill person, like Derrick Bird's last month, journalists are warned by psychologists that, if we are not very careful in our reporting, we will spur copycat attacks by more mentally ill people. We ignored their warnings. We reported the case in precisely the way they said was most risky. Are we now seeing the result?

Unjust Spoils | The Nation - 0 views

    The Great Recession could have spawned another era of fundamental reform, just as the Great Depression did. But the financial rescue reduced immediate demands for broader reform. Obama might still have succeeded had he framed the challenge accurately. Yet in reassuring the public that the economy would return to normal, he missed a key opportunity to expose the longer-term scourge of widening inequality and its dangers. Containing the immediate financial crisis and then claiming the economy was on the mend left the public with a diffuse set of economic problems that seemed unrelated and inexplicable, as if a town's fire chief dealt with a conflagration by protecting the biggest office buildings but leaving smaller fires simmering all over town: housing foreclosures, job losses, lower earnings, less economic security, soaring pay on Wall Street and in executive suites.

Gulf Oil Spill Myths Debunked (PHOTOS) - 0 views

    Since the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon rig April 20 killed 11 oil rig workers, the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico continues to claim the lives of wildlife, like birds and sea turtles, compromise the fishing and tourism industries, and threaten the culture of the Gulf coast. That, and it's spawned an awful lot of misconceptions.

China stutters on purpose, world freaks out - Chinese Economy, Yuan Revaluation, Chines... - 0 views

    The danger of depending too much on a Chinese rescue for the global economy: Even planned slowdowns cause panic

YouTube - TEDxTokyo スティルガー、バーニグ 15/15/10 日本語 - 0 views

    In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

Everyday Corruption | The American Prospect - 0 views

    "The policy-making process has become an extension of the market battlefield."

The Usefulness of Anger: A Response - Opinionator Blog - - 0 views

    The Stone is a forum for contemporary philosophers on issues both timely and timeless.

Deficit Cutters - Here's Your First Trillion | - 0 views

    Today the country is looking for ways to cut spending and borrowing. Yet military spending, the biggest spending item in the budget, is barely part of the discussion -- obviously because of the amount of campaign and lobbying dollars it generates.

Tax Cuts Caused The Deficits, Therefore... | - 0 views

    No serious person denies that Reagan's 1981 tax cuts and military increases threw the country into a pattern of borrowing and borrowing that we have not escaped. When Reagan took office the national debt was $995 billion. When Reagan left office it was $2.87 trillion and climbing fast. No serious person denies that Bush's 2001 tax cuts and continued military increases dramatically worsened the problem. Bush's last budget year ended with a record single-year deficit of $1.4 trillion. As the country discusses what to do about the borrowing the elephant in the room is that everyone understands that restoring top tax rates to pre-Reagan levels and cutting the military budget in half would solve the problem completely. But we can't do that. We can't even discuss it. And we all know why. And we all know why. It is because the Reagan Revolution transformed the country from a democracy to a plutocracy -- a country run by and for the wealthy. Such sensible and simple ideas are considered off-limits. To even bring up the idea of restoring tax rates to pre-Reagan levels and cutting military spending invites terrible consequences. The speaker risks becoming the target of the money's noise machine: Limbaugh, Hannity, Drudge, Fox. Smears. Humiliation. Banishment. Or the noise machine cranks up a campaign of misinformation, convincing people --especially DC people -- that what they see in front of their eyes just isn't so. Repeat it enough and it becomes solid knowledge. We all know this is the way it is. So don't tell me that "we don't have the money" to keep 300,000 teachers from being laid off, or to help the long-term, mostly older unemployed workers get something to live on and keep their health care. The money is right there in front of us, but the Congress is bought and paid for. What do we do? We have to demand representatives who represent us, not make excuses for representing the wealthy. The unfortunate, poor and disadvantaged must count every bit as much as the

YouTube - Mindfulness with Jon Kabat-Zinn - 0 views

    Jon Kabat-Zinn leads a session on Mindfulness at Google.

Ocean changes may have dire impact on people - 0 views

    "Scientists reveal the growing atmospheric concentrations of man-made greenhouse gases are driving irreversible and dramatic changes to the way the ocean functions, with potentially dire impacts for hundreds of millions of people across the planet. "

Big government? In the Gulf, it's too small and too weak - Joe Conason - - 0 views

    Federal inspectors assigned to inspect oil platforms in the Gulf are poorly trained, over-stretched and powerless.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights - 0 views

    On December 10, 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights the full text of which appears in the following pages. Following this historic act the Assembly called upon all Member countries to publicize the text of the Declaration and "to cause it to be disseminated, displayed, read and expounded principally in schools and other educational institutions, without distinction based on the political status of countries or territories."

The 3-minute puppet Spirit Level (short animated film) | The Equality Trust - 0 views

    PUPPETS! Supporter Jon Levene aka babycakes romero [external link] has produced this brilliant 3 minute animation to promote The Spirit Level, which is out now in paperback [external link]

Why More Equality? | The Equality Trust - 0 views

    Why More Equality? Our thirty years research shows that: 1) In rich countries, a smaller gap between rich and poor means a happier, healthier, and more successful population. Just look at the US, the UK, Portugal, and New Zealand in the top right of this graph, doing much worse than Japan, Sweden or Norway in the bottom left.

YouTube - Architect William McDonough speaks sustainable development - 0 views

    Renowned architect William McDonough, a leader in the movement for sustainable architecture and product design, spoke at Vanderbilt University Sept. 26, 2006.

Does the Internet Make You Smarter? - - 0 views

    Amid the silly videos and spam are the roots of a new reading and writing culture, says Clay Shirky.
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