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Pavlechko M

Stereotypes of People in Poverty - 10 views

    This is basicly breaking the stereotypes that some people think of others who are in poverty. I really amazed me how common poverty is. I used to think it was made-up.
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    I thought this website was improtant because it showspeople about what some one living in poverty actually looks like. They could have a job. You might see them everyday and not know what they are living like. We know that the only way to break stereotypes is to educate. This article does just that
    Ithought it was sad how it stated that poor people have usaully have jobs but they don't pay enough to suport them. so they work more hours than what my parents work.
    Some of this stuff is good to know. Some good facts about people in poverty.
    I love how this site breaks so many stereotypes of people in poverty. When you general think about poverty, you think of "Hobo's" or a dingy, dirty white guy with fingerless gloves and a sign. This hows that not all poor people are like that, only a tiny percentage are.
    i think this article was pretty really did break a lot of stereotypes like how people in poverty don't have jobs-a lot of them actually do. they just don't pay enough.
Shockley L

Statistics on Poverty and Food Wastage in America - 6 views

    Includes many statistics, such as food wastage in America (over 100 billion lbs per year!) and poverty rate for children (55% for children under 6 living with a single mother!). I Found some of these statistics very surprising, but sadly, not unbelieveable.
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    I can't believe Americans waste about 100 billion pounds of food each year.
    It's hard to believe that so many people in the world's richest country aren't always able to put food on the table. it is especially sad that so many children go to bed hungry. but i'm glad there are companies out there that help the hungry and supply them with food.
    With the amount of resources wasted here, we can feed every homeless person! We're not very considerate...
    wow thats really aweful how much we abuse our resources so badly, and yet not surprising like julia said
    With the knowledge that so much of our food is being wasted, I wonder if things have been put into action to help this.
    its amazing how unbalanced wealth is
    What I found hard to swallow was that people wasted 14% of their food. That just strikes me as wasteful.
    I think that 20% of people in the US who request food not getting it is crazy, especially in America where we have some of the richest people in the world.
    This article gives information on Food wasage in america. It tels how much food is wated per year and how many people would have gladly accepted it. This article also gives some statistics on poverty in the united states.
    35.9 million people in America live below the poverty line. About 100 billion pounds of food each year is wasted in America. Those living in poverty would gladly accept the food that would go to waste. Some families have to skip a meal or each very little becasue they can't afford to eat alot. In a house, about 14% of the food that is bought will be wasted. And around 49 million people could have been fed by that food. \nSeeing all of the wasted food and people that could use that food makes me want to find a way to save some of that food and give it to people in poverty. Also it's sad to know that there are alot of kids out there that live in poverty. If I were a parent it would be hard on me not being able to provide for my kids.
Giesman G

Consequences of poverty - 3 views

    This article is about the effcts poverty has on children. It gives the consequences poverty sometimes causes for children living in it. Children living in poverty are more likely to have behavior problems, as well as emotional and physical problems. I felt upset reading about the consequences that children living in poverty had to deal with because it wasn't their fault they were poor.
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    This article is about some of the long term effects that poverty can cause for children in poor families. I think that it is really sad that a child's potential can be limited so much by not having enough money.
    I really like how this article goes into the mental aspects of children who live in poverty. It's interesting and sad to learn how many behavioral problems children can have when they grow up not having money.
    I think its sad how it talks about how children are limited in their futures because they were born into poverty. I think its good that it shows how there is poverty even in the US. A child could have amazing potential and cant get anywhere because they are in poverty.
    I like how it gives the numbers. It helps me to have a better view. For example, I knew that poorer people are more likely to do worse in school, I just didn't know how much. Twice as much as a nonpoor person.
Kading R

Feed The Children - 5 views

    This website shows us pictures of kids who are hungry and tells us about poverty
    Hopefully this man will have an impact on many people's lives
    Wow these people are really determined to help fix extreme poverty go them!
Demmler A

poverty in ohio - 11 views

    proverty has grown 41.7 percent in ohio last year. Most of the people who have proverty has a family of four. Thats just sad because i have a family of 4 and we are having hard times with money. My family is working out the prombles fast because we don't want to go homeless.
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    Poverty isn't just in other countries, it is in our country and our own state.
    poverty is everywhere, not just in our country but all over the world
    I can not believe 1.5 million people in ohio make less then $22,050 a year. Its so sad, to think that maybe they couldn't get food for their family or have a cozy house to go to at night.
    there was a great family in ohio, then one day everything changed and turned in a different direction. one night the father looses his job, and then that once great family became under the level of poverty. they need help!
    This article form the Columbus Dispatch is talking about how Ohio's population has increased since 2002 by 1.2 percent while the people living in poverty has grown 41.7%. I was really surprised at how many people live in poverty in our state. I think That This increase had to do with so many job losses in ohio
    yes but its in our state too. some of us don't realize. probably some of us thought it was in like africa at first.
    I know there is poverty everywhere, but never thought there was so much in Ohio.
    Jeez, I'm almost 16 years-old, and knowing that I might not get a good paying sulks, and knowing that Ohio is going into poverty makes it even more worse! I wonder what it will be like in 2015, or 2020?
    This is an article about rising poverty in Ohio. This was really shocking that poverty is really becoming a problem in Ohio.
    This article in the Columbus Dispatch gives statistics and info about the poverty rate in Ohio. Acording to the article, 1.5 million people live in Ohio, and 13.7% of them live in poverty. This shocks me because I've never really seen or heard of people living in Ohio being in poverty.
    Yea like my mom works for Marion City school and works with special needs kids with adhd learning disabilites and most of the famileis in Marion Live in Poverty. It just makes me sad.
    This is a really, really interesting article. I had no clue that there was so much poverty in Ohio. You just sort of always think it's somewhere else, not in your own city.
    Gives an overview of poverty statistics in Ohio. It's surprising that the number of people living in poverty has grown by 40% as well as a little disturbing.
    Extremely eye opening. i thought the same thing as a lot of people that Columbus was pretty well off and wealthy... apperantly not.
    This article was posted on January 22, 2010, just one year ago. In this article you will find suprising statstics, showing the hgh rate of poverty in our own home state. The unemployment rate has soared in the past few years, and more Ohioans are finding it hard to cope. This article almost made me sick to my stomach, seeing that so many people are living in poverty, and that I was totoally oblivious to it. I felt guilty in a sense, since I have not even NOTICED that there was such a problem with poverty. It was very informational, as well as somewhat recent.
    This article literally comes close to home. Everybody thinks that Columbus and the suburbs of it are really rich, but the statistics proved me wrong.. And the fact that we've gone nine months now with "double digit unemployment" is too bad. Everybody deserves to be supported. If our society makes money so important for life, why can't they provide jobs? Ridiculous...
    I like this article because it shows that poverty isnt just in africa, but its in the us to.
    I thought that this article contained many good statistics. The one about how the population living in Ohio has grown by 41 percent since 2002 was very fascinating and sad to hear. That is a huge change.
    this gives information about the poverty levels in ohio and gives the total household income of every year (22,000). they wern't joking at the food pantry. this is something that people really need to think about.
    It was surprising that the population only increased 1% but the poverty level increased 41%. It made me realize how many people are in poverty right here in Ohio.
    i am very surprised that about 33% of Ohio people are poor :(
Tuttle S

Hunger and Malnutrition - 0 views

    This article is about the definition of hunger and malnutrition, what causes malnutrition,like someone with celic disease, effects of malnutrition, such as getting a weak imune system and fatigue,like who has a high risk of malnutrition, such as people living in poverty,and treatments and recommendations for malnutrition, which is talking to your doctor. Knowing that over 1 billion people in the world are malnurished is heart-breaking and nervracking, since that's more than the U.S., Canda, and the European Union's entire population!
    wow i couldent imagin all of us in that state
    wow i cant believe how many people are effected
Walouke A

Being in Poverty is Humiliating - 0 views

    This story is about a women who is housing 4 children without food or money. She is offered help from her parents. She is humiliated to have to have food donated to her because how they can not afford any food. I never thought people would be humiliated to recieve food from their own family members.
Kruzan A

Facts On Poverty - 8 views

    This article gives facts and statistics that could be useful for research. It struck me that 1 in 4 kids in developing countries are underweight. makes me realize that i want to give back but i don't know how
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    More people die as a result of extreme poverty than of any other cause. I wanna know what from poverty, from not being able to buy food or is it from not being able to go to a doctor when they are sick? Is it both? I wanna know what exactly is it. I was hurt to find out the 10 million kids in developing countiers die before the age of 5. Its painful to hear about thoose things and now at this moment i am woundering what is for lunch and i had breakfast this morning and that i am already 13 and have had a nice life so far but some kids wont even get to be my age.
    Thia gives a lot of facts about poverty, that you would not think about, i can't believe that their are 1.37 billion people living on less than 1.25 a day
    I can not believe how sad some of this facts are. I did not know that 1/3 of deaths are accounted for by poverty (hunger, homlessness) That was outragous. I really liked how quick and easy the facts were, so you learned lots in a short amount of time.
    These statistics account for one third of all human deaths. More people die as a result of extreme poverty than of any other cause. This article says that !8 million people die every year because of poverty and hunger. That is only 1/3 of people accounted for. There is still 2/3 that people dont evenknow about.18 million is a lot of people. But 18 million is only the number of people recorded who died. There are millions of others dieing every year more than recorded. That was a major shock to me. I dont understand how this many people alone struggle with hunger. They could go days without food in their bodys. That just amazes me.
    Its so so sad to see all of the people effected by poverty, and how many people die from it
Baker M

Philadelphia Cuts Its Food Pantry Budget While Families Go Hungry - 7 views

    This is an article about how Philadelphia cut its food pantry budget while so many families are already struggling. To be more specific they cut their State Food Purchase Program which is how the states buy food for their food pantries.
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    It is extremly eye openeing learning that 1 in 8 americans are on food stamps, i never knew poverty was climbing so quickly. if i had to go to walmart at midnight for food because i've been waiting a week for it, i would be depressed. and it isn't fair that these people only get half of what we spend, but still make it last a week longer than the avarage american would have.
    I found it terrible that it was really hard to find help from food pantries when people were starving. It would be so much better if the food pantries could be easier for these starving people to get access to
    Dude that's all kinds of wrong! I really don't think it was a bright idea for the city to cut the food pantry budgets.... Just, ehh, wrong. -_-
    that's sad. It seems like Philadelphia doesn't really know what is going on with their poverty level
    It bothered me that budgets qere cut when the number of struggling families rose! I don't like that so many people in poverty are children.
    whats wrong with Philly. cutting food pantries while so many people go hungry. that's really sad. :(
    thats not cool. that made me sad. Philadelphia is making a very bad decision i feel.
    Why would you you do a budget cut for a food pantry when tones of familys need the most help they can get.
    Thye decision to cut Philadelphia's food pantry, is cutting on human lives. People who are in poverty are starving in Philadelphia, and whithout people alive in Philadelphia, then what, or where is Philadelphia?!
Gonzalez A

Child Deaths and Poverty - 6 views

    This article talks about poverty around the world and gives statistics. I was shocked when it said that 1 child dies every four seconds due to poverty. 15 children die every minute.
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    This site was really an eye opener. You here that children are dying, and not having food, but when you put number sto it, like 8.1 million children every yeaar, it really makes you want to do something about it.
    I was very unpleasantly suprised to see that every 4 seconds a child dies.
    I cant believe that so many children die every year of poverty. And its really sad that 88million died in the span of 9 years. It makes me want to help even though I know it will always be a problem. The least we can do is donate and help decrease the number of deaths each year.
    the way the statistics were explained were good, the numbers weren't just numbers. they make sense, and it breaks my heart. a child dies every four seconds. We are letting precious life slip away.
    wow this is so sad. i world of never thought over 8 million kids die a year in the world. the Haiti earthquake was terrible but i never knew every ten days as many people died in the earth quake was as many kids died in the ten days around the world. thats so sad :(
    i can not believe that a child is dieing every 4 seconds, and 15 every minute. I don't know how they know that 15 children are dieing every minute or 22,000 children are dieing every day. I think that it is sad that most people don't donate money to people who need it.
    Its so sad that so many children died before there 5th birthday! 8 MILLION children. It really gives perspectice to the situation and i know people go with 8 million children dying if i helped by donating it wouldn't make a difference but it will. If everyone thought that same way the number of kids dying each year would be soooo much higher.
    I was completly shocked at what this article had to say. I was not happy with the notion that every four seconds a child dies and most likely it is causes realates to poverty. I want to help those in need. The pictures that they had of the children made my heart ache. I know that we might not save every child in the world but maybe we can reduce those numbers.
    Definatly a eye-opening article. The first few lines of text were like a bomb to the heart. It's just so sad that so many children are dying, and that there is no clear, easy solution.
Isaacson R

World poverty all around the world - 2 views

    This website suprises me, because it really shows where poverty is in the world. It's sad because here in america, it doesn't show anybody living under 1.25 dollars a day. :/
    this makes me sad and I'm thankful for what i have in my life.
    i agree with ryan, its sad that we have to read about these trageties and then you look at yourslef, and you get everything you want, and we are also complaining about not having one thing that we dont even need.
Walouke A

Why can't people escape poverty? - 3 views

    This is an article that came out March 30, 2010. A personal story about a girl coming out from college trying to find a way in this world. It also talks about the live's of black families and white families and comparing their wealth.
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    that was a really inspirational article...i hope more people realize that often it isn't the people's fault-they just weren't given a chance to start a new life without all that baggage.
    Peterson's story was very sad but it was interesting too see that she used education as her solution. I hope that people who are like her read her story and use education as their solutions. If she can inspire me im sure she can inspire alot of people just like her.
    Its so hard to escape poverty because they have to get a job. In this bad economy it so hard.
    People ask why people stay in poverty for so long, and this article answers that question
    I liked the last part that said with personal education comes, the need for others to be educated. I thought this was really good because it was saying that the first and most important step to helping others in poverty is to be educated well.
    I think that it's really interesting that education is one of the big reasons people are in poverty. If we could give everyone a proper education, we could probably take a lot of people out of poverty.
Phillips L

Bread for the World - 7 views

    It really scares me to know that one child dies every five seconds from hunger. Also, it was eye-opening to see that 9 million kids die of hunger before their fifth birthday. I think it's really unfair that someone that young has to go through such living.
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    It's really really sad how a child dies every five seconds!! It's also amazing how many people have dropped into poverty over just the last 2 years.
    every five seconds...? Wow, I counted to 10 in my head and two kids just died 0_o
    These facts are really depressing its so upsetting to hear that a child dies every fives seconds and how the recession has pushed 100-150 million people into poverty
    I can't believe that just last year the entire total of people in poverty reached all the way up to 100-150 million people. It's really shocking that while this was happening, I was sitting here without a clue. It's truly amazing what goes on when you turn away for but a moment.
    Like Julia. That's actually pretty scary and deppressing. 925 million people in poverty is pretty insane. It's hard to see people in poverty who lives their life stuggling for food and/or $$... :(
    It's sad that a kid dies every five seconds. But whats even worse is that 9 million kids die before their fifth birthday.
    omg thats so sad and scary makes me count my blessings
    925 million people are hungry. They cant put food on their tables. I think we take it for granted. We always have food in our fridges, we always have food on our tables. We need to appreciate more for what we get. Next time our moms put something on the table we don't like, you should still appreciate that you get food in your bodies. There are millions people out there that would do anything for just a thing of spinach.
Maddox M

Percent below poverty level (most recent) by state - 0 views

    This chart shows that there is a alot of poverty even here in the US. This lists them by states by the highest poverty rate. Its not surprising but its still sad.
    Ohio is #24. That's like, in the middle from everyone else. That's really sad to know, I feel bad for being so selfish and buying things for myself when there are people out there who don't own alot...
    Im surprised we are at #24 i thought we would be higher because i have seen a lot of poverty in ohio
Green C

Study:Poverty dramatically affects childrens brains - 0 views

    This article describes how poverty affects childrens brains. The articles says that lower class children's brains develope differently than those of the higher and middle class. This affects thier language skills and thier "ability to plan and remember details". I found this article interesting, and i think it might help explain why people who grew up in poverty have trouble getting out of it when they are older.
Pavlechko M

Take a quiz, donate rice. - 29 views

    Basicly if you get questions right it donates 10 grains of rice to needy countries for every question you answer right. I thought it was a really good idea. I wonder who came up with it.
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    Wow. This is awesome! Just by taking a quiz I am helping the world. I think this is a great idea.
    i think its really cool how people come up with ideas like quizes because it allows people to have fun and still give back. you might think that a couple grains of rice is nothing but to some people, that could be a lot of food.
    Whoever thought of this is a genius. It's great to know that I am helping people in need, and it's really fun too!
    I was very suprised to see that someone came up with something like that. I think its a good way to donate rice. No cost and its fun.
    oh my goodness ive done this before and i feel so proud
    This website is a really good website to donate to people living in poverty.
    This is really cool, and really fun to do!! and, you're helping th world when you do it!!
    I've used this site many times before. It's cool because they have rice to donate, but you can help by answering simple questions. I see a lot of people in class doing it, and it's cool that we're all donating rice!!! :)
    that's really cool that they're donating rice for really easy questions.
    I have done this before. I think it's pretty amazing how much people can donate just by playing this game. This helps people in poverty so even though it's not an article, this helps so many people. :)
    This is a really cool website and i loved how while learning stuff you get to help people in need.
    I agree with everyone. Ive done this before and I think its really cool how you can help people by answering questions. It is also fun and you are helping make a difference.
    Wow, this makes me want to keep playing. This is a genius idea, and it makes a big impact. Imagine if this website was broadcasted over the news, so many people would feel obligated to donate.
    I like this article because i think it's cool how you can donate rice that's really interesting
    just think of all the people we can help if everyone donates and takes the quiz. We can help make an effort to make a difference to people in poverty. They should have more websites like this. Something for like homeless people. Everytime you answer something, something can be donated to a homelss shelter or something. I dont know, sounds good to me.
    Its so nice that you can take a quiz and donate rice at the same time.
    I don't get how I donate rice by taking a quiz... But alright...
    This is a very very fun game, i got to donate over 500 grains of rice :)
    I donated over 520 grains of rice. The only one I missed was obligatory what does that mean?
    thats a really cool website. Imagine if everyone did it just a couple times a week it could really help countries that are really struggeling with poverty.
    I really like this website, how you can donate grains of rice for answering questions. It's like a two way street. People in poverty get rice while we get to learn. I just wish they had some harder questions. These are too easy for me. but i did donate 530 grains of rice!
    That's a good way to help. It's entertaining for the viewer/player as well as helpful. Navigating the site you're bound to learn more about the hungry and poor.
    Wow this was really a good idea! i donated 720 grain of rice :) This was really fun and however thought of this idea, it was a really good one! Godd article Marlee!
    i like the quiz, but i don't know if they actually donating rice. if they do donate rice i think it is a smart idea, but if they don't donate rice, then what is the point?
    This website is sweet! I think this was a really cool way to start fighting poverty while learning new things. It does go slowly but i will definatly do this again sometime.
    This is awesome. I'm enjoying helping people by just answering questions. I hope that is true that they will donate the rice.
    I took the quiz and donated 1000 grains of rice LITERALLY. That is also a great way to fight poverty and it is a awesome idea. But they should have more publicity to get to millions more people.
    I donated 500 grains of rice by answer 50 questions in a row. This is a great idea, because it gives people a game that teaches them, and they're also helping to feed the less fourtunate! I wonder what other ideas we could spin off of this?
    Duuuddeee! We should totally try to like tell the seventh graders about this and like make them take it! We could have like a day of like donating rice (:
    This is a great website to do something simple to help out families in need. Even though it's only 10 grains of rice per question that can add up very quickly.
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