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Lide E

Buzzle.Com- Poverty In The United States - 0 views

    This article gives me facts and statistics about poverty. It gives a chart showing minium living wages for families of different sizes. There is also a short and to the point paragraph abput causes of poverty at the end.
Baker M

"Recession" in America- Hand Out or Hand Up - 2 views

    This article is talking about the similarities and differences between the Depression and now. The author is saying how they might have had it better than us because they tried to get jobs instead of now how people just ask the government.
    I know a couple people from the depression, one was affected very badly from it and one wasn't. so i have heard what it is like to live through something like that, and i cant even imagine having to. to have all your deams vanish and be depressed all the time because you can't do anything because you can't afford it.
Grover M

World Hunger, Poverty and Homlessness - 1 views

    This article gives some frightening facts about homlessness. It also, though gives some hope. It's a blog that focuses on Poverty, Homelessness and hunger.
    Although it's sad, it's good to now that there are people out there who are willing to spread the word about poverty. The people who are finding solutions to poverty are angels.
Foster H

Poverty is EVERYWHERE.! - 11 views

    these are some pictures in poverty. look at the setting, there is mostly children and they live in such a poor place. ): it makes me feel so selfish.
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    It's so sad to see all those kids but it's good to see that they're coming together and they have hope. I like the picture with the road through it.
    seeing this makes me sad :(
    I like how in the pictures, most of the people are smiling. (:
    I think that we take so much for granted and the people that have barely anything are like: OOOHHHHH A PIECE OF BREAD!!!! and we are like.. : wahoo... bread... :|
    These pictures made me hopeful. Generous souls are helping these people, and perhaps their lives can be better because of their support (:
    I like the photoset called listening. I think that to truly understand and educate ourselves about poverty, we have to first listen to the needs of those who are living with it. Very interesting picture.
    i like what jordan said and i agree we have to learn more about it and listen to those who are really in poverty!
    the website had a bunch of photo albums for different places in the world that are in poverty. It was nice to see people smiling in the pictures
Goldblum J

Does Poverty Cause Crime? - 0 views

    This is an article about how crimes relate to poverty, statistics, misconceptions, and theories about this issue.
    i think this article is direct relatio with poverty because its very true, although people might not see a connection there is one.
Pawluk M

The Effects of Poverty on Teaching and Learning - 2 views

    This article is about how being in poverty can affect a childs' learning ability. They don't have the motivation to learn in school and I was surprised to read that wtih their emmotional state they are very self concious about their situation.
    that is a shocker and i did no know that it can affect their learning ability!
Liu D

Poverty in the US - 0 views

    This talks about how America isn't what it's said to be and criticizes a multitude of people. This also has stories about people living in poverty. This also is a compilation of articles as well.
Yeh W

World Hunger and Poverty Facts and Statistics 2010 - 0 views

    i like how this artical have a chart to see with numbers. this artical is about definitions about hunger and the cause of poverty and the solutions
Gonzalez A

Child Deaths and Poverty - 6 views

    This article talks about poverty around the world and gives statistics. I was shocked when it said that 1 child dies every four seconds due to poverty. 15 children die every minute.
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    This site was really an eye opener. You here that children are dying, and not having food, but when you put number sto it, like 8.1 million children every yeaar, it really makes you want to do something about it.
    I was very unpleasantly suprised to see that every 4 seconds a child dies.
    I cant believe that so many children die every year of poverty. And its really sad that 88million died in the span of 9 years. It makes me want to help even though I know it will always be a problem. The least we can do is donate and help decrease the number of deaths each year.
    the way the statistics were explained were good, the numbers weren't just numbers. they make sense, and it breaks my heart. a child dies every four seconds. We are letting precious life slip away.
    wow this is so sad. i world of never thought over 8 million kids die a year in the world. the Haiti earthquake was terrible but i never knew every ten days as many people died in the earth quake was as many kids died in the ten days around the world. thats so sad :(
    i can not believe that a child is dieing every 4 seconds, and 15 every minute. I don't know how they know that 15 children are dieing every minute or 22,000 children are dieing every day. I think that it is sad that most people don't donate money to people who need it.
    Its so sad that so many children died before there 5th birthday! 8 MILLION children. It really gives perspectice to the situation and i know people go with 8 million children dying if i helped by donating it wouldn't make a difference but it will. If everyone thought that same way the number of kids dying each year would be soooo much higher.
    I was completly shocked at what this article had to say. I was not happy with the notion that every four seconds a child dies and most likely it is causes realates to poverty. I want to help those in need. The pictures that they had of the children made my heart ache. I know that we might not save every child in the world but maybe we can reduce those numbers.
    Definatly a eye-opening article. The first few lines of text were like a bomb to the heart. It's just so sad that so many children are dying, and that there is no clear, easy solution.
Omar H

Major Cause of Poverty - 1 views

    The website is about what has lead us to poverty and what still is. It seems like from the website that people in the west take advantage of poorer regions because the resources are cheaper. I find that very selfish. I was also very suprised too see that the main problem were the policies of international institutions.
    it was weird to read that the food banks can help people, but some people it doesnt help them at all.
    haley im sorry but would you care to explain what you are saying a bit more
Carnahan H

Causes and Effects of Poverty - 3 views

    The world spends money trying to build armies, fight wars and and build econimies which helps the rich but does nothing for the people in poverty. I think this is surprising that the world focuses on helping themselves and not the people that need it but I can beleive that the countries are trying to make themselves more powerful and poverty is a result.
    A lot of information about poverty. why is everything so freaking sad
    This article gives cause and effect, which makes it a little easier to userstand poverty
Isaacson R

World poverty all around the world - 2 views

    This website suprises me, because it really shows where poverty is in the world. It's sad because here in america, it doesn't show anybody living under 1.25 dollars a day. :/
    this makes me sad and I'm thankful for what i have in my life.
    i agree with ryan, its sad that we have to read about these trageties and then you look at yourslef, and you get everything you want, and we are also complaining about not having one thing that we dont even need.
Walouke A

Why can't people escape poverty? - 3 views

    This is an article that came out March 30, 2010. A personal story about a girl coming out from college trying to find a way in this world. It also talks about the live's of black families and white families and comparing their wealth.
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    that was a really inspirational article...i hope more people realize that often it isn't the people's fault-they just weren't given a chance to start a new life without all that baggage.
    Peterson's story was very sad but it was interesting too see that she used education as her solution. I hope that people who are like her read her story and use education as their solutions. If she can inspire me im sure she can inspire alot of people just like her.
    Its so hard to escape poverty because they have to get a job. In this bad economy it so hard.
    People ask why people stay in poverty for so long, and this article answers that question
    I liked the last part that said with personal education comes, the need for others to be educated. I thought this was really good because it was saying that the first and most important step to helping others in poverty is to be educated well.
    I think that it's really interesting that education is one of the big reasons people are in poverty. If we could give everyone a proper education, we could probably take a lot of people out of poverty.
Shockley L

Federal Poverty Guidelines - 0 views

    Poverty Threshold is different that poverty guidelines. Threshold is normaly used for statistics, such as estimating the number of Americans in poverty. Poverty guidelines are used for administrative purposes, such as seeing if someone meets the requirments of certain programs. The poverty guildelines may also be known as 'federal poverty level.' (There are charts showing the poverty guidelines for different family sizes that live in the 48 connected staes, Alaska, and Hawii) The poverty guideline changes depending on where you live. \nI was surprized to see that in 2009 Alaska had the highest poverty guideline at $13,530 and the 48 connected states had the lowest with $10,830. I also cant imagine my family of six living off $29,530. It also makes me think about all the other nessesities that we take for granted and how people living in poverty would be really greatful for them.
Cochran J

poverty in mexico - 0 views

    this article is about a group in Mexico (VCAW's). this group helps small urban areas of mexico get food, since woman dont have rights down there they try to gert more rights for them too. I think this article is very insightful to what happens in other parts of the world but idont necesarily agree with what the groups doing
    I did not know that within the estimated 25.2 million people living in rural Mexico, 57 percent live in poverty and 28 percent live in extreme poverty.
Plummer H

Ways to Help Poor People - 3 views

    i liked how it said help stop proverty by educatong yourself and friends. It reminded me of the qoute at the zoo "plan for a month plant rice plan for a year plant trees plan for a life plant education"
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    It is very brilliant to educate people to help stop poverty; for "knowledge equals power," and we need as much power as we can get to cure the "plague" of pverty around the world.
    I agree that educating people about poverty is one of the best ways to help it and to prevent it. educating people about the effects of poverty and educating people in general so they can go to school and get jobs is good.
    I also agree that education is one of the ways to help stop poverty. Because if people are educated, they can get a job and provide for the family. It wont solve the probelm all the way because their income may not match up to the amount of money needed to live. But educating people is a good start.
    it's so nice to see a website full of solutions. i mean, statistics and facts are important, but we need more sites like this that educate and give solutions.
    I thought the article wasn't the most detailed but it still outlined ways of helping people in poverty
    I think that this article had some good ideas for helping to stop poverty. It also had links to organizations that help end poverty. The article really showed me how easy it is for us to use organizations to help the world.
Carnahan H

How people helped children in poverty - 0 views

    A few stories about how some people donated money to a child each month. Very different stories, but all to help a child in the end.
Pavlechko M

Take a quiz, donate rice. - 29 views

    Basicly if you get questions right it donates 10 grains of rice to needy countries for every question you answer right. I thought it was a really good idea. I wonder who came up with it.
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    Wow. This is awesome! Just by taking a quiz I am helping the world. I think this is a great idea.
    i think its really cool how people come up with ideas like quizes because it allows people to have fun and still give back. you might think that a couple grains of rice is nothing but to some people, that could be a lot of food.
    Whoever thought of this is a genius. It's great to know that I am helping people in need, and it's really fun too!
    I was very suprised to see that someone came up with something like that. I think its a good way to donate rice. No cost and its fun.
    oh my goodness ive done this before and i feel so proud
    This website is a really good website to donate to people living in poverty.
    This is really cool, and really fun to do!! and, you're helping th world when you do it!!
    I've used this site many times before. It's cool because they have rice to donate, but you can help by answering simple questions. I see a lot of people in class doing it, and it's cool that we're all donating rice!!! :)
    that's really cool that they're donating rice for really easy questions.
    I have done this before. I think it's pretty amazing how much people can donate just by playing this game. This helps people in poverty so even though it's not an article, this helps so many people. :)
    This is a really cool website and i loved how while learning stuff you get to help people in need.
    I agree with everyone. Ive done this before and I think its really cool how you can help people by answering questions. It is also fun and you are helping make a difference.
    Wow, this makes me want to keep playing. This is a genius idea, and it makes a big impact. Imagine if this website was broadcasted over the news, so many people would feel obligated to donate.
    I like this article because i think it's cool how you can donate rice that's really interesting
    just think of all the people we can help if everyone donates and takes the quiz. We can help make an effort to make a difference to people in poverty. They should have more websites like this. Something for like homeless people. Everytime you answer something, something can be donated to a homelss shelter or something. I dont know, sounds good to me.
    Its so nice that you can take a quiz and donate rice at the same time.
    I don't get how I donate rice by taking a quiz... But alright...
    This is a very very fun game, i got to donate over 500 grains of rice :)
    I donated over 520 grains of rice. The only one I missed was obligatory what does that mean?
    thats a really cool website. Imagine if everyone did it just a couple times a week it could really help countries that are really struggeling with poverty.
    I really like this website, how you can donate grains of rice for answering questions. It's like a two way street. People in poverty get rice while we get to learn. I just wish they had some harder questions. These are too easy for me. but i did donate 530 grains of rice!
    That's a good way to help. It's entertaining for the viewer/player as well as helpful. Navigating the site you're bound to learn more about the hungry and poor.
    Wow this was really a good idea! i donated 720 grain of rice :) This was really fun and however thought of this idea, it was a really good one! Godd article Marlee!
    i like the quiz, but i don't know if they actually donating rice. if they do donate rice i think it is a smart idea, but if they don't donate rice, then what is the point?
    This website is sweet! I think this was a really cool way to start fighting poverty while learning new things. It does go slowly but i will definatly do this again sometime.
    This is awesome. I'm enjoying helping people by just answering questions. I hope that is true that they will donate the rice.
    I took the quiz and donated 1000 grains of rice LITERALLY. That is also a great way to fight poverty and it is a awesome idea. But they should have more publicity to get to millions more people.
    I donated 500 grains of rice by answer 50 questions in a row. This is a great idea, because it gives people a game that teaches them, and they're also helping to feed the less fourtunate! I wonder what other ideas we could spin off of this?
    Duuuddeee! We should totally try to like tell the seventh graders about this and like make them take it! We could have like a day of like donating rice (:
    This is a great website to do something simple to help out families in need. Even though it's only 10 grains of rice per question that can add up very quickly.
Demmler A

Cases Of Hunger Are Related To Poverty - 0 views

    this has facts about the amount of people who are in poverty and suffering from hunger
Mousou M

World Poverty - Challenges and Solutions - 5 views

    it shows challenges of world poverty and the solutions. One example is the rich gets richer and the poor get poorer. Throughout the 1990s, hungry people rose by 18 million. 4 million a year and 25,000 people die from poverty. I think that the rich gets richer and the poor get poorer is not all true, because some people donate money to poor people.
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    I heard on NPR that surprisingly, more people are looking up to the richer people for help, than looking down on them and blaming them that they hoard a lot of money and that they should be at fault for the economy.
    I could not believe that the war in I raq has killed as many people in five years as poverty killed in four days!
    It's kind of sad how selfish and uncaring people are/can be. Once the amount of money between people is even, poverty wont be a problem. Unfortunately, I don't think that's going to change anytime soon...
    declan that is called down trickleing. the rich buy stuff, the money fom the stuff gets distributied among emploees, emploees buy stuff and it keeps going down the class pyrimid.
    thats insane! the worlds so messed up with war, im making a song about it, but still this website has alot to offer and i also saw the war thing very interesting
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