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rolf tschochohei

The Ultimate Guide to Motivation - How to Achieve Any Goal | zen habits - 0 views

    toward goals! 
rolf tschochohei

32 Keys: About life - 0 views

    32  KEYS A Collection of Ideas About Life A Self-help Self-improvement book
rolf tschochohei

Dr. Deborah Serani // BlogCatalog - 0 views

    . Eat ProperlyNutrition has a direct impact on feeling mentally positive. Limit your intake of sugar, fat, salt, caffeine and alcohol and help yourself stay mentally fit.
rolf tschochohei

hack yourself - 0 views

    emergency letter
rolf tschochohei

BBC - Health: Depression symptoms in children - 0 views

    Depression is poorly understood but some children are more at risk, particularly those who have a physical illness, have been abused, or come from a home where there is marital disharmony or family breakdown. However, many simpler worries can also trigger an episode of depression, such as exam fears.
rolf tschochohei

brainfuck/ fuck depression worldwide! - rolf's diary - 0 views

    a service direction!
rolf tschochohei

Sadhguru: Accepting the Death of a Loved One - 0 views

    There was a woman named Kisagotami. She came from a poor family, but married a wealthy man. This man saw the love and kindness in her heart, so despite his family's rejection of her, he married her. It was only when she bore a son that his family began to treat her with any kindness. But one day, this son died when he was just a small child. Kisagotami was overwhelmed with grief and despair, so she carried the boy's body and went from house to house, asking anyone she could find for medicine to bring her boy back to life. People laughed at her. "He is dead!" they would say. Others took pity, but no one could help. But she kept on asking and asking. Finally, a wise man saw the depth of despair in her eyes and said, "Go and see the Buddha. He has the medicine you need." So Kisagotami took her boy and ran to the Buddha and begged, "Please give me a medicine to bring my boy back to life!" The Buddha looked at her and said, "Go into town and find a few mustard seeds, I will bring your boy back to life." Kisagotami was overjoyed. "Mustard seeds! They will be easy to find. Every home has mustard seeds!" Then the Buddha said, "But the seeds must come from a home which has not known death." So Kisagotami went to the first house she could find and, still carrying the body of her child, asked for the seeds to cure her son. The woman at the door gladly offered the seeds, but when the time came for Kisagotami to ask if there had been any deaths in the house, the woman replied sadly, "Oh yes. There have been many, many deaths." So Kisagotami went to the second house. But this home was also not free from the death of loved ones. So she went to the third house and the fourth house, and many others, and listened to the stories of sons and daughters who had died, husbands, wives, parents and grandparents who had died. Not one house did not know death. After hearing all of these stories and sharing her own grief, she came to realize the commonality of death; that it is part of the
rolf tschochohei

Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D.: "Out, Damned Spot! Out, I Say!": Wrestling With the Demons o... - 0 views

    Did I remember to lock the door? Is the oven off? Many of us think of these questions in the car; or worse, just after we get on a plane. But people with obsessive-compulsive disorder never forget to ask. In fact, the questions and the worry and the fretting about them can overtake their lives. So they go back to check the door or the oven, over and over. In extreme cases, an OCD sufferer never makes it to the car at all. He or she keeps going back to see if the door is locked or inside to look at the oven dial. Or they think their hands aren't really clean, so they keep washing them, sometimes for hours every day, just like Lady MacBeth. And if they get dressed out of order, they have to start all over again.
rolf tschochohei

Of Babies and Kisses and Hugs - RPM3 From The National Institute Of Child Health And Hu... - 0 views

    o, my advice to all of you parents out there is to cuddle, hold, kiss and nurture your babies and children as long as they will permit you to do so. In fact, husbands and wives and extended families, all of you need to hug, kiss and show warmth. Perhaps it would be a more peaceful world if people hugged instead of shot off their guns.
rolf tschochohei

Building Self-Esteem | Psych Central - 0 views

    Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself as a person. Those with high self-esteem believe that they are adequate, strong and worthy of a good life, while those with low self-esteem feel inadequate and worthless. Low self-esteem can develop in childhood and continue throughout adulthood, causing great emotional pain. Therefore, it's important to develop a healthy, positive sense of self.
rolf tschochohei

Living with Depression | Psych Central - 0 views

    Living with depression is like living with a 40 ton weight on your chest - you want to get up and move, but you just feel like you can't.- David J.
rolf tschochohei

Difficult Pregnancy Increases Depression Risk | Psych Central News - 0 views

    "Women who experienced more than two perinatal complications are especially at a high risk of developing postpartum depression. These are important findings, particularly given the high prevalence of some of the perinatal complications. Health care practitioners involved in the care for pregnant or postpartum women and their babies should be aware of the substantially increased risk of postpartum depression associated with complicated pregnancies and difficult deliveries. This increased awareness might contribute to quicker diagnosies of postpartum depression."
rolf tschochohei

Can Music Improve Your Depression? DBT Skills | Dialectical Behavior Therapy Understood - 0 views

    There is no doubt that music has a powerful effect on our emotions.  Watch any thriller and notice how the music can make you anxious for the hero, tense at the build up to a scene and calm when all the action is over.  Pop music often pulls at our heartstrings and has an uncanny ability to get us moving.  My young children, who hate to pick up their toys, will gladly hop up and start packing the toys away when I put on a little upbeat ABBA. Psychological treatments have not completely ignored music.  In Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), music is suggested as a tool to distract you from intense and painful emotion and to calm and soothe yourself when stressed and overwhelmed. A new study in the journal Arts in Psychotherapy suggests that beyond distracting and self-soothing, music may improve psychological functioning.  In this study patients with mild to moderate depression were split into 2 groups.  One group received traditional psychotherapy, while the other received music therapy.  The music therapy group listened to 50 minutes of classical and baroque music daily for eight weeks.  At the end of the trial the music therapy group had less depressive symptoms than the psychotherapy alone group. But don't rush out and cancel therapy.  Although the results are promising and confirm what you may have already experienced with music, the researchers recommend that you consider music to enhance (not replace) psychological support.  These results do suggest that music can be used to distract, soothe and even to create a more positive mood.  They are a reminder of the power that sometimes simple strategies can have to change your psychological functioning
rolf tschochohei

Detail - Neighbor Newspapers - 0 views

    One of the aims of this blog is to serve as a 'go-to' reference source for adults and teens. Useful information that we feel will help build better relationships for and with teens. We hope you consider the advice and information that we share as beneficial and useful. With that said, I want to address a small but MAJOR issue in most households...the POWER of your words. Many of us (teen and adults) do not realize the extreme impact of what we say to, about, and around each other.
rolf tschochohei

Early puberty can be dangerous | KGET TV 17 - 0 views

    t's often said that kids grow up too fast these days, but a recent medical study shows that many can't help it. Doctors from Cincinnati Children's Hospital studied 1,200 girls and found 42 percent of African American girls hit puberty by age 8
rolf tschochohei

1 step to become a social media expert!! #new #exclusive #bbc #cnn #bp - rolf's diary - 0 views

    health happiness beauty :)
rolf tschochohei

today's exercises - rolf's diary - 0 views

    today i have done my daily exercises for a better body feeling. it comprised a HIT training for my over body in 6 times, and 55 push ups. this is a awesome training for burning calouries and to come in shape.
rolf tschochohei

weselpower's profile at MyFitnessPal - 0 views

    fuck the laziness.
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