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AIFD's Dr. Zuhdi Jasser debates Jihad Watch's Robert Spencer - YouTube - 0 views

  • Dr. Zuhdi Jasser debates Jihad Watch's Robert Spencer
    • Gary Patton
      Dr. Zuhdi Jasser M.D., a retired U.S. Naval Officer & the founder of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy debates Jihad Watch's Robert Spencer re the real danger ... Islam or Islamism, What's the R-E-A-L Danger (). Dr. Jasser says there is such a thing as Moderate Islam". Mr. Spencer says no! gfp (2012-02-07)
    Dr. Zuhdi Jasser M.D., a retired U.S. Naval Officer & the founder of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy debates Jihad Watch's Robert Spencer re the real danger ... Islam or Islamism, What's the R-E-A-L Danger (). Dr. Jasser says there is such a thing as Moderate Islam". Mr. Spencer says no. discusses the causes of Muslim radicalization in his testimony to the House Homeland Security Committee hearings in the U.S. that were held March 10, 2011. Since then, U.S. radicalization has increased and Dr. Jasser shares why. He outlines why Mosque & state must be separated & why the call for Sharia Law and political Islamization in North America by many Muslim leaders and CAIR is dangerous. gfp (2012-02-07)

Dr. Zuhdi Jasser's testimony before the Committee on Homeland Security - YouTube - 0 views

  • Dr. Zuhdi Jasser's testimony
    Dr. Zuhdi Jasser M.D., a retired U.S. Naval Officer & the founder of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, discusses the causes of Muslim radicalization and his testimony to the House Homeland Security Committee hearings in the U.S. that were held March 10, 2011. Since then, U.S. radicalization has increased and Dr. Jasser shares why. He outlines why Mosque & state must be separated & why the call for Sharia Law and political Islamization in North America by many Muslim leaders and CAIR is dangerous. gfp (2012-02-07)

Dr. Zuhdi Jasser discusses the King Hearings on Fox and Friends - YouTube - 0 views

  • Dr. Zuhdi Jasser discusses
    • Gary Patton
      Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, the founder of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy discusses the causes of Muslim radicalization and his testimony to the House Homeland Security Committee hearings in the U.S. that were held March 10, 2011. Since then, U.S. radicalization has increased and Dr. Jasser shares why. He outlines why Mosque & state must be separated & why the call for Sharia Law and political Islamization in North America by many Muslim Imams and CAIR is dangerous. gfp (2012-02-07)
    Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, the founder of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy discusses the causes of Muslim radicalization and his testimony to the House Homeland Security Committee hearings in the U.S. that were held March 10, 2011. Since then, U.S. radicalization has increased and Dr. Jasser shares why. He outlines why Mosque & state must be separated & why the call for Sharia Law and political Islamization in North America by many Muslim leaders and CAIR is dangerous. gfp (2012-02-07)

Muslim Radicalization, U.S. House Hearings - YouTube - 0 views

    Dr. Zuhdi Jasser of the American discusses the causes of Muslim radicalization and his testimony to the House Homeland Security Committee hearings in the U.S. that were held March 10, 2011. Since then, U.S. radicalization has increased and Dr. Jasser shares why. He outlines why state & Mosque must be separated & why the call for Sharia Law and Islamization in North America by many Muslim leaders and CAIR is dangerous. gfp (2012-02-07)

Muslim Americans: Not So Middle Class Or Mostly Mainstream - Pew Research Center - 0 views

  • Muslim Americans: Middle Class and Mostly Mainstream
  • Fewer native-born African American Muslims than others completely condemn al Qaeda. In addition, younger Muslims in the U.S. are much more likely than older Muslim Americans to say that suicide bombing in the defense of Islam can be at least sometimes justified.
    You'll be shocked to discover, if you read the complete study, that the politically-correct statement re the number of "younger Muslims" who support suicide bombing is actually 1 in 4 under 30 or 25% of the impressionable Muslim population of the U.S. of about 2.5 million in 2007. Should we suspect the number would be less in Canada?

Canadian teens being exposed to Islamic extremism in high schools: CSIS | News | Nation... - 0 views

  • Canadian teens being exposed to Islamic extremism in high schools:
    • Gary Patton
      A number of Christian Groups warned the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) about the dangers and were ignored as they follow the deadly road of political correctness and foster Islamization about which Canada's Prime Minister is concerned but not School Trustees in Toronto. gfp (2012-02)
  • suspects charged under the Anti-Terrorism Act “appear to have been radicalized in part while attending Canadian secondary school institutions.”
  • The report focuses on “Islamist extremism,” a conspiracy-driven narrative that claims the West is trying to destroy Islam and that Muslims are required to respond with violence.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • The report says while Muslim high school students have a right to hold prayer services, CSIS is concerned “that individuals with extreme violent views could gain access to, or lead, these groups and thus help to radicalize others.”
    A number of Christian Groups warned the TDSB about the dangers and were ignored as they follow the deadly road of political correctness and foster Islamization about which .

Why Does UN Rights Council Turns Blind Eye to Terror? - YouTube - 0 views

  • Does UN Rights Council Turns Blind Eye to Terror?
    The question posed in the title of this video is answered very simply when one checks to see who dominates the Council ...many Muslim and other nations who suppress human rights themselves. You can see the current members list at .

Morality has no chance facing off against the Charter - 0 views

  • Morality has no chance facing off against the Charter
  • “The underlying premise — namely that all human beings are possessed of dignity in virtue of a special relationship to a God — is incapable of being used as a basis of public policy proven in the context of a democratic, multicultural and multi-faith society that must cleave to the strictures of public reason in ethical deliberation.”
  • It is to Trudeau and his Charter of Rights that we owe the almost complete transformation of Canada over three decades.
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  • The battle over euthanasia will be lost for precisely the same reasons the battles were lost over abortion and over same sex marriage; namely Catholics and social conservatives fail to understand their adversary and where and how the battle is fought.
  • I call this the “majority myth.”
  • Polls once showed an overwhelming majority of Canadians opposed same-sex marriage. Same with abortion.
  • the legal battle over same-sex marriage existed because the Charter existed, no other reason.
  • Section 15, the Equality Rights section of the Charter, is the trigger that allowed Canadian courts to launch such a radical re-ordering of society. In fact, the Charter is a blueprint for constant social re-engineering by the courts, and it is invidious for that reason. It is the antithesis of democratic self-government.
  • This kind of “heavenly deception” (a technique pioneered by the Moonies) is not only dishonest, it is on loan from the very totalitarian impulses that Canadians  should naturally oppose.
  • You may be sure that judges are not about to relinquish that power. The unavoidable reality is that Canada is now governed not by elected MPs but by appointed judges. And they are almost invariably liberal in their ideology.
  • Such judges see nothing wrong with courts legislating a liberal agenda that is (legislatively speaking) unpopular.
  • Any campaign that ignores this is simply delusional.
  • Alas, the Charter is not subject to referendum. If 90 per cent of Canadians had voted against gay marriage, it would have made no difference because so-called “fundamental rights” are not subject to voter preference.
  • What almost everyone avoided in the same-sex marriage campaign was the only viable solution. It’s a solution that exists in the Charter itself — Section 33, the “notwithstanding” clause.
  • the Liberal Party has promised never to invoke s. 33. And Harper’s Conservatives have never done so. Thus was the battle lost.
    If you don't recognize the Canada you live in, check out this article to discover what happened and why we are where we're at! gfp (2012-03-08)

Obama at AIPAC - Truth in Advertising? - 0 views

  • Nothing here about Israel’s “sovereign right to make it own decisions.”
  • For a year, Obama prohibited any new U.S. sanctions to stop Iran developing nuclear weapons. Nor has he laid down any red lines beyond which the U.S. will not permit Iran to advance in its quest for nuclear weapons.
  • President Obama took credit for imposing sanctions on Iran’s Central Bank. In fact, as of last week, he has not implemented these sanctions, whose passage through the Congress he tried to slow and whose strength he sought to dilute.
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  • Obama supported the so-called Arab Peace Initiative, which demands not only an Israeli withdrawal to the vulnerable and serpentine 1949 armistice lines and a Palestinian state throughout the West Bank, but also the return of all Palestinian refugees and their millions of descendants to Israel in return for “normalization” (not “peace”) — and only after Israel does all this.
  • Obama permitted the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference statement singling out Israel and insisting it joint the NPT.
  • Obama agreed to a UN June 2010 Security Council statement he could have easily vetoed which “condemned” the “acts” that led to loss of life on the Gaza flotilla, or when he called on CNN’s Larry King show for an investigation into the deaths of “innocent” victims
  • in February 2011, when Obama sought to condemn Israel in the UN Security Council for the “illegitimacy” of Jewish communities in the West Bank.
  • when, having cut US funding to UNESCO in accordance with US law for it admitting the PA as a sovereign state, Obama sought to continue and in fact increase funding to UNESCO.
  • in October 2010, Obama offered Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA) that, if it would only remain in talks with Israel after the expiry of Israel’s unilateral 10-month freeze on Jewish construction in the West Bank, he would endorse the Palestinian/Arab Peace Initiative demand that Israel withdraw to the 1949 armistice lines and establish a Palestinian state.
  • in May 2011, after the PA had ignored Obama’s offer and broke off negotiations for half a year, Obama went ahead anyway by calling for precisely such an Israeli withdrawal with “agreed swaps” — a caveat that actually gives the Palestinians an automatic veto over Israel retaining anything beyond the 1949 lines.
  • never publicly supported by any previous president — Israeli relinquishment of the Jordan Valley, whose retention successive Israeli governments have regarded as vital to Israeli defense.
  • in August 2009, when Abbas’ Fatah, which controls the PA, held a conference in Bethlehem, which reaffirmed its refusal to accept Israel’s existence as a Jewish state, glorified terrorists living and dead by name, insisted on the so-called ‘right of return,’ and rejected an end of claims in any future peace agreement with Israel.
  • Obama has said more than once that he will hold Palestinians accountable for their words and deeds,
  • Clinton
  • issued a flat-earth denial, saying that the Fatah Conference showed “a broad consensus supporting negotiations with Israel, and the two-state solution” and that contrary statements by unnamed “individuals” at the conference “did not represent Fatah’s official positions.”
  • in January 2010 when terrorists from Fatah’s Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, a recognized terrorist group, murdered an Israeli, Rabbi Meir Chai, in a drive-by shooting and Abbas himself sent condolences to the families of the three terrorists subsequently killed by Israeli forces. Obama said nothing, even when specifically informed of these events by the Israeli government.
  • Nor did anything of the sort happen when, in March 2010, the PA named a public square in Ramallah after Dalal Mughrabi, the leader of the 1978 coastal road bus hijacking, in which 37 Israelis, including 12 children, were slaughtered. (The Administration did, however, condemn Israel for announcing a program of building Jewish homes in eastern Jerusalem the day before.)
  • Clinton provided the Administration’s belated criticism of the obscene glorification of Mughrabi. Quite the contrary, she whitewashed and protected Abbas and the PA by falsely stating it was “a Hamas-controlled municipality” that had initiated the event.
  • Nor did anything of the sort occur in March 2011, five members of the Fogel family, including three children, were murdered in their beds, their throats slit, by Palestinian terrorists.
  • Nor did anything of the sort happen the next day when the PA held a ceremony to name another public square after the terrorist Mughrabi.
  • Condemn,” “insult” and “affront” are harsh and ugly terms that America and Obama have never used in reference to an ally’s actions.
  • Gates criticizing Israel last September for giving nothing in return for U.S. military and intelligence support in terms of peace talks and calling Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “ungrateful.”
  • The words of the prophet Daniel apply — “You are weighed in the balance, and are found wanting.”

Netanyahu Addresses AIPAC - YouTube - 0 views

  • Netanyahu Addresses AIPAC 2012
  • 3.5.12
    This video is of President Benjamin Netanyahu's speech in the U.S. on ? to the America Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)

Prime Minister of Canada Greetings - 0 views

  • the following remarks
  • the moderate, benevolent, true face of Islam
    This statement reads to me like an apology to Muslim Canadians after the Prime Minster received considerable "blowback" for earlier, public remarks that he made about Islam. The earlier uproar came after his speaking truth on 2011-09-07 in an interview with the CBC for the 10th Anniversary of 9/11. (See a video of his talk with Peter Mansbridge, OC (1948- ) Canadian broadcaster & CBC news anchor at During that interview when asked about the biggest threat to Canada's national security, Mr. Harper responded it was "Islamism" (He inadvertently mispronounced it "Islamicism" a non-word). That blowback came from leftist academics, liberals, and supporters of violent jihad, disguised as Islamic clerics, scholars and jurisprudents both from within and outside Canada. Therefore, he adopted a politically-correct stance in his "Greetings" to the assembled Muslim and other dignitaries at "Eid on the Hill" in Ottawa on 2011-11-23 . But he goes too far in what I consider his pandering and spoke untruth as I note in my e-Stick Notes attached to the Press Release attached. gfp (2011-11-24)

Islamism is "Canada's Biggest Terrorist Threat" says PM Stephen Harper : YouTube - 0 views

  • Prime Minister Stephen Harper says, "Islamicism is biggest threat to national security.
    In this video, Canada's Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, says, "Islamicism" is the biggest threat to his country's national security. (He said this in his talk with Peter Mansbridge, OC (1948- ) Canadian broadcaster & CBC news anchor.) During this interview when asked about the biggest threat to Canada's national security, Mr. Harper responded it was "Islamism" (He inadvertently mispronounced it "Islamicism" a non-word). The PM later made a politically-correct, back-handed apology because of the "blowback" from Islamic apologists, at his remarks in this video. He did so during a speech "Eid on the Hill" celebrations in Ottawa on 2011-11-23.. You can read the untruths the he regrettably and knowingly mis-spoke at gfp (2011-10-27)

How Mosques Can Operate In Canada - 0 views

  • “I accept that, over the years, there may have been persons, involved in questionable activities, with questionable associations, who have passed through the Centre from time to time. In my view, this in itself is not sufficient to taint the Centre in any way.
  • Aly Hindy, imam of the Salaheddin Islamic Centre in Toronto, has served as a focal point for Toronto area Islamic radicals, notably the Khadr family and members of the ‘Toronto 18’ conspiracy.”
  • Imam Aly Hindy
    This National Post article documents the timeline of terrorist leanings and involvement by its leadership with terrorist groups of the Salaheddin Islamic Centre in Toronto. gfp (2011-01-20)

"God's Wrath & Judgement Against Humankind" - The - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Romans 1:18-28
    • Gary Patton
      "God's Wrath & Judgement Against Humankind" The Bible does not advocate democracy as people's solution to the world's problems through political government. UnGodly people eventually will sell their souls to politicians to get the materialism and the immorality which their nature demands or to which they're not opposed. Canada & the U.S. are NOT "christian nations". This is not a Biblical concept in any way. Humankind outside of Jesus ARE under the judgement of God as outlined in Romans 1:18-28 below. The only answer to His judgement and it's consequences in the hear and now plus the hereafter is the heralding of Jesus' love and grace. It is each wo(man)'s only available substitutionary sacrifice to The One Holy and Almighty God because of our sin nature and personal sins as explained in Romans 10:8-12 at . GaryFPatton With my compliments and permission to reproduce, without change or profiteering, including the following: © Copyright 2012 Gary F. Patton,, People Development Coaches (gfp '42™ 2012-11-24)
    "God's Wrath & Judgement Against Humankind" The Bible does not advocate democracy as people's solution to the world's problems through political government. UnGodly people eventually will sell their souls to politicians to get the materialism and the immorality which their nature demands or to which they're not opposed. Canada & the U.S. are NOT "christian nations". This is not a Biblical concept in any way. Humankind outside of Jesus ARE under the judgement of God as outlined in Romans 1:18-28 below. The only answer to His judgement and it's consequences in the hear and now plus the hereafter is the heralding of Jesus' love and grace. It is each wo(man)'s only available substitutionary sacrifice to The One Holy and Almighty God because of our sin nature and personal sins as explained in Romans 10:8-12 at . GaryFPatton With my compliments and permission to reproduce, without change or profiteering, including the following: © Copyright 2012 Gary F. Patton,, People Development Coaches (gfp '42™ 2012-11-24)

Abortion in Canada - National Post - 0 views

  • 100,000 documented terminations
  • almost
    As the only nation in the world with absolutely no protection for the pre-born, Canada murdered almost 100,000 children in 2009 ...a national disaster.

The Myth of the Existence of a Christian Nation - 0 views

started by Gary Patton on 19 Jan 13 no follow-up yet

The Myth of the Existence of a Christian Nation - 0 views

started by Gary Patton on 20 Jan 13 no follow-up yet

The Cross and the Sword » Sermon Series by Greg Boyd - 0 views

  • The Cross and the Sword
    Dr. Boyd exposes the dangerous consequences of the myth of the Christian Nation held by many in the body of Christ. GaryFPatton

Margaret Thatcher: Freedom fighter | The Economist - 0 views

    A truly, world-class woman and wonderful example for young females.
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