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Tools for Creating Parenting Schedule - Peace Talks Mediation Services for Family Law L... - 0 views

    Peace Talks Provides holiday schedule for you and your children including Holidays with Multiple Celebration Days, Federal Holidays, Children's Birthdays, Parent Birthdays and more. Call at (310) 301-2100 or mail for more information.
peace talks

Talking About Prenuptial Agreements - 0 views

    Premarital or prenuptial agreements- known as prenups - are tricky no matter how carefully you approach them. The reason behind this is that people are uncomfortable discussing the issues that are most commonly addressed in prenups - namely, divorce, and the consequences of seeking one.
peace talks

Premarital Agreement Sample - 0 views

    It's hard to find a premarital agreement sample because there's no one-size-fits-all solution. Prenups are drafted based on the individual couples' needs. Topics for your prenup might include your pre-marital assets, marital assets, debt, Spousal Support and Alimony. At Peace Talks Mediation Services, we help couples negotiate premarital agreements in a confidential, neutral setting.
    It's hard to find a premarital agreement sample because there's no one-size-fits-all solution. Prenups are drafted based on the individual couples' needs. Topics for your prenup might include your pre-marital assets, marital assets, debt, Spousal Support and Alimony. At Peace Talks Mediation Services, we help couples negotiate premarital agreements in a confidential, neutral setting.
peace talks

Pros and Cons Prenuptial - 0 views

    You have important pre-marital discussions about money, children, aging parents, spending vs. saving and all sorts of values. You decide what would happen to your property and children in the event you separate. It's a difficult subject to bring up and everyone in your life will have an opinion about prenups.
    You have important pre-marital discussions about money, children, aging parents, spending vs. saving and all sorts of values. You decide what would happen to your property and children in the event you separate. It's a difficult subject to bring up and everyone in your life will have an opinion about prenups.
peace talks

Divorce & Holidays: Stay Focused On What Matters Most Holiday Season - 0 views

    Staying Focused On What Matters This Holiday Season. For most children, the holidays are an exciting time that they look forward to all year. However for some, especially those whose parents are separated, they can be dispiriting and difficult.
peace talks

Gray Divorce - Divorcing at 50 Years Plus is on the Rise - 0 views

    The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) conducted a survey among its members which revealed that 61 percent have seen an increase in the number of divorces among people over 50 in the United States. This phenomenon has been brought to our attention by the consistent discussion of "gray divorce" in popular culture media.
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What is a Legal Separation? - 0 views

    At Peace Talks we want you to know your options and we will focus on legal separation in this article. The process for a legal separation is similar to filing for a divorce, but there are some distinct considerations you should know.
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