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Group Members

47 members total, 2 receiving alerts immediately, 26 receiving alerts daily, and 8 receiving alerts weekly.
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  • thinkahol *

    thinkahol *

    information addict

    shared 148 items

    member since 2010-05-19

  • Mark Harding

    Mark Harding

    shared 9 items

    member since 2009-01-10

  • shared 6 items

    member since 2009-12-05

  • shared 3 items

    member since 2012-01-07

  • shared 3 items

    member since 2009-03-02

  • Child Therapy

    Child Therapy

    Our practitioners offer one to one sessions and workshops to children, teenagers, parents and teachers using a combination of therapy and coaching techniques. We have a practitioner local to you who is an expert at teaching strategies to young people, enabling them to manage their emotions, overco...

    shared 1 items

    member since 2012-09-28

  • David Sydney

    David Sydney

    Book one of the most inspiring and motivational speakers Sydney direct and save $$$. A world class motivational speaker is like the team of the sailing boat ’Wild oats11′ in the Sydney to Hobart.

    shared 1 items

    member since 2012-10-05

  • shared 1 items

    member since 2007-02-12

  • shared 1 items

    member since 2011-01-09

  • Daniel Beringer

    Daniel Beringer

    Vastly interested in everything.

    shared 1 items

    member since 2010-02-01

  • Jack Frost

    Jack Frost

    Finally free thinking with a deep appreciation for truth, beauty, and goodness -- which I find through logic, reason, and evidence. Curious about the big question we don't like to deal with, a little less than concerned about hurt feelings along the way. Awestruck by the cosmos, nature, the mac...

    shared 1 items

    member since 2010-04-11

  • Colin Bruce Milne

    Colin Bruce Milne

    I am on the internet.Interests;genealogy,politics,internet.

    shared 3 items

    member since 2011-10-04

  • shared 0 items

    member since 2013-02-19

  • shared 0 items

    member since 2018-08-29

  • shared 0 items

    member since 2012-10-12

  • shared 4 items

    member since 2013-01-30

  • Brian Dixon

    Brian Dixon

    Music Production major at Full Sail University. I play piano, percussion, and bass guitar. While jazz is my favorite genre, my musical tastes are pretty diverse. I hope to one day go on to produce for artists of varying genres, television, cinema, and video games.

    shared 0 items

    member since 2012-06-16

  • Michiel Perdeck

    Michiel Perdeck

    Physicist, IT Architect, IT Security Consultant

    shared 4 items

    member since 2013-05-26

  • Andy E Barnes

    Andy E Barnes

    Blogger, Webmaster, Window Cleaner & Student of Eastern Philosophy.

    shared 0 items

    member since 2013-08-29

  • Abouting Your Passions / Philosophical Satire

    Abouting Your Passions / Philosophical Satire

    Updates for a ring and from a blog and a few associated groups will be posted to this page. I run a ring for pages of and about philosophical satire. Instead of finding the absurdity in human behavior, perhaps one finds the absurdity that would be present, if we lived by certain theories?

    shared 0 items

    member since 2013-07-10

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