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"Eurabia" : National Review Online - 0 views

  • eptember 11, 2001 was for millions worldwide a day of sorrow, pain, and profound sadness; a day of solemn solidarity, self-sacrifice, and prayer.
  • For others it was a day of rejoicing, a revengeful exultation, a long-awaited triumphalism born from the death and suffering of thousands of innocent victims.
  • For iniquity engulfs those who hate, who kill — and not the hated victim. It is those who hate who are sick: sick from envy; sick from the frustration of having failed to achieve an absolute, pathological domination; sick from a schizophrenic lust for power.
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  • Terrorism is not a consequence of poverty. Many societies are poor, yet they do not produce an organized criminality of terror.
  • America should not choose European ways: the road back to Munich via appeasement, collaboration, and dhimmitude.
  • After the Yom Kippur War and the Arab oil blackmail in 1973, the then-European Community (EC) created a structure of Cooperation and Dialogue with the Arab League. The Euro-Arab Dialogue (EAD)
  • Over the years, Euro-Arab collaboration developed at all levels: political, economic, religious and in the transfer of technologies, education, universities, radio, television, press, publishers, and writers unions. This structure became the channel for Arab immigration into Europe, of anti-Americanism, and of Judeophobia, which — linked with a general hatred of the West and its denigration — constituted a pseudo-culture imported from Arab countries.
  • The interpenetration of European and Arab policies determined Europe's relentless anti-Israel policy and its anti-Americanism. This politico-economic edifice, with minute details, is rooted in a multiform European symbiosis with the Arab world.
  • The EAD was the vehicle for legitimizing the propaganda of the PLO, procuring it international diplomatic recognition, and conferring on Arafat's terrorist movement honor and international stature by supporting Arafat's address to the General Assembly of the United Nations on November 13, 1974 .
  • Through the labyrinth of the EAD system, a policy of Israel's delegitimization was planned at both the EC's national and international levels.
  • The EAD was the mouthpiece which diffused and popularized throughout Europe the defamation of Israel. France, Belgium, and Luxembourg were then the most active agents of the EAD.
  • Strategically, the Euro-Arab Cooperation was a political instrument for anti-Americanism in Europe, whose aim was to separate and weaken the two continents by an incitement to hostility and the permanent denigration of American policy in the Middle East .
  • The cultural infrastructure of the EAD allowed the traditional cultural baggage of Arab societies, with its anti-Christian and anti-Jewish prejudices and its hostility against Israel and the West, to be imported into Europe.
  • Europeans adopted the Arab-Islamic conception of history.
  • The suppression of intellectual freedom imported from undemocratic Muslim countries, attached to a culture of hate against Israel, has recently led to the exclusion and boycott of Israeli academics by some of their European colleagues.
  • The cogs created by the EAD led the EC (later the European Union) to tolerate Palestinian terrorism on its own territory, to justify it, and finally to finance Palestinian infrastructure — later to become the Palestinian Authority — and hate-mongering educational system. The ministers and intellectuals who have created Eurabia deny the current wave of criminal attacks against European Jews, which they, themselves, have inspired.
  • The EAD, which had tied Arab strategic policies for the destruction of Israel to the European economy was the Trojan horse for Europe's inclusion into the orbit of Arab-Muslim influence.
  • With the support of parliaments and ministries, the EAD concealed behind the Arab-Israel conflict the global jihad being perpetrated on all continents.
  • Arab-Israel conflict in international affairs. It could have been solved from the start by the integration of about 500,000 Arab-Palestinian refugees into the Arab League countries, foremost into the Emirate of Transjordan — created by Great Britain in 1922 from 78 percent of the total League of Nation mandated area of Palestine, the historical Holy Land on both sides of the Jordan river.
  • Over 50 years ago the Shoah was the response to Zionism. Today, diaspora Jews and Israel would do well to foresee a possible vengeful reckoning after Saddam Hussein falls and Arafat is marginalized
    • Gary Patton
      The "Shoah" (Hebrew: השואה, HaShoah, "catastrophe"; Yiddish: חורבן, Churben or Hurban, from the Hebrew for "destruction"), was the genocide of approximately six million European Jews and millions of others during World War II, a programme of systematic state-sponsored murder by Nazi Germany, led by Adolf Hitler, throughout Nazi-occupied territory. Of the nine million Jews who had resided in Europe before the Holocaust, approximately two-thirds perished.
  • brought responsible politicians to their senses. They had been blinded by a Palestinian fantasy
  • the leaders of their countries looked the other way and pretended that Israel was responsible for the violent aggressions against Jews in Europe by Arab-Muslim immigrants.
  • the desperate move to save Arafat
  • Europe's pathological obsession with the Arab-Palestinian conflict, has obscured the criminal ongoing persecution of Christians and other minorities in Muslim lands worldwide, and the sufferings and slavery of millions from jihad wars in Africa and Asia.
  • anti-Jewish hysteria in Europe was an advertisement to neutralize diaspora Jews, and the Israeli self-defense mechanism against Palestinian terror,
  • the majority of Europeans, who are not antisemitic, are totally unaware of most of the EAD's policy, since its key deliberations are unrecorded.
  • the European Union continues to caper to new Arab-Islamic tunes, now called "occupation," "peace and justice," and "immigrants' rights" — themes which were composed for Israel's burial. And for Europe's demise.
  • Eurabia
    • Gary Patton
      Bat Yeor is an Arab, historian from Egypt. I discovered this article by her some years ago after reading one of her books by the same title. She has published groundbreaking works on minorities and "d'himmitude" (an Infidel's inferior and persecuted status) under Islam. These include "Islam and Dhimmitude: Where Civilizations Collide" (2002). Some of the facts in this short article are now dated. Her compelling, scary and well-documented thesis is not! Here, Ms. Yoer explains her thesis regarding the stealth-jihad strategy engineered by Arab Islamists which is behind the Muslim immigration that's threatening to overwhelm European culture. (I believe her thesis applies worldwide.) Here she also explains the hateful, demoniacal underpinning of the revival and resurgence of anti-Semitism throughout Europe. In her 2005 book, " Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis (Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2005), argues that European governments, especially the French, have developed foreign policies aimed at winning the favor of Middle Eastern regimes and appeasing the growing militant Islamic minorities in their midst. In Eurabia, Ms. Yeor also documents how the Islamists have expanded on their own dissimilitude, called "a-taqiyya" (Arabic & Qur'an-justified: 2:173, 2:185, 3:28, 4:29, 16:106, 22:78, 40:28) by using "lie-fare" & "law-fare". They learned the former from those who drove Joseph Goebbels' Nazi propaganda campaign and who fled to the Middle East after WWII. They learned the latter from the brilliant but sad successes of the homosexual lobby in achieving child adoption rights, special legal protections, and same-sex-marriage rights in Canada and other Western countries. gfp (2011-12-12)
    Bat Yeor is an Arab, Jewis historian from Egypt. I discovered this article by her some years ago after reading one of her books. Some of the facts in this short article are now dated. Her compelling, scary and well-documented thesis is not! Here, Ms. Yoer explains her thesis regarding the stealth jihad strategy engineered by Arab Islamists which is behind the Muslim immigration that's threatening to overwhelm European culture. (I believe her thesis applies worldwide.) Here she also explains the hateful, demonic root underpinning the revival and resurgence of anti-Semitism throughout Europe. Elsewhere, Ms. Yeor also documents how the Islamists have expanded on their own dissimilitude, called a-taqiyya in Qur'anic Arabic, by using "lie-fare" & "law-fare". They learned the former from those who drove Joseph Goebels' Nazi propaganda campaign and who fled to the Middle East after WWII. They learned the latter from the brialiant but sad successes of the homosexual lobby in this field.

It's not Islamophobia to call a jihadist, a jihadist - 0 views

  • It’s not Islamophobia to call a jihadist, a jihadist
  • There is no doubt that such prejudice exists. But there is no doubt, too, that cries of “Islamophobia” are issued to suffocate argument, to deflect or deter analysis of some behaviour that is factually related to Islam. There is no doubt either that some Muslims have acted as terrorists, either singly, or in association with various Islamist groups. To point this out is not a phobia, but a simple respect for reality.
  • there also have been calls suggesting that any reference to the Islamist terrorist connections of the killer would be a species of Islamophobia. This is pure nonsense and folly.
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  • It is not Islamophobic to note the motives and background of the murderer. In fact, it is a form of cowardice and evasion not to do so.
  • If one decries Islamophobia, then one must condemn bin Laden as its Nile source. Bin Laden, more than any other person, has besmirched the practice and understanding of Islam and engendered suspicion of some of its adherents.
  • Horrors perpetrated in the name of fundamentalist Islam, such as attacks on young girls going to school, the internecine slaughters of various sects, the cruel penalties exacted by the Taliban’s repressive creed — stonings, amputations and executions for apostasy — also feed the angry atmosphere, and they are not phantoms of a prejudiced imagination.
  • Bin Laden’s declared purpose, his “war” on the West, and his overt linkage of his cause with a fundamentalist version of Islam, are the primary drivers of our non-phobic — which is to say, very rational — fear of, and hostility to, manifestations of Islamic fanaticism.
  • in Madrid, London or Bali — it was not Islamophobia when some immediately assumed these were al Qaeda, or Islamist-inspired. It was just a natural first response, the acknowledgement of a pattern. In most cases, that first response proved correct.
  • The too-energetic effort to fall outside the shadow of prejudice has served to distort the response of investigators. Looking for everybody else except the most “likely” suspects first, wastes time and resources.
  • Our most urgently served impulse should be to make common cause with the victims of violence — in this case, Jews
    Rex Murphy feels, and I agree that "...there is no doubt that [anti-Muslim] prejudice exists. But there is no doubt, too, that cries of "Islamophobia" are issued to suffocate argument, to deflect or deter analysis of some behaviour that is factually related to Islam." he states further and I also agree that: " There is no doubt either that some Muslims have acted as terrorists, either singly, or in association with various Islamist groups. To point this out is not a phobia, but a simple respect for reality." gfp (2012-03-12)

Who is a Moderate Muslim? - YouTube - 0 views

  • Who is a Moderate Muslim?
    "Who is a Moderate Muslim?" Many would agree with the opening speaker: "There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim!" This is because the Qur'an demands fundamentalism and fundamentalist Islam is Islamist demanding the re-establishment of the caliphate and the establishment of Islam over all. Islam is a total lifestyle including "politics" as ex-Muslim authors Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Ibn Warraq argue. Islamists wish to do this by implementing "Shari'ah Law". GaryFPatton (gfp '42™ 2012-06-25)

How to Counter Radical Islamist Ideologies - Raymond Ibrahim - 0 views

    Raymond Ibrahim is a Middle East and Islam specialist, is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center and an Associate Fellow at the Middle East Forum. This article is a summary of his testimony before the U.S. Congress' "Armed Services Committee. I includes some very helpful information about the current dangers of Islam, not just Islamism and the compounding of the dangers by academia and the media. He concludes it with 22 concrete, strategic recommendations to the U.S. Government to empower it's confrontation of Islamism. gfp (2012-01-06)

"Pact of Umar, 7th Century" - Internet History Sourcebooks Project - 0 views

  • The Status of Non-Muslims Under Muslim Rule
    • Gary Patton
      "Discover the R-E-A-L Horrors of Islamic D'himmitude" The true status of non-Muslims under Islamic rule includes almost a millennia and a half of recurring horror stories. The R-E-A-L horror is Revolting-Enervating-Authoritarian-Loathsome. This has been hidden from the knowledge of most Muslims and non-Muslims by violent Jihadists' and their supporters' in the West 'liefare'-style propaganda. (Liefare is called 'taqiyya' in Arabic and is authorized by the Qur'an to advance Islam. (Surah 328 ) One or more of Qur'an 2:173, 2:185, 3:28, 4:29, 16:106, 22:78, 40:28 66:2, are the verses usually cited by Muslim Imams, Mullahs and all Islamic "Schools of Jurisprudence" as justifying taqiyya. Surah 3:28 is quoted most often as the key one. The introductory paragraph in this article, in my opinion as a history-major researcher, is unadulterated political correctness and taqiyya ("liefare") regarding the treatment of Infidels across the Middle East, North Africa and in Europe. It's tone is leftist-academic, Islamic apologetics. WHAT D'HIMMITUDE R-E-A-Lly IS After the murderous, rapid expansion of Muslim control across the Christian Middle East and North Africa in the 7th century, Muslim leaders were required to work out a way of dealing with the non-Muslim residents of their huge conquered areas, the vast majority of whom were Christians, who had not been slaughtered during the conquest or taken as slaves back to Arabia. Christians remained in the majority in most prior-Christian and Muslim-conquered areas for centuries. They needed to be kept in subjugation. The solution was to develop the control technique of the "d'himma", or so-called "protected person" laid down in the "Covenant of Umar I", a 637 AD agreement between the second Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab and Sophronius, the Christian "Patriarch of Jerusalem". The "Pact of Umar", The source document at is the one tradition says was made by Umar II in 717 AD ...per Wikipedia. Under these comp
  • but usually they were unmolested
    • Gary Patton
      This is historically, broadly documented to be untrue. The Qur'an itself, commands the active humiliation of D'himmis at the time of payment of the tax (jizya). It says: "Fight ... the people of the Book until they pay the Jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued." (Qur'an 9:29) History documents that the Muslim Ulema (top world elders) have always interpreted the concluding phrase of thise text as requiring some physical abuse least the time of annual payment.
  • In the name of God, the Merciful and Compassionate.
    • Gary Patton
      You decide if the conditions below can in any way be described as "compassionate and merciful" ...other than by complete denial of reality. Islam and its Sharia Law denies religious freedom to both Muslims and non-Muslims. Both must be beheaded for apostasy or the slightest criticism of Islam or its Prophet according to the Muslim deity, Allah. Christian please do not be confused by Islamic apologists. Allah is NOT the Christian Triune God, God The Father, God The Son and God The Holy Spirit despite Muslim taqiyya claims to the contrary. They themselves chant "Allahu Akbar". Literally, this Arabic expression means "Allah is greater"! This is an accurate translation according to Raymond Ibrahim. He is an Arabic-speaking Christian Copt, raised in Egypt and the U.S., who is an expert on Islam and the Middle East. (Discover his biography at .) What Islamic Jihadists and Street Muslims are really saying when they shout this is: "My god is greater than your God so my religion is superior." insult and the application of a "might makes right" concept.
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  • We shall not build, in our cities or in their neighborhood, new monasteries, Churches, convents, or monks' cells, nor shall we repair, by day or by night, such of them as fall in ruins or are situated in the quarters of the Muslims.
    • Gary Patton
      Don't miss the inability to repair a church already present in a community ...let alone build a new one. The intent is clear and disgraceful. These barbaric, medieval and freedom-destroying practises from the Arabian desert in the 7t Century are still being enforced against Christians and other non-Muslim groups in the 21st Century around the world, e.g. regularly in 2012 in Egypt, Nigeria and Indonesia to name only the worst persecution and genocide.
  • We shall not manifest our religion publicly nor convert anyone to it. We shall not prevent any of our kin from entering Islam if they wish it.
    • Gary Patton
      The one-sided Muslim arrogance of this and the next two regulations is publicly demonstrated, still today, by the demands for subservience by some Islamic clerics and politicians, e.g, no Christian diplomatic corps person may display a cross or other jewelry and women diplomats are often forced to wear at least the hijab in their presence or they won't meet ...despite the Islamic "Doctrine of Necessity" which allows them to be exposed to the same sights on the streets in Muslim-dominated countries so they can to get to the meeting. In Saudi Arabia, these regulations are enforced even on its streets and other public places. In some Muslim areas of the world, Christians and Jews especially are now treated by ordinary Street Muslims with this same arrogance , e.g. in 2012 in Egypt where some Copts are even being forced to pay the Jizya now tat the violent-jihadist Muslim Brotherhood has political power.
  • We shall show respect toward the Muslims,
  • We shall not seek to resemble the Muslims
  • We shall clip the fronts of our heads.
    • Gary Patton
      Given the humiliation engendered by the self-degradation required in this and the next two regulations, one might wonder if Hitler learned how to debase and humiliate Jews from his Arab friends and allies before WW II because they'd had so much practise at subserving all non-Muslim people groups.
  • We shall always dress in the same way wherever we may be, and we shall bind the zunar round our waists
  • We shall not display our crosses or our books in the roads or markets of the Muslims. We shall use only clappers in our churches very softly. We shall not raise our voices when following our dead. We shall not show lights on any of the roads of the Muslims or in their markets. We shall not bury our dead near the Muslims.
  • We accept these conditions for ourselves and for the people of our community, and in return we receive safe-conduct.
    • Gary Patton
      What would you do if the only alternative was to be slaughtered along with your family and have your belongings confiscated if you did not wish to convert to Islam? Many have done so for the last 1400 years to avoid d'himmitude. These affronts against Christians, particularly, are again regularly being practised Muslim-dominated countries around the world today as I write. So you can pray about the Christian genocide and for the persecuted, you'll find documentation of the persecution each month detailed by nation on the site of Raymond Ibrahim at .
  • "Whoever strikes a Muslim with deliberate intent shall forfeit the protection of this pact."
  • [This was a from hand out at an Islamic History Class at the University of Edinburgh in 1979. Source of translation not given.]
    The status of non-Muslims under Muslim rule is a millennia of horror stories despite Islamist and Street Muslim 'liefare'-style propaganda to the contrary. Liefare is called 'taqiyya' in Arabic and is athorized by the Qur'an to advance Islam. After the murderous, rapid expansion of Muslim control across the Christian Middle East and North Africa in the 7th century, Muslims leaders were required to work out a way of dealing with the non-Muslims, the vast majority of whom were Christians who had not been killed during the conquest or taken as slaves back to Arabia. Christians remained in the majority in most prior-Christian and Muslim-conquered areas for centuries. They needed to be kept in subjugation. The solution was to develop the control technique of the "d'himma", or so-called "protected person". Each Christian was forced to pay a special tax (jizya) and suffer regular humiliation dictated by Qur'an 9:29 for refusing to convert to Islam. In addition, the mis-named, because it is one-sided, "Pact of Omar" (late 7th Century?) dictated the constant, on-going humiliation of Christians that you can read about in point-form in the Pact at In most Muslim-dominated areas of the world, today, Christian D'himmis are far from "protected". Instead, they are severely persecuted, often attacked and their homes and churches are burned. This ongoing warfare against so-called "protected Christians" in the second decade of the 21st Century is commanded and, therefore, justified under Qur'an 4:52, 5:60 & 9:5 in which Jews and Christians are called 'apes' and 'pigs'. Local Street Muslims do so on the basis of thinly-veiled and trumped-up charges of violating the Pact of Omar or disparaging Islam or Muhammad. gfp (2012-01-20)

Canadian teens being exposed to Islamic extremism in high schools: CSIS | News | Nation... - 0 views

  • Canadian teens being exposed to Islamic extremism in high schools:
    • Gary Patton
      A number of Christian Groups warned the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) about the dangers and were ignored as they follow the deadly road of political correctness and foster Islamization about which Canada's Prime Minister is concerned but not School Trustees in Toronto. gfp (2012-02)
  • suspects charged under the Anti-Terrorism Act “appear to have been radicalized in part while attending Canadian secondary school institutions.”
  • The report focuses on “Islamist extremism,” a conspiracy-driven narrative that claims the West is trying to destroy Islam and that Muslims are required to respond with violence.
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  • The report says while Muslim high school students have a right to hold prayer services, CSIS is concerned “that individuals with extreme violent views could gain access to, or lead, these groups and thus help to radicalize others.”
    A number of Christian Groups warned the TDSB about the dangers and were ignored as they follow the deadly road of political correctness and foster Islamization about which .

Interview with Reza Kahlili, an Ex-CIA Spy Embedded in Iran's Revolutionary Guards - 0 views

  • Summer 2011Vol. 6, No. 2 This article is from TOS Vol. 6, No. 2
  • Summer 2011Vol. 6, No. 2 This article is from TOS Vol. 6, No. 2.
  • Reza Kahlili, author of A Time to Betray, a book about his double life as a CIA agent in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards.
    Please don't miss the interview below with Reza Kahlili, an ex-CIA Spy embedded in Iran's Revolutionary Guards" for years. You'll learn how really dangerous Iran is to your family plus practical suggestions re what you can do about it! I'm encouraged that in this ex-Iranian insider's view Canada's Prime Minister Harper is on the right track while the U.S.'s President Obama is derailed!

Canadian PM: I Will Defend Israel 'whatever the cost' - YouTube - 0 views

    Prime Minister Stephen Harper says he is prepared to suffer any political backlash that comes his way for speaking out against anti-Israel rhetoric plus Canada will defend Israel "at any cost".

Michael Coren & Tarek Fatah on Harper's "Islamicism Biggest Threat To Canada" - YouTube - 0 views

    In this video, a practising Muslim applauds PM Harper for labelling "Islamicism" the national security threat that it is. (Messrs. Fatah & Coren say Islamism") He also confirms that President Obama is heavily influenced by Islamism, in his opinion. gfp (2011-09-11)

Egyptian Presidential Candidate: 'I am the Mahdi' - Jihad Watch - 0 views

  • 'I am the Mahdi'
  • he hidden Mahdi -- a savior figure in Islamic eschatology.
    A candidate for the Egyptian Presdiency says he's "al-Mahdi", "The Twelfth Imam ..."the rightly-guided one". Al-Mahdi according Shi'ia & Sununi theology is the Muslim 'messiah". He will return at the end of days to usher in world chaos necessary to free Muslims from captivity by Infidels and cover the earth with Islam. gfp (2012-03-13)

Can my enemy's enemy be my friend? :: Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi - 0 views

  • Can my enemy's enemy be my friend?
  • Conventional wisdom has generally said that Israel can attain regional support by way of an alliance or coalition of minorities
  • The concept of an alliance among regional minorities sounds like an attractive proposition. But is it realistic?
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • The evidence appears to suggest otherwise.
  • the Alawites, who have under the Assad dynasty dominated the upper ranks of that country's security forces and government, could try to salvage some form of self-rule in the form of a mini-state in the northwest of Syria, should the regime lose control over Damascus.
  • However, the reasoning for courting the Alawites can only be described as bordering on the realm of fantasy
  • When many Israelis think of a loyal minority ally, the country's Druze often come to mind.
  • Another group touted as potential allies of Israel in the region are the Christians.
  • Minority alliances per se shouldn't be shunned, but Israel should pursue regional alliances based more on realism than on the perception of shared oppression, with its need to create a united and mutually beneficial minority front against an almost monolithic Arab-Islamic foe ‏(essentially a utopian dream‏).
    A recurring question of 2011-12 continues to be whether Israel can come out of the unrest of the "Arab Spring" with any new allies. This is an expert analysis of a possible answer. gfp (2012-04-02)

Who is the Muslim Brotherhood? - YouTube - 0 views

  • Unrest in Egypt: Who is the Muslim Brotherhood?
    Some would suggest, this is a somewhat politically-correct video because it makes a distinction between Islam and political Islam. However, many ex-Muslims and experts in Islam state that there is no distinction, e.g., "There are moderate Muslims but no such thing as moderate Islam!" ~ Ibn Warraq, Pakistani author GaryFPatton (gfp '42™ 2012-06-25)

Christian Crusade-Guilt Justified? - by GaryFPatton - 0 views

    Many Christians and western media commonly apologize for the Christian Crusades. Are these regular apologies fairly demanded? You decide after reviewing the historical facts in this article. GaryFPatton (gfp '42™ 2012-08-28)

Dr. Zuhdi Jasser's testimony before the Committee on Homeland Security - YouTube - 0 views

  • Dr. Zuhdi Jasser's testimony
    Dr. Zuhdi Jasser M.D., a retired U.S. Naval Officer & the founder of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, discusses the causes of Muslim radicalization and his testimony to the House Homeland Security Committee hearings in the U.S. that were held March 10, 2011. Since then, U.S. radicalization has increased and Dr. Jasser shares why. He outlines why Mosque & state must be separated & why the call for Sharia Law and political Islamization in North America by many Muslim leaders and CAIR is dangerous. gfp (2012-02-07)

Dr. Zuhdi Jasser discusses the King Hearings on Fox and Friends - YouTube - 0 views

  • Dr. Zuhdi Jasser discusses
    • Gary Patton
      Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, the founder of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy discusses the causes of Muslim radicalization and his testimony to the House Homeland Security Committee hearings in the U.S. that were held March 10, 2011. Since then, U.S. radicalization has increased and Dr. Jasser shares why. He outlines why Mosque & state must be separated & why the call for Sharia Law and political Islamization in North America by many Muslim Imams and CAIR is dangerous. gfp (2012-02-07)
    Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, the founder of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy discusses the causes of Muslim radicalization and his testimony to the House Homeland Security Committee hearings in the U.S. that were held March 10, 2011. Since then, U.S. radicalization has increased and Dr. Jasser shares why. He outlines why Mosque & state must be separated & why the call for Sharia Law and political Islamization in North America by many Muslim leaders and CAIR is dangerous. gfp (2012-02-07)

AIFD's Dr. Zuhdi Jasser debates Jihad Watch's Robert Spencer - YouTube - 0 views

  • Dr. Zuhdi Jasser debates Jihad Watch's Robert Spencer
    • Gary Patton
      Dr. Zuhdi Jasser M.D., a retired U.S. Naval Officer & the founder of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy debates Jihad Watch's Robert Spencer re the real danger ... Islam or Islamism, What's the R-E-A-L Danger (). Dr. Jasser says there is such a thing as Moderate Islam". Mr. Spencer says no! gfp (2012-02-07)
    Dr. Zuhdi Jasser M.D., a retired U.S. Naval Officer & the founder of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy debates Jihad Watch's Robert Spencer re the real danger ... Islam or Islamism, What's the R-E-A-L Danger (). Dr. Jasser says there is such a thing as Moderate Islam". Mr. Spencer says no. discusses the causes of Muslim radicalization in his testimony to the House Homeland Security Committee hearings in the U.S. that were held March 10, 2011. Since then, U.S. radicalization has increased and Dr. Jasser shares why. He outlines why Mosque & state must be separated & why the call for Sharia Law and political Islamization in North America by many Muslim leaders and CAIR is dangerous. gfp (2012-02-07)

Muslim Radicalization, U.S. House Hearings - YouTube - 0 views

    Dr. Zuhdi Jasser of the American discusses the causes of Muslim radicalization and his testimony to the House Homeland Security Committee hearings in the U.S. that were held March 10, 2011. Since then, U.S. radicalization has increased and Dr. Jasser shares why. He outlines why state & Mosque must be separated & why the call for Sharia Law and Islamization in North America by many Muslim leaders and CAIR is dangerous. gfp (2012-02-07)
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