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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Suzie Nestico


NYT: The Deadlocked Debate Over Edu - 1 views

    Article provides a good synopsis of the trends in education reform sating back to the Reagan Administration and "Nation at Risk" in 1983.

YouTube - The Cost of Utah School Vouchers - 0 views

    Simple statistics and facts about how much school vouchers really cost taxpayers in the state of Utah

YouTube - School vouchers fail students - 1 views

    PA State Representative Eddie Pashinski talks about why school vouchers do not work

YouTube - Caroline Casey: Looking past limits - 0 views

    Powerful story of an extraordinary woman who lived her life blind but whose parents pushed her @3:38 - no special needs schools, labels or limitations

Too Much Academic Pressure? Race to Nowhere, Utica, NY Edition - 1 views

    Are we asking the impossible of our students?  The 'system' wants the students to produce, produce, produce, but students have an innate desire to create, create, create.

TEDActive 2011: Projects: Education - 0 views

    #TEDActiveEDU How can we empower kids to reshape the education system?  Fantastic idea worth spreading started by Steve Hargadon on March 3, 2011 calling students to action in speaking up about their education. Our Flat Classroom Keynote from Mount Carmel Area High School "Student Perspective ~ Change Matters" is one of the top 10 videos.

Scott signs Florida teacher pay, tenure bill - Florida Wires - - 0 views

    The end of public education as we know it.  Not necessarily a bad thing to pay teachers on merit, but need to visit the validity of testing and take all social factors into consideration.
    Teacher tenure and merit pay covered here - Cassie, Abbi, Leah, Felicia...

Pennsylvania Mom Michele Gray Opts Her Children Out Of Standardized Testing - 1 views

    Parent refuses to allow her children to participate in PSSA testing.  Steve Perry argues that this is not necessarily a good thing because it can hurt a district's AYP.  While there is some truth to that, what if everyone did the same and parents took a stand?  Ineffective teachers aren't hindering student learning, standardized testing is.
    Jackie - another on testing. Good examples of what is going on in PA regarding PSSA's

Weblogg-ed » Unforgettable Learning - 0 views

    Will Richardson talks about the inability for even many adults to be successful on a standardized test.  There is nothing systemic about learning.  Will expands upon the notion that not only did he get a good portion of questions wrong, but, many of the questions asking him how to do things he has never done in real life.

How test scores are used as a political prop - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post - 0 views

  • Politicians have long used funding to mandate policy–often with little logic (consider the use of highway funds to force raising the drinking age to 21 under Ronald Reagan). In short, politicians often fail us because the power of the purse strings allows inexpert politicians to drive public policies regardless of the available data or the expertise of those practicing the fields impacted.
  • Several students admitted in their responses that they had randomly chosen works because they didn’t believe their choices would be honored. I learned that students needed to be taught how to make choices.
  • Standardized tests are necessarily narrow, thus rendering their value for informing teaching and learning extremely limited. Their validity for labeling students and evaluation teachers is just as misleading. I learned that assessment that supports teaching and learning trumps assessments that label.
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  • High-stakes, authoritarian, and punitive environments are the antitheses of the life conditions we assert public education is essential for supporting (and unlike anything being practiced in Finland).

How We Get Schools Wrong - Dave Troy: Fueled By Randomness - 0 views

  • If we want children to learn, we must ensure that they are surrounded by people who value learning.
  • Children, not teachers, are the true drivers of learning; teachers are just one part of the child’s social support fabric.
  • Politicization of education We have damaged both public education and social justice by conflating the two.
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  • We need to start giving kids the skills they need to become life-long learners and stop trying to win some imagined game of education.
  • People will opt out of public education because they will have found something that works better. If we want to save the mission of public education, we urgently need to get smart about the nature of school, what it is and is not, and figure out a way to offer an effective social safety net for everyone that recognizes this new reality. The old model simply doesn’t know it’s obsolete.

Letting Students Drive Their Education - Education - GOOD - 0 views

  • The way we teach our kids is...well, stupid. Our overcrowded classrooms with one-size-fits-all solutions teach good students that success and knowledge is the ability to complete tests with little or no relevance in the real world, and leave students who struggle in a spiral of failure that can dictate the limits of their future. It is a system that is good for no one—not teachers, not parents, not students, and definitely not an economy receiving more bored drones than engaged minds.
    Mariah - looks like there might be some good points in here for you to consider

Father: Why I didn't let my son take standardized tests - The Answer Sheet - The Washin... - 0 views

  • My wife and I had Luke “opt out” of No Child Left Behind standardized testing (here in Pennsylvania known as the Pennsylvania System of School Achievement, or PSSAs).
  • Last week I did just that. I looked at the test and determined that it violated my religion. How, you might ask? That’s an entirely different blog, but I can quickly say that my religion does not allow for or tolerate the act of torture and I determined that making Luke sit for over 10 hours filling in bubble sheets would have been a form of mental and physical torture, given that we could give him no good reason as to why he needs to take this test.
  • ch a reason for opting out of the PSSA testing will negatively affect the school’s participation rate and could POTENTIALLY have a negative impact on the school’s Adequate Yearly Progress under the rules of No Child Left Behind.
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  • The point was to give Luke some experience in how to conduct planned civil disobedience in a lawful manner.
  • This time, instead of having Luke sit through another meeting, he researched the Japanese earthquake and tsunami as a current events project.
  • I asked Luke what he thought about it all. He just smiled. I also asked him what some of his friends were saying. According to Luke, they did not believe that NCLB and PSSAs were going to be used to evaluate the school. They didn’t know about AYP and the sanctions that came with it. Luke’s friends just thought the tests, “were used to make sure our teachers are teaching us the right stuff.” My guess is that is what most parents believe. Why wouldn’t they believe it? They’ve been told for nine years that we are raising standards, holding teachers accountable, and leaving no children behind. Who wouldn’t support that?
  • That, of course, is the real problem. NCLB and the standards movement is a political bait and switch. Sold as one thing (positive) to the public and then in practice, something radically different (punitive). This is probably one of the biggest reasons I decided to do the boycott—to make my community aware and to try and enlighten them of the real issues.
  • My answer is that the government is not listening. Teachers, principals, teacher educators, child development specialists, and educational researchers have been trying to get this message out for years. No one will listen.
  • Civil disobedience is the only option left. It’s my scream in a dark cave for light. I want teachers to teach again. I want principals to lead again. I want my school to be a place of deep learning and a deeper love of teaching. I want children exposed to history, science, art, music, physical education, and current events—the same experience President Obama is providing his own children.
  • Maybe civil disobedience will be contagious. Maybe parents will join us in reclaiming our schools and demand that teachers and administrators hands be untied and allow them to do their jobs—engage students in a rich curriculum designed to promote deep learning and critical thinking.
    Another PA parent opts his child out of PSSA standardized testing as a measure of civil disobedience.  Word of caution:  This can very much hurt a school's Adequate Yearly Progress and ultimately the school may suffer.  But, what if this movement spread amongst parents?  What then?  Would the government take over the school?  Change is hard.

YouTube - TEDxPhilly - Chris Lehmann - Education is broken - 1 views

  • Encourage learning by allowing students to do things they are good at instead of restricting them. While that may sound elementary, Lehmann's speech carves out an innovative way to teach students success so they will strive for success in the post-graduate world.
    Principal of Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia.  On PSSA standardized testing ~2:20 "What we are doing today today is worse than what you think.  We give them pretests and find out what they are worst in.  And then we give them more of that [and try to fix it]... iIt's only making sure you don't suck so much at the things you're bad at." Definitely worth the 15 minutes!
    Jackie - some good points in here about what standardized testing is doing to our schools and kids

State representatives encourage students to share stories via YouTube - The Daily Colle... - 0 views

  • State representatives from the Pennsylvania College Coalition are inviting college students to create YouTube videos to express their opinions about Gov. Tom Corbett’s proposed cuts to higher education funding.
  • Anyone who creates a video should post the link to the Pennsylvania College Coalition’s Facebook page.
  • More information about the coalition can be found at and
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  • Anything we can do to bring awareness to what we feel is an assault on education is something we need to promote,” he said.
  • “It’s a unique way to bring this issue to students who still may not be aware of the impact this proposal could have if it is adopted.”
    Students encouraged to share stories via #YouTube - The Daily Collegian Online via @dailycollegian #paedcuts #pabudget

Are We Over-Testing Our Students? - Santa Cruz, CA Patch - 0 views

  • Every single reporting period, I have to remind parents that this assessment is just a snapshot of their child: one hour, one day.
  • Our students are children, for goodness sakes. It troubles me that my students know the acronyms, such as STAR, CAT and MARS, for certain tests and assessments, yet they can’t remember their times-tables or the order of the planets.
  • As adults, we make silly mistakes like this all the time—yet, we’re expecting second- and third-graders to do this four times a year to show us how they’re  progressing in a certain subject.
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  • Perhaps, reducing the amount of testing and data collection would reduce the panic for everyone—and these children can stop worrying. 
    Reminder from a teacher that a test is a simple snapshot of what a child may be able to do.

The Latest Sir Ken Robinson Video « Education Stormfront - 0 views

    @4:16 - Great definition of education wherein Robinson says, "What it is, is a process of helping people to engage with the world around them and make more sense of themselves in the process."

Bill's Pea Soup - 0 views

  • The skills that are most in demand today, the skills that are required of leaders and followers in this new economy, the skills in which there may be a deficit in the workplace are the skills that humanity has always prized: clear and convincing writing and speech; the ability to collaborate productively with peers; the ability to assimilate and analyze ever growing amounts of information and data; the ability to solve complex problems—often in a team environment, the ability to focus on a single task and see it through to the end; the ability to make relevant and creative connections between seemingly disparate sets of information. At times it seems that I live and die by my computer. But I know that there isn’t a computer in the world that can teach any of these things. Good teachers impart these critical skills and they always have.
    Blog about public schools and education reform in Idaho.  Students today = voters tomorrow.

Why the cloud's important for education: saving $199,995 on one test - Ewan McIntosh | ... - 0 views

    Why the cloud's important for education: saving $199,995 on one test #edreform #edchat Jackie - anything to do with testing here?
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