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Rhondda Powling

Innovative school design is hard, but it doesn't have to be. - By Ronald E. Bogle - Slate Magazine - 4 views

    Creativity in designing schools. "When people talk about how hard it is to change our public schools, they're usually referring to curriculum reform or employment contracts. But there's another area where change is difficult: design. When a proposed school building doesn't look exactly like what folks think a school should look like, officials freeze. "
Tony Searl - 4 views

    "In conjuction with our partners in the Rethink Learning Now campaign, we have produced an ESEA Toolkit for you to use in making your voice heard around ESEA reauthorization."
Tony Searl - 2 views

    IMAGINE AN assessment system in which teachers had a wide repertoire of classroom-based, culturally sensitive assessment practices and tools to use in helping each and every child learn to high standards; in which educators collaboratively used assessment information to continuously improve schools; in which important decisions about a student, such as readiness to graduate from high school, were based on the work done over the years by the student; in which schools in networks held one another accountable for student learning; and in which public evidence of student achievement consisted primarily of samples from students' actual schoolwork rather than just reports of results from one-shot examinations.
Tony Searl

Turning Children into Data - 4 views

  • The teachers understood that learning doesn’t have to be measured in order to be assessed. 
  • It focused on teachers’ personal “connection[s] with our subject area” as the basis for helping students to think “like mathematicians or historians or writers or scientists, instead of drilling them in the vocabulary of those subject areas or breaking down the skills.”  In a word, the teachers put kids before data.
  • All that does is corrupt the measure (unless it’s a test score, in which case it’s already misleading), undermine collaboration among teachers, and make teaching less joyful and therefore less effective by meaningful criteria.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • kids should have a lot to say about their assessment.
  • we want to create an environment where students can “experience success and failure not as reward and punishment but as information."  
  • students’ desire to learn?
  • The more that students are led to focus on how well they're doing, the less engaged they tend to become with what they're doing. 
  • A school that’s all about achievement and performance is a school that’s not really about discovery and understanding.
  • teachers’ isolation, fatalism, and fear (of demands by clueless officials to raise test scores at any cost).
    "While some education conferences are genuinely inspiring, others serve mostly to demonstrate how even intelligent educators can be remarkably credulous, nodding agreeably at descriptions of programs that ought to elicit fury or laughter, avidly copying down hollow phrases from a consultant's PowerPoint presentation, awed by anything that's borrowed from the business world or involves digital technology. Many companies and consultants thrive on this credulity, and also on teachers' isolation, fatalism, and fear (of demands by clueless officials to raise test scores at any cost). With a good dose of critical thinking and courage, a willingness to say "This is bad for kids and we won't have any part of it," we could drive these outfits out of business -- and begin to take back our schools."
Tony Searl

P2P Foundation » Blog Archive » How Different Is Your Bow-tie? - 1 views

  • As these systems evolve, the number of inputs and outputs generally increases. Each time a new node is added to the network, the number of potential connections required scales exponentially
  • Furthermore, because there is only one standard, there is no incentive for innovation, which means that the system cannot evolve.
  • Single standards are notoriously difficult to overcome or dislodge, even when they become ludicrously inefficient, as is the case with the Western “QWERTY” keyboard layout.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • the system has great difficulty overcoming its own internal structure and adapting to the change.
  • Complex systems of this type, that are too loosely structurally coupled, maximize their openness to innovation but do so entirely at the cost of being able to exploit those innovations when they are useful
  • a panarchy
  • The bow-tie structure manages these tensions by occupying an “edge of chaos” zone in between too much rigidity and too much flexibility, between too little diversity, and too much.
  • There is a need to capitalize on potential efficiencies in one’s current environment while at the same time remaining flexible enough to adapt if the environment changes
  • confusing the necessary cluster of evolving core elements with a “standard
  • Future networks operate on multiple standards in the core — optimal levels of infrastructure arrived at by open innovation in the periphery that makes its way into the core as adoption and usage increase.
  • widely agreed upon cultural understandings and practices.
    Single standards are notoriously difficult to overcome or dislodge, even when they become ludicrously inefficient,
Tony Searl

A Self-Appointed Teacher Runs a One-Man 'Academy' on YouTube - Technology - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 2 views

    And it serves as a reminder to be less reverent about those long-held assumptions.
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