Know about different advanced body contouring procedures like vaser liposuction, breast augmentation and hair transplant and look attractive. Shape yourself up and start getting compliments ……
Know about different advanced body contouring procedures like vaser liposuction, breast augmentation and hair transplant and look attractive. Shape yourself up and start getting compliments ……
Our plastic surgeons Drs. Christopher Chia and Spero Theodorou of bodySCULPT® in NYC are pioneers in the use of local anesthesia for performing fat transfer Brazilian butt lift surgery.
Plastic surgeons report that the demand for male cosmetic surgery in Manhattan, NYC is on the rise, indicating that men have become increasingly conscious about their appearance.
Liposuction Surgeon in Hyderabad for the past several years. He is well known for his cosmetic surgery expertise in doing it safe and cost effective. Surgeries that includes Liposuction Surgery, Gynecomastia Surgery, Fat Grafting, Rhinoplasty, Surgery for large and sagging breasts, and breast implants, surgery of male breasts, and more
Plastic surgeons perform result-oriented male brow lift in NYC, a procedure specifically designed to address common concerns such as sagging brows, forehead wrinkles, and a perpetually tired look.
Dr. Spero Theodorou, bodySCULPT plastic surgeon and InMode's Chief Medical Officer who had helped Paula restore a sleeker, more youthful look without invasive cosmetic surgery, says that this technology is like a golden chalice or the ultimate thing you always wanted to do.
Are you struggling with a double chin or lack definition in the jawline caused by stubborn fat in the neck area? Neck liposuction at bodySCULPT® in Manhattan, New York City (NYC) can provide the solution.