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liveinfreedom .

Iran making anthrax at secret plant - 0 views

    "Russian scientists have helped Iran master four microbial agents for bombs, which the Islamic regime has used to arm 37 launch-ready missiles so far, sources have revealed. The secret work is being done at a plant named Shahid Bahonar on a mountaintop by the city of Marzanabad off the mountainous Chalus road to the Iranian Caspian Sea."
liveinfreedom .

Ad war erupts over meaning of 'jihad' in U.S. - 0 views

    "An advertising war has erupted over just what the Muslim word "jihad" means in America and why it's important not to let the term be sugarcoated. And the latest volley in the battle is both sly and stunning. The most recent flare-up began with a controversial series of advertisements from the American Freedom Defense Initiative on New York subway station clocks. The ads depicted the burning towers of 9/11 and a Quran quote: "Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers" (3:151)."
liveinfreedom .

The Innocent Prophet - Official Trailer - YouTube - 0 views

    "Published on Nov 10, 2012 (Slightly delayed) Dear friends Yesterday I found the news in media about high terror alert in Belgium over the movie "The Innocent Prophet" which I planned to release on 14th December 2012. Behind making this movie my soul objective was to reveal the other side of reality of Muhammad and Islam, which I think, is a noble cause for the humanity and is also my right of freedom of expression. But I never had intentions to incite violence or offend religious sentiments deliberately. I don't want people to have fear in their hearts or governments to apply high terror alert in their countries because of me. I don´t want to be remembered as a man who is responsible for loss of lives and properties. That is why I have decided to postpone temporarily the release of movie until I show it first to the authorities and get the assurance that there is nothing in this movie which doesn´t fall under the right of freedom of expression and that my movie will not cause any kind of loss to humanity. The necessary modification will be also made if requested by the authorities. But the delay doesn´t mean that I am afraid of Islamic violence, neither have I lost my right of freedom of expression. It´s all about the respect which I have in my heart towards Europe which is my family, and my deep love for Spain which is my home. I apologize to the Belgian people for the inconvenience they are facing because of my movie plan. I assure them that I will never do anything which hurt them. But on the other hand they should also understand that if we lose our right of freedom of expression, we lose our democracy and western values. I will always stand firmly with my opinion that Islam is an extreme danger to the society and we should make aware people about its whole reality, but of course not on the price of human lives. I will be back to you soon with the new release date after consulting with the authorities. Please keep in touch with me on: www.mundosinislam
liveinfreedom .

What Muslim-Americans really believe - 0 views

    "Here's the overview from 30,000 feet: Nearly half of those polled, a scientific sampling of 600, said parodies of Muhammad should be criminally prosecuted with offenders given punishments as severe as the death penalty; 40 percent of Muslims believe they should not be judged by U.S. law and the Constitution, but by Shariah standards and Islamic judges; Only 30 percent believe Christians have a right to evangelize Muslims; "
liveinfreedom .

Blasphemy case creates turmoil in 'moderate' Algeria - 0 views

    "Krimo was sentenced in 2011 to five years in jail and fined about $2,500 after being accused by a Muslim shopkeeper of handing a Christian CD to a man on the street."
liveinfreedom .

Islamic Crusades 5: Why did they hate us in 1783? « - 0 views

    "Why did they hate us in 1783? Why do they hate us? was a universally asked question in the United States following the 9/11 attacks. A majority on the Left and a sizable minority on the Right believe it was blow-back from our imperialistic foreign policy in the Middle East. They consistently cite three primary offenses: US support for repressive Arab regimes, US support for Israel, and the stationing of US troops in Saudi Arabia. If those are the root causes, why did the United States come under Jihadist assault only 7 years after the Declaration of Independence, when we had only just won the right to our own land, and had not the will nor the means to impose our alleged imperialist ambitions on the Middle East?"
liveinfreedom .

Judge: Christian evangelists can sue Muslims - 0 views

    "A federal judge has ruled that Christian evangelists who were arrested at a Dearborn, Mich., festival sponsored by the Arab Chamber of Commerce can sue the business organization. "The court finds that plaintiffs do properly allege a civil conspiracy among defendants, including the AACC, to deprive plaintiffs of their constitutional rights sufficient to survive a motion to dismiss," the court's ruling said. The decision came in a case brought by the American Freedom Law Center on behalf of the Christians. David Yerushalmi, AFLC co-founder and senior counsel, said: "The detailed allegations of our 100-page civil rights complaint sets out a pattern of misconduct that had the purpose and effect of depriving our clients of their fundamental constitutional rights.""
liveinfreedom .

Guess who U.S. Muslims are voting for - 0 views

    "Nearly half of 600 Muslim-American citizens polled who plan to vote in the 2012 presidential election believe parodies of Muhammad should be prosecuted criminally in the U.S., and one in eight say the offense is so serious violators should face the death penalty."
liveinfreedom .

Arab Spring run amok: 'Brotherhood' starts crucifixions - 0 views

    "The Arab Spring takeover of Egypt by the Muslim Brotherhood has run amok, with reports from several different media agencies that the radical Muslims have begun crucifying opponents of newly installed President Mohammed Morsi."
liveinfreedom .

Manifesto puts Hillary chief in Saudi plot - 0 views

  • Under this doctrine, Muslim minorities, because of their special circumstances, can do some things other Muslims are not allowed to do, if they are for the purpose of advancing Islam. Shoebat believes the doctrine of Maruna has allowed Huma Abedin to marry former congressman Anthony Wiener, a Jew, who resigned his office in disgrace after he was found to have engaged in illicit Internet communications with other women.
  • Islamic law bars a Muslim woman from marrying a Jew. But Shoebat argues the marriage is “one more reason for suspicion,” since Huma’s mother, a Muslim Brotherhood leader, never denounced it.
    "Huma Abedin" Although President Obama lavishly praised her over the weekend as an "American patriot," a manifesto commissioned by the ruling Saudi Arabian monarchy effectively places the work of an institute that employed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's deputy chief of staff at the forefront of a grand plan to mobilize U.S. Muslim minorities to transform America into a Saudi-style Islamic state, according to an Arabic-language researcher.
    Although President Obama lavishly praised her over the weekend as an "American patriot," a manifesto commissioned by the ruling Saudi Arabian monarchy effectively places the work of an institute that employed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's deputy chief of staff at the forefront of a grand plan to mobilize U.S. Muslim minorities to transform America into a Saudi-style Islamic state, according to an Arabic-language researcher.
liveinfreedom .

Outrage over mob attack in Michigan - 0 views

    Sharia in America.  These types should NOT be allowed in America they appear to be from the MID-EAST, so they will never assimilate under American LAW.
liveinfreedom .

flvplayer.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object) - 0 views

    This Louisiana gas station has MUSLIMS owners who refused to serve an American veteran to buy gas. The MUSLIM told the American soldier that they wouldn't sell him gas by saying -- we don't serve your kind here.
liveinfreedom .

Muslims: 'Wipe Christianity from face of earth' - 0 views

    The world became infested with some EVIL national leaders aka; Stalin, Mao, Castro, Chavez, Kruschev, and more. NOW we have the descendant of tue EVIL BASTARDS referred to as another THREAT to world's peoples. MUSLIM are SCREWBALLS... and less.
liveinfreedom .

Video | Shariah: the Threat to America - 0 views

    America WAKE UP! do you want another Pearl Harbor, N.Y. Towers or aka 911, another NAZI or STALIN regime? WAKE UP AMERICA.
liveinfreedom .

Muslim Brotherhood in America: The Overview - YouTube - 0 views

    WAKE UP AMERICA! America citizens are being threatened by an organization considered by most to be more evil than communism... naziism... and
liveinfreedom .

"Fear the Boom and Bust" a Hayek vs. Keynes Rap Anthem - YouTube - 0 views

liveinfreedom .

Egypt's 'plans for farewell intercourse law so husbands can have sex with DEAD wives' b... - 0 views

    "Egypt's 'plans for farewell intercourse law so husbands can have sex with DEAD wives' branded a 'complete nonsense'"
liveinfreedom .

A muslim Judge, Zombie Muhammed goes to court against the muslim attacker! - YouTube - 0 views

    It's about time that the FOREIGNERS of SHITLAM learn the American way isn't it ? STAY HOME and don't come to America if you have no TOLERANCE for FREE SPEECH. All Americans DO NOT believe in FLYING DONKEYS. Furthermore... Maybe SHITLAM should EMPHASIZE "JESUS" as the main prophet.
liveinfreedom .

VIDEO -- Three Things About Islam - 0 views

    "Three surprising things you probably didn't know about Islam.\nThis subject WILL affect you in the near future, so take the chance to inform yourself now - before it does.\n\nPLEASE FEEL FREE TO MIRROR THIS VIDEO!\n\nParts of the text have been strongly inspired by the website\n\n\nQu'ran online:\nAbrogations:\nSharia:\nTaqiyya:\nCategory:"
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