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Gary Patton

Morality has no chance facing off against the Charter - 0 views

  • Morality has no chance facing off against the Charter
  • “The underlying premise — namely that all human beings are possessed of dignity in virtue of a special relationship to a God — is incapable of being used as a basis of public policy proven in the context of a democratic, multicultural and multi-faith society that must cleave to the strictures of public reason in ethical deliberation.”
  • It is to Trudeau and his Charter of Rights that we owe the almost complete transformation of Canada over three decades.
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  • The battle over euthanasia will be lost for precisely the same reasons the battles were lost over abortion and over same sex marriage; namely Catholics and social conservatives fail to understand their adversary and where and how the battle is fought.
  • I call this the “majority myth.”
  • Polls once showed an overwhelming majority of Canadians opposed same-sex marriage. Same with abortion.
  • the legal battle over same-sex marriage existed because the Charter existed, no other reason.
  • Section 15, the Equality Rights section of the Charter, is the trigger that allowed Canadian courts to launch such a radical re-ordering of society. In fact, the Charter is a blueprint for constant social re-engineering by the courts, and it is invidious for that reason. It is the antithesis of democratic self-government.
  • This kind of “heavenly deception” (a technique pioneered by the Moonies) is not only dishonest, it is on loan from the very totalitarian impulses that Canadians  should naturally oppose.
  • You may be sure that judges are not about to relinquish that power. The unavoidable reality is that Canada is now governed not by elected MPs but by appointed judges. And they are almost invariably liberal in their ideology.
  • Such judges see nothing wrong with courts legislating a liberal agenda that is (legislatively speaking) unpopular.
  • Any campaign that ignores this is simply delusional.
  • Alas, the Charter is not subject to referendum. If 90 per cent of Canadians had voted against gay marriage, it would have made no difference because so-called “fundamental rights” are not subject to voter preference.
  • What almost everyone avoided in the same-sex marriage campaign was the only viable solution. It’s a solution that exists in the Charter itself — Section 33, the “notwithstanding” clause.
  • the Liberal Party has promised never to invoke s. 33. And Harper’s Conservatives have never done so. Thus was the battle lost.
    If you don't recognize the Canada you live in, check out this article to discover what happened and why we are where we're at! gfp (2012-03-08)
Gary Patton

Who is a Moderate Muslim? - YouTube - 0 views

  • Who is a Moderate Muslim?
    "Who is a Moderate Muslim?" Many would agree with the opening speaker: "There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim!" This is because the Qur'an demands fundamentalism and fundamentalist Islam is Islamist demanding the re-establishment of the caliphate and the establishment of Islam over all. Islam is a total lifestyle including "politics" as ex-Muslim authors Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Ibn Warraq argue. Islamists wish to do this by implementing "Shari'ah Law". GaryFPatton (gfp '42™ 2012-06-25)
Gary Patton

Who is the Muslim Brotherhood? - YouTube - 0 views

  • Unrest in Egypt: Who is the Muslim Brotherhood?
    Some would suggest, this is a somewhat politically-correct video because it makes a distinction between Islam and political Islam. However, many ex-Muslims and experts in Islam state that there is no distinction, e.g., "There are moderate Muslims but no such thing as moderate Islam!" ~ Ibn Warraq, Pakistani author GaryFPatton (gfp '42™ 2012-06-25)
Gary Patton

An Open Letter to America's Christian Zionists | The New Evangelical Partnership for th... - 0 views

  • An Open Letter to America’s Christian Zionists
    A point of view by two Christian "Ethics Professors at US theological schools which argues that "Christian Zionism" cannot be supported Biblically. The authors further state that Christians who support Israel's alleged inhumanity towards the so-called Palestinians will be judged by God. gfp (2012-06-20)
Gary Patton

The History & Modern Manifestation of Christian Zionism - Red Letter Christians - 0 views

  • they will eventually push the Palestinian humanity to a point where non-violent resistance will no longer be pursued. 
  • a State that has displaced and oppressed millions of innocent people. 
  • the God of the Bible as was revealed in Jesus does not make justice through injustice, nor does he make peace through violence. Dr. Salim Munayer, professor at Bethlehem Bible College, once said, “Any theology that promotes the oppression of neighbor or enemy isn’t Biblical.”
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  • The History & Modern Manifestation of Christian Zionism
    This article is the first in a three part series by a Christian historian on the topic of Christian Zionism and its implications in Israel and Palestine. The author strongly supports Israe's right to mexist securely and safely while believeing that her Politicians continue to act immorally against the Arabs in Israel mistakenly called a "Palestinian people group" by the media and many writers. gfp (2012-06-20)
Gary Patton

Jesus thinking on Homosexuality - 0 views

  • What does Jesus think about Homosexuality?
  • Jesus was especially known for loving the very people that the religious people of his time had condemned and cast out
  • Is homosexuality a sin?
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  • “The law commands that she should be stoned to death, what do you say?” Jesus bends down and draws with his finger in the dirt, and then says to them “Let the one who is without sin throw the first stone.”
  • So again, even if we think homosexuality is wrong, we know what Jesus would do in our shoes. He has drawn a line in the sand, and we need to decide what side of that line we will be on. Will we be on the side of Jesus and the one who is being condemned and threatened? Or will we stand with the religious accusers on the other side of that line?
  • Jesus never says a word about homosexuality, but there was one kind of sin that he spoke out against all the time. There was one kind of sin that got Jesus really mad. This was the sin of religious people who shut out those in need of mercy.
  • What this all comes down to is we, as Christians, acting like Jesus. It’s about discerning what Jesus would want us to do right now, and the answer is clear: We need to change our priorities and focus on the critical issue of communicating love and acceptance to people–especially the very people our society so often ostracizes, condemns, and rejects. Because that is exactly what Jesus did.
  • Because as long as our priority is in looking moral rather than in showing compassion and grace to those on the outside, we simply do not have the priorities of Jesus.
  • Now you may have noticed that I didn’t ever say what I thought about whether homosexuality was wrong or right. I didn’t say because this is not about me and what I think. It’s about us as Christians learning to care about what Jesus cares about. This is not about gay rights. It is about about human rights, and that starts with the least. It is about us having the courage to stand with those who are vulnerable. It is about us saying “no” to hate, even when it is done in the name of God–no, especially when it is done in the name of God. It’s about having the guts to draw that line in the sand like Jesus did. Even when that means facing that mob ourselves.
    Jesus may never have spoken about the issue of homosexuality. And He never spoke about the "man at the Gate Beautiful", either. But the Son of God died so that both the blind men and homosexuals might be healed. Jesus didn't speak about homosexuality. But as Immanuel, He knew what the Old Covenant clearly stated. Nonetheless, this article raises some challenging issues for religious people who lean towards justice rather than love in their attitudes to homsexuality. gfp (2012-04-28)
Gary Patton

Canada, the crucial forgotten ally - - 0 views

  • Canada, the forgotten ally
    "Douglas MacKinnon is a former White House and Pentagon official explains why Us Residents would be wise to give canada more respect! gfp (2012-05-30)
Gary Patton

The Art of War by Sun Tzu (.epub ebook 11%) | Goodreads | - 0 views

    Select strategic ideas that are Biblical from the Master Genera's timeless book. Then apply to business and life to enhance one's success in being best used by God
Gary Patton

Three Degrees of Separation on Vimeo - 0 views

  • Three Degrees of Separation
    Khakis, blue jeans, and dungarees graced the stage at this vimeo-taped, public event in San Diego. The generational differences between the three Evangelical leaders -Chuck Colson, Greg Boyd, and Shane Claiborne- seemed obvious. But the helpful, lively, moderator-g, uided conversation ...not debate... reveals the shared beliefs that should motivate all Jesus Followers. During the discussion and Q&A period, the speakers reveal some intriguing observations about the sword vs. and/or complementing the cross in social & political action in the U.S. I believe they all apply to Canada to the degree that our people and societies differ. gfp (2012-05-01)
Gary Patton

Kony 2012 Part II Is Here: Invisible Children Addresses Its Critics | Co.Exist: World c... - 0 views

    "Kony 2012: Part II is a great watch and gives the initiative back to Invisible Children after a month of learning that no good deed goes unpunished."
Gary Patton

The case against Trudeau: that's it? - John Geddes - - 0 views

  • Frum’s indictment boils down to two familiar charges: Trudeau mishandled the October Crisis and generally inflamed serparatism; he mismanaged the economy and left his successors a deficit problem.
  • he tripled spending through the 1970s
  • Trudeau was crazy for economic intervention, Frum tells us, as evidenced by his nutty wage-and-price controls.
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  • William Tetley’s 2007 book The  October Crisis, 1970 makes a cogent, insider’s case
    • Gary Patton
      Other experts, however, document that Trudeau reacted contrary to the advice of the RCMP who had been monitoring the FLQ who felt their control did not require the national sledge-hammer approach we got in the War Measures Act's total disregard of Canadians' liberties. gfp (2011-09-30)
  • his Liberals never actually blocked any takeovers
  • it wasn’t the economy, but rather the nation itself on which, Frum asserts, Trudeau “inflicted his greatest harm.”
  • he shamefully failed to understand what the Second World War was all about
  • National Energy Program was a spectacularly bad idea
  • an astute reminder that Trudeau’s lasting allure must be understood in light of his “uninspiring” predecessors at 24 Sussex Dr.
    • Gary Patton
      One's not good because their predecessors were bad, eh! gfp (2011-09-30)
    Frum's indictment in this article boils down to two familiar charges: 1. Trudeau mishandled the October Crisis in 1970 involving the FLQ, allowed government circumvention of habeus corpus with the War Measures Act and generally inflamed separatism; 2. he mis-managed the economy and left his successors a major deficit problem. However, the article contains no mention of Mr. Trudeau's unremitting attack on Biblical principles and the traditional family such as his: 1. destruction of families by permitting no-fault divorce, 2. laying the groundwork for unrestricted murder of pre-born children via even partial-birth abortions, and 3. setting us on the road to special rights for homosexuals including the legal right to adopt children and engage in same-sex marriage. Oh my! What the secular-humanist, Catholic, Pierre Trudeau, will have to answer to God for is scary!
Gary Patton

Can my enemy's enemy be my friend? :: Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi - 0 views

  • Can my enemy's enemy be my friend?
  • Conventional wisdom has generally said that Israel can attain regional support by way of an alliance or coalition of minorities
  • The concept of an alliance among regional minorities sounds like an attractive proposition. But is it realistic?
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  • The evidence appears to suggest otherwise.
  • the Alawites, who have under the Assad dynasty dominated the upper ranks of that country's security forces and government, could try to salvage some form of self-rule in the form of a mini-state in the northwest of Syria, should the regime lose control over Damascus.
  • However, the reasoning for courting the Alawites can only be described as bordering on the realm of fantasy
  • When many Israelis think of a loyal minority ally, the country's Druze often come to mind.
  • Another group touted as potential allies of Israel in the region are the Christians.
  • Minority alliances per se shouldn't be shunned, but Israel should pursue regional alliances based more on realism than on the perception of shared oppression, with its need to create a united and mutually beneficial minority front against an almost monolithic Arab-Islamic foe ‏(essentially a utopian dream‏).
    A recurring question of 2011-12 continues to be whether Israel can come out of the unrest of the "Arab Spring" with any new allies. This is an expert analysis of a possible answer. gfp (2012-04-02)
Gary Patton

It's not Islamophobia to call a jihadist, a jihadist - 0 views

  • It’s not Islamophobia to call a jihadist, a jihadist
  • There is no doubt that such prejudice exists. But there is no doubt, too, that cries of “Islamophobia” are issued to suffocate argument, to deflect or deter analysis of some behaviour that is factually related to Islam. There is no doubt either that some Muslims have acted as terrorists, either singly, or in association with various Islamist groups. To point this out is not a phobia, but a simple respect for reality.
  • there also have been calls suggesting that any reference to the Islamist terrorist connections of the killer would be a species of Islamophobia. This is pure nonsense and folly.
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  • It is not Islamophobic to note the motives and background of the murderer. In fact, it is a form of cowardice and evasion not to do so.
  • If one decries Islamophobia, then one must condemn bin Laden as its Nile source. Bin Laden, more than any other person, has besmirched the practice and understanding of Islam and engendered suspicion of some of its adherents.
  • Horrors perpetrated in the name of fundamentalist Islam, such as attacks on young girls going to school, the internecine slaughters of various sects, the cruel penalties exacted by the Taliban’s repressive creed — stonings, amputations and executions for apostasy — also feed the angry atmosphere, and they are not phantoms of a prejudiced imagination.
  • Bin Laden’s declared purpose, his “war” on the West, and his overt linkage of his cause with a fundamentalist version of Islam, are the primary drivers of our non-phobic — which is to say, very rational — fear of, and hostility to, manifestations of Islamic fanaticism.
  • in Madrid, London or Bali — it was not Islamophobia when some immediately assumed these were al Qaeda, or Islamist-inspired. It was just a natural first response, the acknowledgement of a pattern. In most cases, that first response proved correct.
  • The too-energetic effort to fall outside the shadow of prejudice has served to distort the response of investigators. Looking for everybody else except the most “likely” suspects first, wastes time and resources.
  • Our most urgently served impulse should be to make common cause with the victims of violence — in this case, Jews
    Rex Murphy feels, and I agree that "...there is no doubt that [anti-Muslim] prejudice exists. But there is no doubt, too, that cries of "Islamophobia" are issued to suffocate argument, to deflect or deter analysis of some behaviour that is factually related to Islam." he states further and I also agree that: " There is no doubt either that some Muslims have acted as terrorists, either singly, or in association with various Islamist groups. To point this out is not a phobia, but a simple respect for reality." gfp (2012-03-12)
Gary Patton

Study confirms Millennials are "Generation Me" - - Macleans OnCampus - 0 views

    Twenty-somethings value fame and money over community, this study seems to prove. GenY is the reigning "Me Generation" ...not the Boomers. gfp (2012-03-23)
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