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MDB2 | Prepare & Execute - 0 views

  •  array('integer'), array('text', 'text')
    • sloansteddi
      Make sure to pass TWO types arrays when selecting data with a where clause: prepare($sql, $typesIN, $typesOUT) inserting just takes one...
  • $sth = $mdb2->prepare('INSERT INTO numbers (number) VALUES (?)', array('integer'), MDB2_PREPARE_MANIP); $sth->execute(1); $sth->execute(8);
    walk through of preparing and executing statements

PEAR Auth example - Dev Shed - 0 views

    PEAR::Auth example
    Example code for the PEAR auth class.

How to use PHP and PEAR MDB2 (Tutorial) | David and Katherine Goodwin - 0 views

    • sloansteddi
      Prepare takes the $sql (with '?'s where data will go), along with the TYPES (array) of data to prepare the sql for, and a 3rd paramater for manipulating or result-getting (see next paragraph). It assigns this to $prepared_statement. Another array is created with the data (in the same order as the types, of course), and the RESULT is aquired by running the execute() method on the $prepared_statement object, passing the execute method the "$data" array to fill in the '?'s After this do everything as normal.
  • column = ?
  • id = ?
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • I have a feeling that MDB2 lower cases all field names - so you'll probably need : echo $row['name'] A good idea would be to print_r($row) or similar, to see what's in it
    A great walk through on getting started with MDB2

Designing For Every Browser: How To Make Your Site Fully Cross Browser Compatible > Des... - 0 views

    Designing For Every Browser: How To Make Your Site Fully Cross Browser Compatible
1More - 0 views

    40 trucos para optimizar tu código PHP

Browser Tests, Services and Compatibility Test Suites | Developer's Toolbox - 0 views

    Otra vez más, Smashing Magazine, nos deleita con una recopilación de herramientas con las que podremos hacer tests y comprobar la correcta visualización de nuestra página con todos los navegadores

Pixelco Blog » Blog Archive » 31 Herramientas gratis - 0 views

  • 9:36 AMmeeblogbeta volunteers wanted! - With so many languages, browsers, and operating systems, it’s hard for us to predict all the ways which people use meebo. We have some stats (like the smiley is the most popular emoticon and a lot of
    Herramientas para desarrollo web.

Build a better Web site by understanding floated elements in CSS - Program - CSS - Buil... - 0 views

    Build a better Web site by understanding floated elements in CSS

Posicionamiento en buscadores - Hágalo usted mismo | Cancun Advisor - 0 views

    Como's (Howto's): Posicionamiento en los buscadores

PHP: Verificar la existencia de una dirección de correo - 0 views

    Como comprobar la existencia de una dirección de correo en PHP

AjaxDaddy - Ajax Examples in Action - 0 views

    Web que recolecta Ejemplos Ajax

Naneau » Smarty and the Zend Framework - 0 views

    Smarty en Zend Framework

A complete list of web design galleries « web design blog - 0 views

    Lista completa de diseños web

Submit Css | Home - 0 views

    Posiblemente los mejores diseños web del mundo.

100% Apache-Compliant REQUEST_URI for IIS and Windows! at The NeoSmart Files - 0 views

    Como hacer al IIS compatible con el sistema de rewrite de apache

phpMyOpenID ~ Dodson Labs - 0 views

    OpenID installation for your own OpenID Server

PHP Resources - 0 views

    Lots of beginning PHP resources and tutorials
    My PHP Resources Bookmark List on Diigo. I am a beginner at PHP, so right now, most of these are targeting to a very basic level, most useful for other beginners.

The easiest way to write AJAX apps | PHP AJAX - 0 views

shared by Raúl - [^BgTA^] on 27 Nov 07 - Cached
    Ajax in PHP without write Javascript code. All in PHP.

Open Source PHP - 0 views

    Gallery of the Best Open Source PHP Projects
    Galería de proyectos PHP

"Manual del Buen Diseñador" - 0 views

    Manual para aprender como hacer buenos diseños
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