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nika martens

Hans Moser politician in Poll - public opinion online - 0 views

    Hans Moser is ready for your opinion, support and vote. Vote online NOW! ElectionsMeter is intended for the world´s public to express personal affections and free opinion of every person towards politics and politicians.
nika martens

Joaquín Almunia Amann politician in Poll - public opinion online - 0 views

    Joaquín Almunia Amann is ready for your opinion, support and vote. Vote online NOW! ElectionsMeter is intended for the world´s public to express personal affections and free opinion of every person towards politics and politicians.
nika martens

Gaspar Llamazares Trigo politician in Poll - public opinion online - 0 views

    Gaspar Llamazares Trigo is ready for your opinion, support and vote. Vote online NOW! ElectionsMeter is intended for the world´s public to express personal affections and free opinion of every person towards politics and politicians.
nika martens

Juan Carlos I. politician in Poll - public opinion online - 0 views

    Juan Carlos I. is ready for your opinion, support and vote. Vote online NOW! ElectionsMeter is intended for the world´s public to express personal affections and free opinion of every person towards politics and politicians.
nika martens

Luis Felipe Alcaraz politician in Poll - public opinion online - 0 views

    Luis Felipe Alcaraz is ready for your opinion, support and vote. Vote online NOW! ElectionsMeter is intended for the world´s public to express personal affections and free opinion of every person towards politics and politicians.
nika martens

José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero politician in Poll - public opinion online - 0 views

    José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero is ready for your opinion, support and vote. Vote online NOW! ElectionsMeter is intended for the world´s public to express personal affections and free opinion of every person towards politics and politicians.
nika martens

Manuel Marín Gonzáles politician in Poll - public opinion online - 0 views

    Manuel Marín Gonzáles is ready for your opinion, support and vote. Vote online NOW! ElectionsMeter is intended for the world´s public to express personal affections and free opinion of every person towards politics and politicians.
nika martens

David Trimble politician in Poll - public opinion online - 0 views

    David Trimble is ready for your opinion, support and vote. Vote online NOW! ElectionsMeter is intended for the world´s public to express personal affections and free opinion of every person towards politics and politicians.
thinkahol *

Elections Have Consequences - 0 views

    We are at a pivotal moment in American history, and many Americans watching the deficit talks in Washington are confused, perplexed, angry and frustrated. This country, which has paid its debts from Day 1, must pay its debts. Anyone who says it is not a big deal for this country to default clearly does not understand what he or she is talking about. This is a nation whose faith and credit has been the gold standard of countries throughout the world. Some people simply say we're not going to pay our debt, that there's nothing to really worry about. Those are people who are wishing our economy harm for political reasons, and those are people whose attitudes will have terrible consequences for virtually every working family in this country in terms of higher interest rates, in terms of significant job loss, in terms of making a very unstable global economy even more unstable. Our right-wing friends in the House of Representatives have given us an option. What they have said is end Medicare as we know it and force elderly people, many of whom don't have the money, to pay substantially more for their health care. So when you're 70 under their plan and you get sick and you don't have a whole lot of income, we don't know what happens to you. They forget to tell us that if their plan was passed you're going to have to pay a heck of a lot more for the prescription drugs you're getting today. They we're going to throw millions of kids off health insurance. If your mom or dad is in a nursing home and that nursing home bill is paid significantly by Medicaid and Medicaid isn't paying anymore, they forgot to tell us what happens to your mom or dad in that nursing home. What happens? And what happens today if you are unemployed and you're not able to get unemployment extension? What happens if you are a middle-class family desperately trying to send their kids to college and you make savage cuts to Pell grants and you can't go to college? What does it mean for the nation if we

Can Donald Trump Buy US President position in $100 mn - 0 views

    US presidential 2016 campaign is in full swing. All candidates are not leaving any stone Upturned to attract voters. In most recent poll Hillary Clinton is maintaining 5 percentage point lead over Donald Trump post Donald Trump disastrous presenting debate and string of accusation leveled by ladies.
Joe La Fleur

Voter fraud? You ain't seen nothin' yet! - 0 views

thinkahol *

The Unnecessary Fall | The New Republic - 0 views

    A counter-history of the Obama presidency.
Levy Rivers

Charles Krauthammer - Palin's Problem - - 0 views

  • It's clear that McCain picked her because he had decided that he needed a game-changer. But why? He'd closed the gap in the polls with Obama. True, that had more to do with Obama sagging than McCain gaining. But what's the difference? You win either way.
  • So why did McCain do it? He figured it's a Democratic year. The Republican brand is deeply tarnished. The opposition is running on "change" in a change election. So McCain gambled that he could steal the change issue for himself -- a crazy brave, characteristically reckless, inconceivably difficult maneuver -- by picking an authentically independent, tough-minded reformer. With Palin, he doubles down on change
  • The gamble is enormous. In a stroke, McCain gratuitously forfeited his most powerful argument against Obama. And this was even before Palin's inevitable liabilities began to pile up -- inevitable because any previously unvetted neophyte has "issues." The kid. The state trooper investigation. And worst, the paucity of any Palin record or expressed conviction on the major issues of our time.
Levy Rivers

Mark Green: 7 Days in America: Will McCain Put Reputation First at Wednesday's Debate? ... - 0 views

  • I understand how ambition can warp judgment. But your recent personal attacks on Barack Obama are so beyond the pale for presidential politics that you now face a fateful choice by the Wednesday debate -- will you pull back from the abyss of sleazy slander or risk losing not only the election but also your reputation and honor?
  • First, it's wrong and you shouldn't engage in such self-immolating behavior. Second, it's backfiring -- since polls show the gap widening since voters care a lot more about their jobs and 401(k)'s than Bill Ayres. Third, while a loss is a loss, for down-ticket Republicans, an Obama win by 10 points rather than by 4 points can be the difference between 56 and 60 seats in the Senate, between 245 House seats and 260 House seats.
Levy Rivers

Where did the tables turn? - Roger Simon - - 0 views

  • Clinton’s campaign strategy in Iowa was a traditional one: Target those voters who had voted in the past — the most reliable kind of voters there are — and then get them to the polls. And some Clinton aides were openly contemptuous of Obama’s attempt to “expand the universe” and bring in younger voters.
Skeptical Debunker

Robert Reich: It's Time to Enact Health Care Reform With 51 Senate Votes - 0 views

  • Why haven't the President and Senate Democrats pulled the reconciliation trigger before now? I haven't spoken directly with the President or with Harry Reid but I've spent the last several weeks sounding out contacts on the Hill and in the White House to find an answer. Here are the theories. None of them justifies waiting any longer. Reconciliation is too extreme a measure to use on a piece of legislation so important. I hear this a lot but it's bunk. George W. Bush used reconciliation to enact his giant tax cut bill in 2003 (he garnered only 50 votes for it in the Senate, forcing Vice President Cheney to cast the deciding vote). Six years before that, Bill Clinton rounded up 51 votes to enact the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), the largest expansion of taxpayer-funded health insurance coverage for children in the U.S. since Medicaid began in the 1960s. Through reconciliation, we also got Medicare Advantage. Also through reconciliation came the COBRA act, which gives Americans a bit of healthcare protection after they lose a job ("reconciliaton is the "R" in the COBRA acronym.) These were all big, important pieces of legislation, and all were enacted by 51 votes in the Senate. Use of reconciliation would infuriate Senate Republicans. It may. So what? They haven't given Obama a single vote on any major issue since he first began wining and dining them at the White House. In fact, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and company have been doing everything in their power to undermine the President. They're using the same playbook Republicans used in the first two years of the Clinton administration, hoping to discredit the President and score large victories in the midterm elections by burying his biggest legislative initiative. Indeed, Obama could credibly argue that Senate Republicans have altered the rules of the Senate by demanding 60 votes on almost every initiative - a far more extensive use of the filibuster than at any time in modern history - so it's only right that he, the President, now resort to reconciliation. Obama needs Republican votes on military policy so he doesn't dare antagonize them on health care. I hear this from some quarters but I don't buy it. While it's true that Dems are skeptical of Obama's escalation of the war in Afghanistan and that Republicans are his major backers, it seems doubtful R's would withdraw their support if the President forced their hand on health care. Foreign policy is the one area where Republicans have offered a halfway consistent (and always bellicose) voice, and Dick Cheney et al would excoriate them if they failed to back a strong military presence in the Middle East. This is truer now than ever. Reid fears he can't even get 51 votes in the Senate now, after Scott Brown's win. Reid counts noses better than I do, but if Senate Democrats can't come up with even 51 votes for the health care reforms they enacted weeks ago they give new definition to the term "spineless." Besides, if this is the case, Obama ought to be banging Senate heads together. A president has huge bargaining leverage because he presides over an almost infinite list of future deals. Lyndon Johnson wasn't afraid to use his power to the fullest to get Medicare enacted. If Obama can't get 51 Senate votes out of 58 or 59 Dems and Independents, he definitely won't be able to get 51 Senate votes after November. Inevitably, the Senate will lose some Democrats. Now's his last opportunity. House and Senate Democrats are telling Obama they don't want to take another vote on health care or even enact it before November's midterms because they're afraid it will jeopardize their chances of being reelected and may threaten their control over the House and Senate. I hear this repeatedly but if it's true Republicans have done a far better job scaring Americans about health care reform than any pollster has been able to uncover. Most polls still show a majority of Americans still in favor of the basic tenets of reform - expanded coverage, regulations barring insurers from refusing coverage because of someone's preexisting conditions and preventing insurers from kicking someone off the rolls because they get sick, requirements that employers provide coverage or pay into a common pool, and so on. And now that many private insurers are hiking up premiums, co-pays, and deductibles, the public is even readier to embrace reform.
    This week the president is hosting a bipartisan gab-fest at the White House to try to tease out some Republican votes for health care reform. It's a total waste of time. If Obama thinks he's going to get a single Republican vote at this stage of the game, he's fooling himself (or the American people). Many months ago, you may recall, the White House and Democratic party leaders in the Senate threatened to pass health care with 51 votes -- using a process called "reconciliation" that allows tax and spending bills to be enacted without filibuster -- unless Republicans came on board. It's time to pull the trigger.
Sana ulHaq

David Cameron leaves door open for poll deal with Liberal Democrats - 0 views

    David Cameron has left open the possibility of a coalition with Nick Clegg's Liberal Democrats by refusing to rule out discussions on reform of Britain's first-past-the-post voting system.
Michael Haltman

The Political Commentator: The financial distress level of unemployed and underemployed... - 0 views

    Regardless of the promises made by President Obama in the State of the Union speech to improve the economy and create jobs, the pain quotient for many Americans is quite high now!
real world

Miloš Zeman - public opinion online - 0 views

    - Miloš Zeman is ready for your opinion, support and vote. Vote online NOW! ElectionsMeter is intended for the world´s public to express personal affections and free opinion of every person towards politics and politicians.
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