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Micheal Jacob

About American Dog Care - 0 views

    Is your pet affected with ticks? It might be the American Dog Tick, as it's the winter month and these ticks are active in winters!
Micheal Jacob

Cheap Brand Medicines for Pets Flea Treatment - 0 views

    GenericFrontlinePlus supplies online branded flea tick control medicines such as Frontline Plus,certifect, Advantix etc.We provide free shipping above $25 in US
Paul Ryan

Dog fleas and their effects on your pet - 0 views


Frontline for Spot on dogs Cheap Plus discount

started by Paul Ryan on 09 Apr 13 no follow-up yet
Paul Ryan

How Can You Protect Your Puppies And Kittens From Fleas? - 0 views

    The juvenile dog and cat, your puppy and kitten respectively, also has lots of special health needs. For the proper growth and development of your loving pets they need a healthy diet and exercise. As their immune system is in developing stage, they are more susceptible to parasite infestations such as fleas.
Paul Ryan

The Common Diseases That Occur on Your Dog - 0 views

    Many pet owners find it difficult to judge the health of their pet even after watching the symptoms. It's hard to recognize sometimes why the pet is behaving weird and why all of a sudden he takes ill with diseases such as diarrhea, vomiting, itching, mood swings and so on.
Micheal Jacob

Keep Parasites Free Home with simple tips - 0 views

    Parasites have been around us for a very long period of time, annoying our pets and attacking our homes. They can live and survive just about anywhere! They move quietly, eat sparingly.
Micheal Jacob

Keep Your Persian Cat Safe - 0 views

    Fleas and ticks problem has now become a very common yet dangerous issue for pets and their owners, too. To keep these nasty parasites at bay, one should keep his/her pet healthy and house clean.
Micheal Jacob

Vital Nutrients That Your Dog May Be Missing - 0 views

    Many of us must have heard that giving table scraps or human food to pets is not good. And it's true, sharing your food right away from your plate isn't just the best idea! Your dog may be drooling over chicken dishes that you make but do those really make up for all its nutrients
Paul Ryan

Know When Our Pets Get Sick - 1 views

    Pets such as cats and dog accept their master as their leader, friend and family and thus like everything that should come from them. Being an owner one should be very determined and consistent while showing care and love for pets. When treating a dog owner need to be very much patient as well.
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