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Carlos Chon

Photoshop Tutorials - Home - 0 views

    Photoshop tutorials, guides, and instructions., Improve your landscape photography skills with these must-know tips for breathtaking landscape photos. 1. Shoot about 30 minutes before and after sunset. A sunset is a great thing to capture, but even if youre not shooting the sunset but instead shooting at a 90-degree angle to the sunset or even shooting with the sunset at your back, having that subtle light brings out the colors in landscape photos. Most outdoor photography magazines wont even consider shots that havent been shot around this time, as well as before/after sunrise. 2. Shoot about 30 minutes before and after sunrise. As well as before and after sunset, shooting before and after sunrise causes a lot of detail and tone to be seen. The lighting avoids being overexposed, which happens many times when shooting in the middle of the day with harsh light. For portraits, you can shoot in the shade for subtle light even during the middle of the day, but with landscapes, you cant put the entire landscape into the shade. You have to rely on the weather for that. You can shoot a little longer after sunrise if theres some slight cloud cover, but usually an hour or two after sunrise and its already really bright. This is an example of a slightly underexposed landscape photo. Its not shot during the right amount of light, and was shot when the sun was too far down or with too much cloud cover. 3. Have a foreground, middleground, and background. This is part of the rule of thirds, which I cover in the next tip. Make sure you have three elements in landscape shot in order to make it more aesthetically pleasing. For example, if there are some seagulls running on the beach along the shore, that can be the foreground, while the middleground would be the waves crashing and part of the ocean, and the distant ocean and horizon would be the background. 4. Use the rule of thirds. The rule of thirds applies to landscape photography as well. Im
    A page to help with photo shop skills
Fred Sghaby

YouTube - Flash Tutorial: How To Make A Play Button For Your Movie. - 0 views

shared by Fred Sghaby on 16 Sep 08 - Cached
    This is one of the first flash tutorials I am making, I am going to make a series of tutorials and publish them on youtube for you guys out there who need he...

Buy Verified Coinbase Accounts - 100% Verified and Best Price - 0 views

    Are you looking to Buy Verified Coinbase Accounts? Then you are in the right place. Best Service IT provides you best and most verified Coinbase Accounts at very low price. So that all our customers can be satisfied. So our staff work hard to provide the best service. So without further delay order now on our web site and make your business successful thanks!
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    Are you looking to Buy Verified Coinbase Accounts? Then you are in the right place. Best Service IT provides you best and most verified Coinbase Accounts at very low price. So that all our customers can be satisfied. So our staff work hard to provide the best service. So without further delay order now on our web site and make your business successful thanks!
    Are you looking to Buy Verified Coinbase Accounts? Then you are in the right place. Best Service IT provides you best and most verified Coinbase Accounts at very low price. So that all our customers can be satisfied. So our staff work hard to provide the best service. So without further delay order now on our web site and make your business successful thanks!
    Are you looking to Buy Verified Coinbase Accounts? Then you are in the right place. Best Service IT provides you best and most verified Coinbase Accounts at very low price. So that all our customers can be satisfied. So our staff work hard to provide the best service. So without further delay order now on our web site and make your business successful thanks!

Buy Verified Bitpay Accounts - Best Quality Online Bank Account - 0 views

    Are you looking to Buy Verified Bitpay Accounts? Then you are in the right place. Best Service IT provides you best and most verified Bitpay Accounts at very low price. So that all our customers can be satisfied. So our staff work hard to provide the best service. So without further delay order now on our web site and make your business successful thanks!
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    Are you looking to Buy Verified Bitpay Accounts? Then you are in the right place. Best Service IT provides you best and most verified Bitpay Accounts at very low price. So that all our customers can be satisfied. So our staff work hard to provide the best service. So without further delay order now on our web site and make your business successful thanks!
    Are you looking to Buy Verified Bitpay Accounts? Then you are in the right place. Best Service IT provides you best and most verified Bitpay Accounts at very low price. So that all our customers can be satisfied. So our staff work hard to provide the best service. So without further delay order now on our web site and make your business successful thanks!
    Are you looking to Buy Verified Bitpay Accounts? Then you are in the right place. Best Service IT provides you best and most verified Bitpay Accounts at very low price. So that all our customers can be satisfied. So our staff work hard to provide the best service. So without further delay order now on our web site and make your business successful thanks!
Joshjua Tangitau

How to Interpret Abstract Art - Art Appreciation & Fine Arts - 0 views

    Do you ask yourself any of these questions?\n\nWhat is abstract art? Is it the same thing as Modern Art? How can I interpret and evaluate a piece of abstract art? Can it have a subject or a meaning? Are there different types of abstract art?\n\nIf you want to discover the answers, and ask more questions, this course is for you!\n\nAbstraction is not a style of art, like for example, Baroque or Cubism. It is, rather, about the subject matter and our reading of it. An artist expressing the beauty of a landscape can paint a picture of the landscape, but how can an artist make a piece of artwork about an emotion such as fear, or an idea such as purity, or a quality of a painting such as shape, weight or rhythm? It might be worth considering your expectations of some other art forms; music and dance for example\n\nThe art critic Herbert Read wrote in 1931, �We must not be afraid of this word �abstract�. All art is primarily abstract�. But many people are afraid of abstract art, and feel that it is alien territory! In this course we will approach abstract art via art with which we, perhaps, feel more comfortable and learn to extend our skills of interpretation and understanding. We will also make sure that terms bandied around in art speak such as �abstract, �figurative�, �realism�, �representational� are clearly defined.\n\nWe will explore what we mean by realism and abstraction in Western art by looking at images from the ancient Egyptians, through Classical art, early Christian and Mediaeval art, to the Renaissance, until the late 19th century. We will then explore the break with convention in Modernism, look at experiments with colour and form in the early Modern era, and at some of the key ideas of the first abstract artists.\n\nWe will examine the historical, social and political context of early Modernism, against the backdrop of rapid industrialization, the Bolshevik revolution and the years leading to the great war.\n\nAbstract Ar
Fred Sghaby

YouTube - Tutorial 5 - Part 1 (walking stickman) - 0 views

shared by Fred Sghaby on 16 Sep 08 - Cached
    How to -make a stickman walkPart 2-How to make blood stay in the background-How to upload a video on youtubemusic : Clint Eastwood / Gorillaz
Joey Arida

flash tutourial 10 - 0 views

shared by Joey Arida on 20 Sep 08 - Cached
    how to make a flash in adobe cs2for all the non german speaking people, what you do is make a black and white gradient, apply the rendering filter difference...
Joey Arida

flash tutourial 8 - 0 views

shared by Joey Arida on 20 Sep 08 - Cached
    Wanna know how you draw a stickman, and make it move in 3 minutes?Well, this is a diffrent way to make it. :)Im using Macromedia Flash 8 Pro.You can do it fa...
Joey Arida

flash tutourial 7 - 0 views

shared by Joey Arida on 20 Sep 08 - Cached
    This is one of the first flash tutorials I am making, I am going to make a series of tutorials and publish them on youtube for you guys out there who need he...
spiridion fernando

Zimbabwe's discouraging election scenario « Zimbabwe Review - 0 views

    Ads by Google 10 Rules of Flat Stomach: Cut down 9 lbs of stomach fat every 11 Days by Obeying these 10 Rules. FatLoss4Idiots.comAir Zimbabwe Save with cheap flights on Air zimbabwe For a country with such great and mounting problems as Zimbabwe, a general election should be an occasion for great excitement. This should be particularly so when the main opposing parties offer such starkly differently views of looking at the origins of the problems, and the solutions, as do ZANU-PF and the MDC. Yet there seems very little of that sense of excitement about the March general election. There seems less of a general sense of optimism than in recent votes that this election could be a turning point in the country's continuing plunge in every arena. The blasé attitude seems independent of whether one is supportive of the ruling ZANU-PF or either faction of the MDC. If it is going to be an election that represents a watershed in Zimbabwe's declining fortunes, I know few people on either side of the political divide who seem to think that this one is it. A win for President Mugabe and ZANU-PF represents "business as usual," which more of the hardships and decline of the past several years. Just weeks before the election, neither Mugabe as a presidential candidate nor his party even bother to pretend that there is a credible plan in place to reverse the mess the country is in. The MDC factions seem at their most indecisive and weakest. Within and between them, ego-politics seems to win over strategy against their common foe, the ruling party. The statements and actions of some of the leading lights of both factions make one wonder whether in power they would really represent a type of politics essentially different from that of ZANU-PF, or whether they would just be a new group of people doing the same things as before. They send out confusing signals about whether or not they will participate in the election.
Jason Chammas

How to make a movie - 0 views

    How to make a movie
bradley sammut

YouTube - BASIC ADOBE FLASH TUTORIALS: Rotating with ActionScript - 0 views

    This is a tutorial that shows you an easy way to make an object rotate with actionscript.If you don't own a copy of Adobe Flash, you can download a free one-...
    This is a tutorial that shows you an easy way to make an object rotate with actionscript.If you don't own a copy of Adobe Flash, you can download a free one-...
    This is a tutorial that shows you an easy way to make an object rotate with actionscript.
mitch BURT

YouTube - BASIC ADOBE FLASH TUTORIALS: Mouse RollOver and RollOut - 0 views

shared by mitch BURT on 01 Sep 08 - Cached
    This is a basic Flash tutorial showing you how to make an event occur when you scroll the mouse on and off an object using ActionScript 2.0.If you don't own ...
    This is a basic Flash tutorial showing you how to make an event occur when you scroll the mouse on and off an object using ActionScript 2.0.If you don't own ...
    This is a basic Flash tutorial showing you how to make an event occur when you scroll the mouse on and off an object using ActionScript 2.0.If you don't own ...
Ata Hurriyet

YouTube - Flash Tutorial - Simple stick battle - 0 views

    A tutorial how to make a stickman battle. Making some minutes can took a very long time!
Ata Hurriyet

YouTube - Tutorial 5 - Part 1 (walking stickman) - 0 views

    How to -make a stickman walkPart 2-How to make blood stay in the background-How to upload a video on youtubemusic : Clint Eastwood / Gorillaz
Rebecca Clayton

Advantages That Make Cash Advance Online Loans A Fruitful Financial Approach Among The ... - 0 views

    Before applying with Cash Advance Online Loans, read the above features to quickly make most out of this monetary service!
Quick Loans No Credit Check

Acquire Immediate Cash Backing Well On Time - 0 views

    Instant cash loans are premium financial support to decide at the time of importance during emergency time without any doubts. But before acquire it one should check his/her affordability to make sure he/she won't features any sort of problem while making the repayment after receive payday.
Zoran Sargent

Long Term Loans Canada And Its Multiple Beneficial Features! - 0 views

    These services provide borrowers an opportunity to improve their credit rating by simply making the timely payment of installments. People with average credit score can simply use these deals as a chance to increase their rating and enjoy benefits of good credit holders. These are the benefits of long term loans Canada that make these services an apt choice to pick in need and enjoy the hurdle less repayment option.

molding around tv - 0 views

    TV Frame Mold USM team has over 16 years of rich experience in gas-assisted mold manufacturing and mold trial, which can satisfy the mold making and injection of common gas-assisted products in the market, always serve the customer with high standard, high quality, fast delivery time, and competitive price. Advantages of Molding Around TV 1. The shrinkage mark is very small and can be removed; 2. Lower injection pressure of this gas assisted injection moulding can make the part stress smaller; 3. Lower stress and deformation can make higher product stability. As one of injection moulding manufacturers, we will do our best to meet all the needs of customers.
    USM team has over 16 years of rich experience in gas-assisted mold manufacturing and mold trial, which can satisfy the mold making and injection of common gas-assisted products in the market, always serve the customer with high standard, high quality, fast delivery time, and competitive price.
s chau

Flash Timeline Preloader - 0 views

    make simple flash preloader
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