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Frank Schreiber

House panel to begin push on financial overhaul - Yahoo! News - 1 views

    Finally, maybe some regulation that will protect the public from the Temple "Money Changers"
Frank Schreiber

Health care legislation back behind closed doors - Yahoo! News - 1 views

  • Both bills were written by Democrats, but that's not going to make it easier for Reid. They share a common goal, which is to provide all Americans with access to affordable health insurance, but they differ on how to accomplish it. The Finance Committee bill that was approved Tuesday has no government-sponsored insurance plan and no requirement on employers that they must offer coverage. It relies instead on a requirement that all Americans obtain insurance. The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee bill, passed earlier by a panel in which liberals predominate, calls for both a government plan to compete with private insurers and a mandate that employers help cover their workers. Those are only two of dozens of differences.
    • Frank Schreiber
      I like the "Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions" Committee bill better! I don't see how we can do without competition 
David Corking

Royal Mail - Service Summary for all customers - Saturday 24th October Communication Wo... - 1 views

  • We are really sorry for the significant disruption and inconvenience national industrial action being taken by the CWU is having on customers and for the uncertainty further announcements of industrial action will cause.
    • David Corking
      If they are really sorry, or in any way regret the disruption to customers, then they would enter into unconditional mediation. Perhaps Royal Mail managers think it will be better for their careers to win a fight rather than save the postal service.
Frank Schreiber

Engage and criticize: Obama's split media strategy - Yahoo! News - 1 views

  • President Barack Obama's critique is biting: The media prefer conflict over cooperation, encourage bad behavior and weaken the ability of leaders to help the nation. The White House's attempt to discredit Fox News as an arm of the Republican Party may have been getting the headlines, but it is only one recent window into Obama's already complex and crafty relationship with those who cover him.
    • Frank Schreiber
      I think this is a real plus for the benefit of all of us.
Omnipotent Poobah

When Generals Go Off the Reservation - 1 views

    For the second time, a General has publicly questioned the policies of his Commander-in-Chief. This time, the Marine Corps Commandant is displeased with Obama's desire to abandon Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Whether you agree with DADT or not, generals should not take their criticisms public.
Omnipotent Poobah

Jesus! I Give Unto Thee the Holy Bonus - 1 views

    It takes a crapweasel with unbelievably huge balls to suggest that God thinks it's great CEOs to make more money than - well, God. John Varley, CEO of Barclays Bank, has had an epiphany.
Michael Haltman

The Political Commentator: Fort Hood: How Safe Are The Rest Of Us? - 1 views

    At Fort Hood, the largest military base in the country, it would be assumed that it would have a superior level of security, at least when compared to the streets of New York City, Chicago or some other urban area. People are watched going in and out of the base, they are constantly observed and they are subject to the rules and disciplines of the armed forces. In our cities and towns there is no such surveillance or rules. Malik Nadal Hasan was a known entity, and one whose actions had been under scrutiny. In other words, all of the signs were there if someone wanted to see them...
Michael Haltman

The Political Commentator: SNL: Mainstream Media Has Obama's Number - 1 views

    The Bastion Of Bush/Palin Bashing Has Seen The Obama Light For those of you who go to sleep early on Saturday nights, or who are out late having a good time, Saturday Night Live had a great opening skit of a press conference between the leader of China and President Obama. In it, the questions are raised as to how China is going to be paid back the hundreds of billions that they have lent to us, given the huge level of deficit spending already done, and that which is in the pipeline such as the new healthcare plan...
peoples movement

Stop Stupak-Pitts Urges National Organization for Women // Current - 1 views

    NY Activists Joined NOW NY State on Dec.4, 2009 in front of Senator Schumer's office demanding that he takes the front line on women abortion rights and urge
Michael Haltman

New York Security: Nigerian man allegedly confesses to botched terrorist attack on Nort... - 1 views

    Disaster averted over Detroit.
Omnipotent Poobah

Conspiracy Theories Are the New Cottage Industry - 1 views

    It seems conspiracy theories have become a cottage industry for the new millennium. People like Glenn Beck, Michele Bachmann, and Orly Taitz are making entire careers of trying to out-loon one another.
Omnipotent Poobah

We Have Met the Terrorists and They is Us - 1 views

    I recently read a commenter who accused the Obamoids of ineptitude by asking why Amazon can track millions of books while Obama can't track a batshite crazy Jihadist who got caught in-flammable delicto. Fair enough question, though the book metaphor sucks.
Michael Haltman

Suspect in New Years Eve "van bomb"... - 1 views

    If you see something, say something!
Omnipotent Poobah

Timmy Has Fallen Down the Well - 1 views

    Through long and ignominious tradition, the US has selected people for cabinet positions based on a combination of nepotism and party loyalty. Products of this system include luminaries like former FEMA director, Michael Brown. But sometimes there are qualified cabinet nominees installed for all the wrong reasons. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner is a useful example.

Primary vs General Election Website Strategies - 1 views

    Generally, there are two types of election campaigns, the primary and the general election campaign. The primary ballot lists all the canddiates who are looking to run for that office...
Omnipotent Poobah

A Fox Guarding a Hen House Being Guarded by a Fox Already in the Hen House - 1 views

    Most people don't go to the corporate world to find model for ethical behavior - not unless they're marketing a new product made of lead and margarine called, "I Can't Believe It's Not Ethical". Still, a company has to really suck to stand out amongst their fellow gougers, cheats, and soulless greedheads.
Omnipotent Poobah

When 'Activist' Judges are a Good Thing - 1 views

    Justice Samuel Alito silently mouthed off after Barack Obama called the Supremes out on their decision that corporations are allowed to spend freely on campaigns. As slights go it was a tepid thing. However, what he mouthed is nowhere near as important as the actions he took.
Michael Hughes

Afghan President is a better diplomat than domestic leader - 1 views

    Although President Hamid Karzai's shining moment this week with Chinese President Hu Jintao may not equal the historical drumfire of Nixon and Chairman Mao's 1972 "handshake felt around the world", Mr. Karzai's trip to Beijing was yet another illustration of his foreign policy sagacity.

School Board Campaign Websites - 1 views

    Because the challanges of school board elections are not much different than any other local elected position, a school board campaign website can help make the difference!
Maria Lewytzkyj

Talking to TransFair USA and fair traders to address skepticism (Part 1 of 4 parts) - 1 views

    The Fair Trade Certified™ skeptics sent me on a journey to ask some important questions and here are the results - by the way, if you're in SF on Thursday night, TransFair USA is hosting San Francisco's first ever Fair Trade Wine Night. Pick which neighborhood wine bar is closest to you. See for details.
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