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thinkahol *

On a diet? Try mind over milkshake - health - 05 June 2011 - New Scientist - 0 views

    IF YOU want to lose weight, convince yourself that everything you eat is highly calorific. It could lower your levels of a hunger hormone, potentially suppressing your appetite. Alia Crum at Yale University and her colleagues gave 46 healthy volunteers the same 380-calorie milkshake but were told it was either a sensible, low-calorie choice or an indulgent, high-calorie one. The team also measured levels of ghrelin - a hormone released by the stomach when we are hungry - before and after participants drank the shake. Ghrelin levels have been shown to spike half an hour before mealtimes and return to normal after eating. Volunteers who thought they had indulged showed significantly greater drops in ghrelin levels than those who thought they had consumed less. The authors suggest that merely thinking that one has eaten something unhealthy can quell hunger pangs and perhaps help curb overeating (Health Psychology, DOI: 10.1037/a0023467). The study shows that food labels can affect consumption in unexpected ways, says David Cummings, an endocrinologist at the University of Washington in Seattle.

Buy Facebook Ads Accounts - 100% Cheap Verified BM Seller - 0 views

    Buy Facebook Ads Accounts Introduction If you are looking for the best buy Facebook ads accounts, then you can contact us. We have helped many businesses get the most powerful Facebook ad accounts at affordable prices. How to buy Facebook ads accounts You can buy Facebook ad accounts in three ways: You can buy a business manager account, which will allow you to manage all of your campaigns from one place. This is especially useful if you have more than one person running campaigns for different clients. You can also get an individual ad account from Facebook and use it for yourself or your company's own purposes. This option is good if there are no other people involved with the campaign (like when buying from the community). Finally, if all else fails-and it usually does-then there's always verification! Verification allows advertisers like yourself access to certain features that aren't available otherwise, such as being able to delete or change their own status updates/videos after they've been shared publicly by someone else without having any control over them beforehand.* What is a Facebook ad account? There are two types of Facebook advertising accounts: personal and business. A personal account is a profile that you use to promote something or someone else's business. For example, if you own a restaurant and want to advertise in your community, you would create a personal Facebook page so that people can find out about it if they were looking for places to eat near their homes or offices. You can also create an individual profile for yourself as well as groups on Facebook where other people can join up with their friends or colleagues who work at the same company (like Salesforce). These kinds of social media marketing strategies are fairly typical among businesses today because they offer great opportunities for communication between employees within large enterprises such as banks, airlines, or hospitals - all things which require teamwo
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    Buy Facebook Ads Accounts Introduction If you are looking for the best buy Facebook ads accounts, then you can contact us. We have helped many businesses get the most powerful Facebook ad accounts at affordable prices. How to buy Facebook ads accounts You can buy Facebook ad accounts in three ways: You can buy a business manager account, which will allow you to manage all of your campaigns from one place. This is especially useful if you have more than one person running campaigns for different clients. You can also get an individual ad account from Facebook and use it for yourself or your company's own purposes. This option is good if there are no other people involved with the campaign (like when buying from the community). Finally, if all else fails-and it usually does-then there's always verification! Verification allows advertisers like yourself access to certain features that aren't available otherwise, such as being able to delete or change their own status updates/videos after they've been shared publicly by someone else without having any control over them beforehand.* What is a Facebook ad account? There are two types of Facebook advertising accounts: personal and business. A personal account is a profile that you use to promote something or someone else's business. For example, if you own a restaurant and want to advertise in your community, you would create a personal Facebook page so that people can find out about it if they were looking for places to eat near their homes or offices. You can also create an individual profile for yourself as well as groups on Facebook where other people can join up with their friends or colleagues who work at the same company (like Salesforce). These kinds of social media marketing strategies are fairly typical among businesses today because they offer great opportunities for communication between employees within large enterprises such as banks, airlines, or hospitals - all things which require teamwo
    Buy Facebook Ads Accounts Introduction If you are looking for the best buy Facebook ads accounts, then you can contact us. We have helped many businesses get the most powerful Facebook ad accounts at affordable prices. How to buy Facebook ads accounts You can buy Facebook ad accounts in three ways: You can buy a business manager account, which will allow you to manage all of your campaigns from one place. This is especially useful if you have more than one person running campaigns for different clients. You can also get an individual ad account from Facebook and use it for yourself or your company's own purposes. This option is good if there are no other people involved with the campaign (like when buying from the community). Finally, if all else fails-and it usually does-then there's always verification! Verification allows advertisers like yourself access to certain features that aren't available otherwise, such as being able to delete or change their own status updates/videos after they've been shared publicly by someone else without having any control over them beforehand.* What is a Facebook ad account? There are two types of Facebook advertising accounts: personal and business. A personal account is a profile that you use to promote something or someone else's business. For example, if you own a restaurant and want to advertise in your community, you would create a personal Facebook page so that people can find out about it if they were looking for places to eat near their homes or offices. You can also create an individual profile for yourself as well as groups on Facebook where other people can join up with their friends or colleagues who work at the same company (like Salesforce). These kinds of social media marketing strategies are fairly typical among businesses today because they offer great opportunities for communication between employees within large enterprises such as banks, airlines, or hospitals - all things which require teamwo
    Buy Facebook Ads Accounts Introduction If you are looking for the best buy Facebook ads accounts, then you can contact us. We have helped many businesses get the most powerful Facebook ad accounts at affordable prices. How to buy Facebook ads accounts You can buy Facebook ad accounts in three ways: You can buy a business manager account, which will allow you to manage all of your campaigns from one place. This is especially useful if you have more than one person running campaigns for different clients. You can also get an individual ad account from Facebook and use it for yourself or your company's own purposes. This option is good if there are no other people involved with the campaign (like when buying from the community). Finally, if all else fails-and it usually does-then there's always verification! Verification allows advertisers like yourself access to certain features that aren't available otherwise, such as being able to delete or change their own status updates/videos after they've been shared publicly by someone else without having any control over them beforehand.* What is a Facebook ad account? There are two types of Facebook advertising accounts: personal and business. A personal account is a profile that you use to promote something or someone else's business. For example, if you own a restaurant and want to advertise in your community, you would create a personal Facebook page so that people can find out about it if they were looking for places to eat near their homes or offices. You can also create an individual profile for yourself as well as groups on Facebook where other people can join up with their friends or colleagues who work at the same company (like Salesforce). These kinds of social media marketing strategies are fairly typical among businesses today because they offer great opportunities for communication between employees within large enterprises such as banks, airlines, or hospitals - all things which require teamwo

Buy Elite Yelp Reviews - 100% Safe Permanent Reviews - 0 views

    Buy Elite Yelp Reviews Introduction Yelp is one of the most popular review sites in the world. It has millions of users, and people use it to find restaurants, shops and other places to visit. Yelp is a great tool for consumers because it allows them to share their experiences with others. But if you want more people to see your business on Yelp, then you need some positive reviews from other users who have already patronised your establishment! Why Need Buy Elite Yelp Reviews? If you are interested in buying Yelp Elite Reviews, then this guide will help you understand how to buy them. Buy Yelp Elite Reviews You can get genuine and authentic reviews by purchasing them from users who have used the product or service in question. This means that they have tried it themselves and can give their own opinion about its quality. Buy Elite Yelp Reviews Buying a review is an effective way to create trust with your customers so they feel comfortable using your product or service again if needed. It also helps build brand awareness among potential customers who may be unaware of what type of products/services exist within their industry; therefore, making it easier for them when deciding whether or not they want something similar down the line! What is Yelp Elite Reviews? Yelp Elite Reviews are written by verified users who have bought something from the business. Users must have purchased a service or product at the business, or had a positive experience with it. Elite reviewers are more likely to be positive than regular reviewers because they are more invested in their experiences with businesses. They also tend to write longer reviews that give more detailed explanations of why they enjoy using this type of business over others. Buy Elite Yelp Reviews Is it safe to buy Yelp reviews? Yes, it is safe to buy Yelp reviews. The website has been around for years and has a great reputation among the public. In fact, many people rely on it as a credible source of informatio
  • ...1 more comment...
    Buy Elite Yelp Reviews Introduction Yelp is one of the most popular review sites in the world. It has millions of users, and people use it to find restaurants, shops and other places to visit. Yelp is a great tool for consumers because it allows them to share their experiences with others. But if you want more people to see your business on Yelp, then you need some positive reviews from other users who have already patronised your establishment! Why Need Buy Elite Yelp Reviews? If you are interested in buying Yelp Elite Reviews, then this guide will help you understand how to buy them. Buy Yelp Elite Reviews You can get genuine and authentic reviews by purchasing them from users who have used the product or service in question. This means that they have tried it themselves and can give their own opinion about its quality. Buy Elite Yelp Reviews Buying a review is an effective way to create trust with your customers so they feel comfortable using your product or service again if needed. It also helps build brand awareness among potential customers who may be unaware of what type of products/services exist within their industry; therefore, making it easier for them when deciding whether or not they want something similar down the line! What is Yelp Elite Reviews? Yelp Elite Reviews are written by verified users who have bought something from the business. Users must have purchased a service or product at the business, or had a positive experience with it. Elite reviewers are more likely to be positive than regular reviewers because they are more invested in their experiences with businesses. They also tend to write longer reviews that give more detailed explanations of why they enjoy using this type of business over others. Buy Elite Yelp Reviews Is it safe to buy Yelp reviews? Yes, it is safe to buy Yelp reviews. The website has been around for years and has a great reputation among the public. In fact, many people rely on it as a credible source of informatio
    Buy Elite Yelp Reviews Introduction Yelp is one of the most popular review sites in the world. It has millions of users, and people use it to find restaurants, shops and other places to visit. Yelp is a great tool for consumers because it allows them to share their experiences with others. But if you want more people to see your business on Yelp, then you need some positive reviews from other users who have already patronised your establishment! Why Need Buy Elite Yelp Reviews? If you are interested in buying Yelp Elite Reviews, then this guide will help you understand how to buy them. Buy Yelp Elite Reviews You can get genuine and authentic reviews by purchasing them from users who have used the product or service in question. This means that they have tried it themselves and can give their own opinion about its quality. Buy Elite Yelp Reviews Buying a review is an effective way to create trust with your customers so they feel comfortable using your product or service again if needed. It also helps build brand awareness among potential customers who may be unaware of what type of products/services exist within their industry; therefore, making it easier for them when deciding whether or not they want something similar down the line! What is Yelp Elite Reviews? Yelp Elite Reviews are written by verified users who have bought something from the business. Users must have purchased a service or product at the business, or had a positive experience with it. Elite reviewers are more likely to be positive than regular reviewers because they are more invested in their experiences with businesses. They also tend to write longer reviews that give more detailed explanations of why they enjoy using this type of business over others. Buy Elite Yelp Reviews Is it safe to buy Yelp reviews? Yes, it is safe to buy Yelp reviews. The website has been around for years and has a great reputation among the public. In fact, many people rely on it as a credible source of informatio
    Buy Elite Yelp Reviews Introduction Yelp is one of the most popular review sites in the world. It has millions of users, and people use it to find restaurants, shops and other places to visit. Yelp is a great tool for consumers because it allows them to share their experiences with others. But if you want more people to see your business on Yelp, then you need some positive reviews from other users who have already patronised your establishment! Why Need Buy Elite Yelp Reviews? If you are interested in buying Yelp Elite Reviews, then this guide will help you understand how to buy them. Buy Yelp Elite Reviews You can get genuine and authentic reviews by purchasing them from users who have used the product or service in question. This means that they have tried it themselves and can give their own opinion about its quality. Buy Elite Yelp Reviews Buying a review is an effective way to create trust with your customers so they feel comfortable using your product or service again if needed. It also helps build brand awareness among potential customers who may be unaware of what type of products/services exist within their industry; therefore, making it easier for them when deciding whether or not they want something similar down the line! What is Yelp Elite Reviews? Yelp Elite Reviews are written by verified users who have bought something from the business. Users must have purchased a service or product at the business, or had a positive experience with it. Elite reviewers are more likely to be positive than regular reviewers because they are more invested in their experiences with businesses. They also tend to write longer reviews that give more detailed explanations of why they enjoy using this type of business over others. Buy Elite Yelp Reviews Is it safe to buy Yelp reviews? Yes, it is safe to buy Yelp reviews. The website has been around for years and has a great reputation among the public. In fact, many people rely on it as a credible source of informatio
thinkahol *

The Blog : Drugs and the Meaning of Life : Sam Harris - 1 views

    Everything we do is for the purpose of altering consciousness. We form friendships so that we can feel certain emotions, like love, and avoid others, like loneliness. We eat specific foods to enjoy their fleeting presence on our tongues. We read for the pleasure of thinking another person's thoughts. Every waking moment-and even in our dreams-we struggle to direct the flow of sensation, emotion, and cognition toward states of consciousness that we value.Drugs are another means toward this end. Some are illegal; some are stigmatized; some are dangerous-though, perversely, these sets only partially intersect. There are drugs of extraordinary power and utility, like psilocybin (the active compound in "magic mushrooms") and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), which pose no apparent risk of addiction and are physically well-tolerated, and yet one can still be sent to prison for their use-while drugs like tobacco and alcohol, which have ruined countless lives, are enjoyed ad libitum in almost every society on earth. There are other points on this continuum-3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA or "Ecstasy") has remarkable therapeutic potential, but it is also susceptible to abuse, and it appears to be neurotoxic.[1]One of the great responsibilities we have as a society is to educate ourselves, along with the next generation, about which substances are worth ingesting, and for what purpose, and which are not. The problem, however, is that we refer to all biologically active compounds by a single term-"drugs"-and this makes it nearly impossible to have an intelligent discussion about the psychological, medical, ethical, and legal issues surrounding their use. The poverty of our language has been only slightly eased by the introduction of terms like "psychedelics" to differentiate certain visionary compounds, which can produce extraordinary states of ecstasy and insight, from "narcotics" and other classic agents of stupefaction and abuse.
Leyla Bonilla

PsyBlog: How to Improve Your Self-Control - 0 views

  • It never ceases to amaze just how different two people's views of exactly the same event can be: one person's freedom fighter is another's terrorist.
  • why they maintain good physical health
  • Research reveals that people find it much easier to make decisions that demonstrate self-control when they are thinking about events that are distant in time, for example how much exercise they will do next week or what they will eat tomorrow (Fujita, 2008). Similarly they make much more disciplined decisions on behalf of other people than they do for themselves. People implicitly follow the maxim: do what I say, not what I do.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • how they maintained their physical health. Naturally they responded with things like: "Go exercise". In other words they focused on means rather than ends, the actual process.
  • low-construal thinking condition (thinking about means rather than ends
  • Those participants who had been encouraged to think in high-level, abstract terms demonstrated greater self-control in enduring the discomfort of the handgrip in order to receive more accurate personality profiles.
  • Participants tended to put answer such as: "To do well in school." This got them thinking about ends rather than means - the ultimate purpose of physical health.
  • Global processing. This means trying to focus on the wood rather than the trees: seeing the big picture and our specific actions as just one part of a major plan or purpose. For example, someone trying to eat healthily should focus on the ultimate goal and how each individual decision about what to eat contributes (or detracts) from that goal.
  • Abstract reasoning. This means trying to avoid considering the specific details of the situation at hand in favour of thinking about how actions fit into an overall framework
  • Someone trying to add more self-control to their exercise regime might try to think less about the details of the exercise, and instead focus on an abstract vision of the ideal physical self, or how exercise provides a time to re-connect mind and body.
  • Categorising tasks or project stages conceptually may help an individual or group maintain their focus and achieve greater self-discipline.
  • avoid thinking locally and specifically and practice thinking globally, objectively and abstractly, and increased self-control should follow.
    avoid thinking locally and specifically and practice thinking globally, objectively and abstractly, and increased self-control should follow.
Kevin Kevin

Beware the Sinister side of Low-Fat Foods | What is psychology? - 0 views

    What on earth could be bad about eating low-fat foods? Quite a lot, as it turns out. Food psychologists Brian Wansink and Pierre Chandon (2006) have discovered that foods labeled as "low fat" can lead to increased consumption and contribute significantly to obesity.
Borne Mace

Feel Full Faster by Pretending the Food You're Eating Is Indulgent - 15 views

Sarah Eeee

*A Brain Scientist's Take on Writing*: What Mirror Images and Foreign Scripts Tell Us A... - 0 views

  • For most adults in literate countries, reading is so well practiced that it’s reflexive. If the words are there, it's impossible not to read.
  • If you raise a child on a desert island, he'll learn to eat, walk, and sleep, but odds are he won't spontaneously pick up a stick and start writing. For most of human history, written language didn't even exist. Reading as a cultural invention has only been around for a few thousand years, a snap of a finger in evolutionary terms.
  • we’re very good at seeing, and the trick is just to retune that machinery to the demands of reading.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • But even on a basic visual level, we have to somewhat reprogram our visual systems.
  • Mirror invariance, the idea that something flipped sideways is still the same object, is a core property of our visual systems, and for good reason.
  • What's the mirror image of b? Now it's a completely different letter: d.
  • Mirror reversal is overwhelmingly common in beginning writers, from the occasional flipped letter to whole words written as a mirror image. Kids do this spontaneously. They never actually see flipped letters in the world around them. It's as if their brains are too powerful for the task.
  • With practice however, we do retrain our brains to read
  • Does the brain of a reader look different from that of a nonreader?
  • Since blood flow is tied to brain activity, fMRI allows us to see the patches of brain involved in different tasks.
    • Sarah Eeee
      Bit of an oversimplification, no?
  • They found that most participants did indeed have a brain region that responded more to words than objects.
  • This is rather remarkable, that the brain would develop a specialized area for an artificial category of images.
  • need more proof that this region developed as a result of learning to read.
  • If reading experience does alter the brain, you would expect English readers and English/Hebrew readers to have different brain responses to Hebrew. And this is indeed what Baker found. The bilingual readers had high activation for both Hebrew and English in their word region, while monolingual English readers only had high activation for English.
    Interesting & quick post on research into the neurological basis of reading.

Buy Zomato Reviews - 100% Non-Drop,Safe, Permanent, Cheap ... - 0 views

    Buy Zomato Reviews Introduction Zomato reviews are a great way to get your business in front of new customers. We have a large network of reviewers that can help you reach new people who have never heard about your company before, and they will be able to provide unbiased feedback on your restaurant or store. What Is Zomato Reviews? Zomato is a restaurant search and discovery platform that allows users to find restaurants, order food and get recommendations on where to eat. Buy Zomato Reviews Zomato has over 150 million users across the globe. It was launched in India in 2008 by Atul Gupta, who remains as CEO of the company today. The app has grown quickly since its inception and now boasts over 300 million users worldwide with more than 200 million monthly visitors accessing Zomato through mobile devices alone! Why Should You Invest in Zomato Reviews? Zomato Reviews are one of the most effective ways to get more customers and reviews. The more you have, the more revenue you can earn. Zomato Reviews can be used in many ways: To increase your number of customer ratings, which help you attract new customers and grow your business. To earn more money from advertising because they are a high-quality source of traffic that is targeted at specific audience groups. zomato Buy Zomato Reviews Zomato Reviews Zomato is a restaurant discovery app that allows you to find the best food and drinks in your neighborhood. It has over 1 million users in India and is the largest restaurant discovery platform in the country. Zomato was founded by Deepinder Goyal and Pankaj Chaddah in 2010 with an aim to help people discover new places around them. Today, Zomato has over 100 million users across several countries including India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Nepal (the latter two being part of their Global Expansion Program). Buy Zomato Reviews Zomato's core business model revolves around providing restaurant listings on its website as well as mobile apps for both Android & i
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