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Wesley Fryer

Curriki - Browse Groups - 1 views

    Curriki is an open content project for curriculum, and now supports browsing different content area groups.
    Has anyone used Curriki yet to submit and share a PBL project?
Wesley Fryer

dotproject - Open Source Software :: Open Source Project and Task Management Software - 1 views

    This is one some staff in Mid-Del schools have used. Probably the first open source project management solution I'd go with.
Wesley Fryer

Gantt chart - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 2 views

    A visual way of representing the timeline and required work processes for a project.
Wesley Fryer

Open Workbench - Home - 0 views

    windows-only project management software (open source)
Wesley Fryer

Project Home Page - Microsoft Office Online - 0 views

    Microsoft's commercial software solution for project management. Integrates into Outlook for shared calendaring. Not sure how cross-platform this is.
Cheri Toledo

The Education Arcade - 2 views

    Educational games created by U of Wisconsin and others
dean groom

Parramatta Marist High School Online - 0 views

    Parramarra Marist PBL Courseware Portal
dean groom

Raising expectations « Educational Discourse - 0 views

  • they will continue to live like their parents with the same expectations
  • what students might need to do well as they leave school
  • Communication skills - delivering their message clearly without misconceptions.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • ollaborative decision-making and work strategies. Groups are vital to progress - working together to create a product is found in nearly all professions - from construction to high-tech scientific work. Up until now collaborative - group - work has been “done” but there seems to be a lack of focus on learning those essential dynamics for productive collaboration.
  • Students are mostly “me” focused, it goes with the age.
  • he system really doesn’t encourage novel ideas or divergent thinking. Instead, there continues to be a dominate frame of reference that if you “learn” enough information and can then answer the questions on a test,
  • here needs to be direct instruction on effective and non-effective collaboration
  • Presentation skills, on the other hand, are largely neglected in schools, and few people put effort into developing them. Thus, presentation skills are a primary differentiator among you and your peers.”
dean groom

Pop Cosmopolitanism » Introducing the After School MMO Group - 0 views

  • This bridge, we believe, will enhance their success in life and academics, as these literacies are essential components found in the 21st Century Learning Skills (see Partnership for 21st Century Learning Skills for more information), which many schools are still trying to conceptualize, let alone implement. Although we are very early in the pilot program, our first goal has been to develop the MMO group into a “third place” for these boys to hang out and play together. As the group has begun developing cohesion, and the boys are becoming better oriented with the game, we’ve begun integrating content into our sessions that are not only valued “gamer” practices, but promote literacy practices as well (such as writing forum posts, for example).
dean groom

Metavolution - What is AI? - 0 views

    the Appreciative Inquiy Approach to learning. Compares with the Problem Based Learning Approach.
dean groom

Integrating ICT into the MFL classroom:: Vincent Everett at Language World 2008 - 0 views

    this guy is doing some very cool stuff with PSP and DS
dean groom

WordPress › Podcasting « WordPress Plugins - 0 views

    New 2.5 upgrade to word press now includes Podcasting - feeds from iTunes
dean groom

Edmodo - A screencast teaser | edmodo - 0 views

    Edmodo - micro bloging - ideal starter blogging for junior high school - learning to use courseware effectively - and also for journal entries in PBL. In Alpha testing.
    a video on the use of Edmodo.
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