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Official Google Reader Blog: Share anything. Anytime. Anywhere. - 0 views

  • Share anything with a bookmarklet - Just drag this link from the Notes page up to your browser's bookmark bar and click, click, click your way to easy, no-subscription sharing in Reader. You can share any content from any web page, even if the site doesn't have a feed.
    Share anything with a bookmarklet - Just drag this link from the Notes page up to your browser's bookmark bar and click, click, click your way to easy, no-subscription sharing in Reader. You can share any content from any web page, even if the site doesn't have a feed.

CyberSpace Salvations - Home - 0 views

    The Future of the Religious Past - Computer Technology, Simulation and Modern Gnosis

Say hello to Web Analytics 2.0 | Clicky - 0 views

  • Web analytics, 2.0 style Customize your dashboard so you only see the data that you want to see. Popular data can also be viewed as a "Tag Cloud", for a fully certified Web 2.0 experience.

Dapper: The Data Mapper - 0 views

  • You can use Dapper to create feeds, widgets, and APIs with your content and links.
    • marcell mars
      You can use Dapper to create feeds, widgets, and APIs with any (more or less) well formated content from the web.

APML - Attention Profiling Mark-up Language - 0 views

  • APML allows users to export and use their own personal Attention Profile in much the same way that OPML allows them to export their reading lists from Feed Readers.

The Art, Science and Business of Recommendation Engines - 0 views

  • The main approaches fall into the following categories: Personalized recommendation - recommend things based on the individual's past behavior Social recommendation - recommend things based on the past behavior of similar users Item recommendation - recommend things based on the thing itself A combination of the three approaches above

GroupServer - 0 views

  • GroupServer is a GPL open source collaboration server. It supports many-to-many interaction in groups and communities via email and an integrated web forum interface.
    GroupServer is a GPL open source collaboration server. It supports many-to-many interaction in groups and communities via email and an integrated web forum interface.

Physical Computing - 0 views

    MIDI na mikroprocesorima aka Arduino


Physical Computing at ITP | Labs / MIDI Output - 0 views

    MIDI na Arduinu

    Breadboard shield version


elsegundo - El Segundo - 0 views

    • mario matic
      El Segundo * Mozda ste razočarani sve večom dostupnosću glazbe i nemate razvijen odnos prema novim formatima koji srozavaju njene materijalne vrijednosti na kilobajte? * Mozda stvarno mislite da ne postoji vise glazba koja moze izravno utjecati na pomnije sagledavanje vase dramatične zivotne situacije? * Sigurno ne vjerujete da postoji glazba tako disfunkcionalna da bi i vas skriveni smisao za ritam mogao doći do izrazaja.

Prince (musician) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • The first step I have taken towards the ultimate goal of emancipation from the chains that bind me to Warner Bros. was to change my name from Prince to . Prince is the name that my Mother gave me at birth. Warner Bros. took the name, trademarked it, and used it as the main marketing tool to promote all of the music that I wrote. The company owns the name Prince and all related music marketed under Prince. I became merely a pawn used to produce more money for Warner Bros.… I was born Prince and did not want to adopt another conventional name. The only acceptable replacement for my name, and my identity, was , a symbol with no pronunciation, that is a representation of me and what my music is about. This symbol is present in my work over the years; it is a concept that has evolved from my frustration; it is who I am. It is my name.

Internet Monitor - 0 views


Soundgin - 0 views

  • 16Khz Sample Output Rate
    • marcell mars
      ovo je vrlo vazna informacija za radionicu o semantickom webu
    • marcell mars
      oo je komentar komenatara
  • 16Khz Sample Output Rate
    • marcell mars
      ovoje vazna informacija
    • marcell mars

Tor: Overview - 0 views

  • Tor's hidden services let users publish web sites and other services without needing to reveal the location of the site. I
    • marcell mars
      znaci tor hidden services omogucava ekipi da uz anonimno surfanje moze i anonimno servirati neke resurse koje je poprilicno tesko locirati.. to moze biti nacin kako ljude pozvati da izadju s dokazima o korupciji i sranjima a da to nuzno ne ide na tajnim sastancima s novinarima...

20 Ways to Use Gmail Filters - - 0 views

  • Twitter. Use your mobile phone to send text messages or IM messages to Twitter, with a keyword at the beginning of each Twitter message (NOTE, TODO, BLOG, FOLLOW, etc.). Forward your Twitter account’s feed to your Gmail, and set up filters for each type of keyword (”note twitter” will be labeled “note” for example). Now you can use your mobile device to send notes, to-dos, follow-up reminders and more to your Gmail through Twitter.
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