Do you have dog? How much do you feed him? Your answer will be bowl full at a time, Right? Yes, normal tendency is we feed them bowl full of any food item. But If you feed him extra, they might become obese and might develop so many health complications. If you feed less, they will be under nutrition and will start eating anything that look like food. So what is right amount of food to be given to your dog?
Dog Kennels, How to Choose the Right for your puppy. While selecting right Dog Kennels for your puppy just keep in mind that dont go for big size kennels. Instead of that look for comfort level for dog. Also see whether you are going to travel or not. If you are travelling then look for kennel suitable for it. You can get different size of kennels in the market but before buying look for several factors like kennel size and shape, height and protection from weather.
SpotLite GPS dog locator's battery can last up to five days in standby mode before it needs recharging. Read complete article to know how to use SpotLite Pet Locator and extend the battery life…..
A common issue for many dog owners is shedding. Even though it's a normal process, handling a lot of hair can be difficult, because it requires you regularly picking up fur around your house. Thankfully, you are able to significantly down on how much of fur your dog sheds with the right attention and care.
Stray dogs are everywhere. They live on the streets in search of food and shelter, facing many problems that make their lives difficult. These dogs need help, and we as forgiving people can make a difference. In this blog post, we will talk about how you can care for and support street dogs. Whether you're someone who loves dogs or just wants to help, you'll find simple ways to make a big difference in a dog's life.
To care the pet dog cleaning and grooming plays an important role. How? Dog cleaning with the help of different equipment's will clean your pet thoroughly. The cleaning with good products will make your pet smell and look good.Pets like dog and cats are considered as the most loving animals for human kind. And to maintain pet health people try for different techniques.
To stay healthy and fit dogs requirement are same like human being such as good nutrition and diet, regular exercise, proper vaccination, regular grooming and cleaning, special attention to disease conditions etc. The dog plays multiple roles for us right from as security guard to picking up newspaper for you, so never ignore dog's health. Try to follow all necessary dog health care tips. This article explains to us about the various tips which can be use effectively for better health of your beloved pet. Pet grooming is very important activity and should be done on regular basis.
All leading online pet stores sells a variety of dog food like dry food, canned food, semi-moist food which they claim as natural, holistic, super-premium, organic etc. But which food you will prefer dry or wet food? Don't worry if you are confused I will help you out. Dry dog foods have their benefits and drawbacks. In some instance they are useful and for particular conditions they have their own limitation. We will take a short look on it.
Puppy care tips are a core part of pet parenting. Your furry friend needs someone who will continue to care for them and will give them the life that they deserve and that's the responsibility of an owner. Yes owners are ultimately responsible for the health of pet it is their responsibility what they are eating, what they love the most and how to keep them entertain and so on.
Yes your pooch is just like you he needs proper food, water and shelter to lead a good life. If the imbalance occurs in taking care of them it harms their health.
Dog grooming with the help of a dog grooming kit is a best option for every pet owner. The dog grooming kit will not only clean your pet thoroughly but also remove bacterial and viral infections. Dog fleas and ticks are common problems in pet and with this grooming kit one can prevent them as well.This article tells us about the importance of dog grooming, how dog grooming will eventually lead to a healthy pet and what are the important tools and tips that should be considered while doing the grooming activity.
The canine species has grown to become an important member of the human households. With time, we humans started treating our canine members in the same way as we would treat our children i.e. apart from loving and caring for them we also need to give the clothes and accessories for utility or decorative purposes.
Canine dressing should not be made synonymous with fun because dressing up your dog at the same time also means providing him/her with care and protection. Sometimes a dog's skin can turn out to be as sensitive as human especially during the summers. During the summer months, when the UV rays of the sun are at its highest you might want to buy dog clothes that can give protection him/her.
Raw Dog Food is considered as safe and healthiest food for your dog because it is fresh, whole and unprocessed. Raw Dog Food has become popular but there are no strong evidences yet. Read More. . . .
Animal reiki can help pets live healthier, happier lives. Disabled animals in particular can be helped with reiki, promoting relaxation and restoration. Read on to discover how reiki for animals can make such a difference to their lives...
Today, there are cremation jewellery also available in the market. You can buy urns in the form of necklace urn, pendant urn and bracelet urn which will always remain in your mind. These are easily available with multiple ranges of design with different price range. You can buy it from the comfort of your home at an affordable price. The payment option for online purchase is also flexible.
The human being has been developing the bonding with the animals since time immemorial. It is seen that the animal sometimes is more reliable than the human being. The animals such as dogs and cats are more lovable and sometimes the dog saves the life of its master from the thief, dacoit and other wild animals.
There are many sorts of urns available in the market. The brass, stainless steel, silver and wood urns are popular while cremation alloy urns have been getting popularity during last couple of years.
Having grieved over many dear loved ones ourselves, we truly understand how difficult the grieving process can be. In this section we list a variety options for grief and bereavement support and counseling. Because everyone's needs and beliefs are so vastly different, we try to offer as many different types of options as we can. We hope that you will find something of value that will help you to move through your own personal process of grieving.
Dog grooming is an art and fun which keeps our pooch healthy and happy. The way, in which we keep ourselves clean with daily bathing, our furry felines also should be cleaned. You should groom your dog when it is relaxed and initially keep the session small which will help achieve routine. Now, let's have a look at different aspects of grooming and how it's important for dog's health.