EU_model_training_ All-round_Broadcaster - 1 views
Hear! Hear! Tools for Creating and Editing Audio Recordings in the Classroom " ICT for ... - 1 views
How to make a radio documentary - 0 views
Once upon a time, the word "radio" conjured up romantic visions of Hush Puppied BBC presenters crooning down funny shaped tubes. These days, everyone's tuning into podcasts such as This American Life and Radiolab. So if you're thinking of turning your hand to documentary podcasting yourself, we've put together some tips from two top US producers, Julie Shapiro and Soren Wheeler...
Paul's Radio Random Request Generator - 0 views
This Day in - 0 views
radioactive - List | Diigo - 0 views
Audacity and radio tutorials - 1 views
the.News - for.Educators | PBS - 1 views
the.News is a media literacy and multimedia project which helps students understand and interpret video content through project based learning, including P21 skills of critical thinking and production. Materials produced for and by OPS educators that were used in the classroom during the pilot partnership in Omaha are available in these pdf files and include production tips and tools for managing video projects and for guiding students in the digital media process; equipment handling and care; checklists for creating video segments and sample camera agreements and appearance release forms; and assessment rubrics for pre and post production.
Here are some example workflows and other sources.
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