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Melinda Waffle

IU Education - Math Matters - 23 views

    great math resource to pbl
Don Doehla

Experts & NewBIEs | Bloggers on Project Based Learning: Building Parent Support for Project Based Learning - 1 views

    When a teacher, school, or district tells parents and community members, "We're going to do Project Based Learning!" the response may vary. You're lucky if some say, "Great news! Students need to be taught differently these days!" but a more typical response might be: What's Project Based Learning?  That's not how I was taught. Why do we need PBL, if (a) our school is already doing well, or (b) what we really need is a better literacy/math program to raise test scores?  Isn't that just a trendy new thing that doesn't really work?  How is this going to affect my child (and me)?  Basically, they're asking for the what, why, and how. Here are some successful strategies we've seen to answer these questions.
Tom McHale

10 ways to assess learning without tests… « What Ed Said - 52 views

    The arts can be integrated across other disciplines and can add another powerful layer to learning, be it history, maths, literature or bible! (but that can be another post). For now, why not replace some traditional testing with opportunities for creative expression? I've included some such options in my list of alternative assessments.
Michelle Krill

NASA Student Engineering Design Challenge - 9 views

    "Are you ready to solve the challenges of space? Join the RealWorld-InWorld NASA Engineering Design Challenge! This is a unique education initiative that targets students in grades 9-12 and encourages them to explore and build skills essential for successful careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) through two phases of project-based learning and team competition"
Debbie Nichols

The Newbie Guide to Google Search | Educational Technology Tips - 0 views

    I was surprised. I learned things from this article. It can be projected in class to teach students also.
David Wetzel

Project Based Learning Viewed Through a Digital Lens - 19 views

    Often we search for meaningful ways to integrate digital technology in project based learning activities given to our students. We also would like our students to develop a thorough understanding of the concepts underlying the work - after all this is the purpose of the project. Giving students the opportunity to complete and present their project through a digital lens has one great advantage - student engagement. This in turn causes students to develop a more in depth understanding of concepts.
Michelle Krill

The Lost Lunchbox - an online educational, adventure game for kids who love math, reading, history, and more! - 32 views

    The Lost Lunchbox is the one of internet's first educational role-playing games (RPG) designed specifically for children in grades 3 -8. Conceived by Greg Nussbaum, creator of, and designed by the team at, The Lost Lunchbox is an unforgettable and exciting experience for students that incorporates critical thinking skills in multiple disciplines, problem solving, and a healthy dose of adventure and curiosity. The Lost Lunchbox is an outstanding, educational alternative to traditional video games that glamorize violence and promote mental stagnation.
David Wetzel

Three Project Based Learning Resources: Free Online Resources for Student Collaboration and Problem Solving - 35 views

    Project based learning using all or any of the three online resources offers a dynamic approach to teaching in which students explore real-world problems and challenges.
David Wetzel

Saving the Sports Complex Algebra Project - 6 views

    An algebra project focusing on a theme which interests students is more likely to engage them in the project, so lets take a look at sports. Many students participate in sports at some level, whether as part of a school team or a community team. For the most part these same students do not understand the costs involved to host the sport. Also, they do not understand how much money is needed to ensure a profitable season so the sport can continue from year to year.
Michelle Krill

Wolfram Demonstrations Project - 24 views

    "A free resource of interactive visualizations, from elementary education to the frontiers of research."
Telannia Norfar

Fuel Our Future Now - Jumpstart Students' STEM Education with Free Teacher Resources - 1 views

    A site, powered by Discovery Education, focusing on getting students involved with STEM by trying to find alternative fuel source.
Kathleen N

Maxed Out - 0 views

    From High Tech High, San Diego In the project "Maxed Out," students spent six weeks learning about the credit card industry. They derived formulas to model credit card debt, and also researched various tactics employed by credit card companies to recruit and deceive customers. Each group of 2 to 4 students then chose how to create public awareness of the potential dangers of credit cards. The final projects are very diverse, ranging from websites to films to rap videos. Below are links to each project. Please follow each link to see some of the fantastic work samples, and also maybe to educate yourself about credit cards as well. You may be suprised what you find out!
David Klecher

Watch Music Lounge TV Show - - 0 views

    "The place for all music-related content from your favorite ABC shows, including songs featured on TV, video clips, cast playlists, music supervisor blogs, and more. The ABC Music Lounge is also on Facebook and Twitter. Connect with us now to get the latest updates & news on your favorite shows, artists, and songs. Hear it on ABC - Find it here!"
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