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thinkahol *

How the Monsters at Goldman Sachs Caused a Greek Tragedy | Economy | AlterNet - 0 views

    Greece's crushing debt has exploded into a full-blown crisis, with the country on the precipice of the unthinkable: the default of a sovereign nation. Thanks Goldman Sachs.
thinkahol *

Glenn Greenwald: How the US Government Strikes Fear in Its Own Citizens and People Arou... - 0 views

  • Everybody knows that if you torture people you don't get good information. It was never about that. Disappearing people and putting them into orange jumpsuits, and into legal black holes and waterboarding them and freezing them and killing detainees was about signaling to the rest of world that you can not challenge or stand up to American power, because if you do, we will respond without constraints, and there is nothing anybody can or will do about it. It was about creating a climate of repression and fear to deter any would-be dissenters or challengers to American power. And that is what this war on whistleblowing and this war on Wikileaks is about as well.
    Everybody knows that if you torture people you don't get good information. It was never about that. Disappearing people and putting them into orange jumpsuits, and into legal black holes and waterboarding them and freezing them and killing detainees was about signaling to the rest of world that you can not challenge or stand up to American power, because if you do, we will respond without constraints, and there is nothing anybody can or will do about it. It was about creating a climate of repression and fear to deter any would-be dissenters or challengers to American power. And that is what this war on whistleblowing and this war on Wikileaks is about as well.
thinkahol *

Can Psychedelics Make You Happier? | Drugs | AlterNet - 0 views

    Research suggests that psychedelics may be better than antidepressants, which tend to dampen or suppress psychological problems without necessarily curing them.
thinkahol *

Would We Be Better Off If John McCain Were President? | World | AlterNet - 0 views

    Presidents serve the institutional interests of the corporations behind them. A President McCain may have at least triggered a true progressive fight.
thinkahol *

Welcome to the Tea Party's Austerity Recession | Economy | AlterNet - 0 views

    Economic historians will look back on this era as a time when policy-makers damaged Americans' welfare with ideologically driven, self-inflicted wounds.
thinkahol *

Americans Don't Realize Just How Badly We're Getting Screwed by the Top 0.1 Percent Hoa... - 0 views

    With an unprecedented sum of wealth held within the top one-tenth of one percent of the US population, we now have the most severe inequality of wealth in US history.
thinkahol *

Are Wikileaks and Anonymous Hackers All There Is Left We Can Rely on, with Trust in Bus... - 0 views

    Their ability to bring powerful giants to heel is as compelling as the mythical Robin Hood's battle with a haughty medieval aristocracy.
The Ravine / Joseph Dunphy

The Long and Sadistic History Behind the CIA's Torture Techniques | Rights and Libertie... - 0 views

    See bookmark below. The Bush administration's human rights abuses were not as without precedent in American history as some of us would like to imagine, if this article is to be believed.
thinkahol *

Nearly 300 Legal Scholars Sign Letter Protesting Torture of Bradley Manning | AlterNet - 0 views

    A coalition of 295 legal scholars from universities around the world have signed a letter protesting the torture of Bradley Manning, and published this week in the New York Review of Books. Composed and drafted by Bruce Ackerman, of Yale Law School, and Yochai Benkler, of Harvard, the letter details his treatment, and points out that it is a violation of both the Eighth and Fifth Amendments. "If continued," the letter states, "it may well amount to a violation of the criminal statute against torture, defined as, among other things, 'the administration or application…of… procedures calculated to disrupt profoundly the senses or the personality.'"
thinkahol *

Hedge Fund Gamblers Earn the Same In One Hour As a Middle-Class Household Makes In Over... - 0 views

    How do they make so much money? Where does it come from? How can hedge fund firms with fewer than 100 employees make as much profit as firms with thousands of employees?
thinkahol *

Oliver Stone: Don't Betray Us, Barack -- End the Empire | News & Politics | AlterNet - 0 views

    Let's face facts: The US can no longer dictate to the rest of the world.
thinkahol *

The Slippery Slope of "Humane Intervention": Why Do Liberals Keep Talking Themselves in... - 0 views

    Once again, many liberals have bought into American power as a force for good. But it's just another ugly, expensive war we now own
thinkahol *

Maddow: Why Isn't the Progressive Budget Plan on the Table? | AlterNet - 0 views

    On last night's show, Rachel Maddow discussed how there is widespread distaste among Americans for the Ryan budget plan, as evidenced by angry crowds of constituents at town halls around the country (which have gone largely uncovered by the mainstream media). So Maddow asks a glaringly obvious question, but that no one really seems to be asking: why isn't the progressive budget plan on the table? A progressive budget plan exists -- it has been submitted and introduced -- and it is more fiscally responsible than the GOP plan. So what gives? Watch Maddow discuss the issue with Matt Miller, a senior adviser during the Clinton administration, here:
thinkahol *

It's Tax Day: Take Action Against Corporations That Paid Less Taxes Than You! | AlterNet - 0 views

    US Uncut, an organization working to stop corporations from getting away with tax-dodging, has been organizing actions across the country all weekend, and there are still dozens of actions going on today. Check out the list here to get involved.
thinkahol *

Madness: Right-Wingers Are Serious About Trying to Undermine Child Labor Laws | | AlterNet - 0 views

    Yes, they are trying to roll back the 20th century.
thinkahol *

The Public Overwhelmingly Wants It: Why Is Taxing the Rich So Hard? | Economy | AlterNet - 0 views

    The obvious answer is that rich people have political clout-but can it really be so simple?
thinkahol *

Chomsky: Is the World Too Big to Fail? The Contours of Global Order | World | AlterNet - 0 views

  • What exactly is the Iranian threat? An authoritative answer is provided by the Pentagon and U.S. intelligence. Reporting on global security last year, they make it clear that the threat is not military. Iran's military spending is "relatively low compared to the rest of the region," they conclude. Its military doctrine is strictly "defensive, designed to slow an invasion and force a diplomatic solution to hostilities." Iran has only "a limited capability to project force beyond its borders." With regard to the nuclear option, "Iran's nuclear program and its willingness to keep open the possibility of developing nuclear weapons is a central part of its deterrent strategy." All quotes.
thinkahol *

Imperial Decline: How Does It Feel to Be Inside a Dying Empire? | World | AlterNet - 0 views

    Could this be what it's like to watch, paralyzed, as a country on autopilot begins to come apart at the seams while still proclaiming itself "the greatest nation on Earth"?
thinkahol *

Why Prescription Ecstasy or LSD Could Happen Much Sooner Than You Think | Drugs | AlterNet - 0 views

  • "The main problem with the drug war is the concept that there are good drugs and bad drugs," when what's actually good or bad "is the relationship between the person and the drug, and the context in which the drug is taken."
    "The main problem with the drug war is the concept that there are good drugs and bad drugs," when what's actually good or bad "is the relationship between the person and the drug, and the context in which the drug is taken."
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