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Rhondda Powling


    DAVID GARCIA STUDIO is an experimental architectural platform. The Studio's work spans through various scales, and from the social sphere to the technical, often challenging the status-quo through inventiveness and a cross-disciplinary approach. We truly believe that what exists is only a small part of what is possible, and we design driven by this principle.
Tony Searl

About T&C | Technology and Culture - 0 views

    About T&C Technology and Culture, founded in 1959, is the preeminent journal for the history of technology. International and interdisciplinary, T&C publishes articles and research notes by scholars from a wide range of intellectual disciplines: history, sociology, engineering, law, architecture, anthropology, economics, philosophy, literature, to name a few.
Tony Searl

Engaging Places | A resource to support teaching and learning through buildings and places - 7 views

    Welcome to your definitive teaching and learning guide for buildings and places. BSF, teaching activities, sustainability, visits, built environment, what's on, architecture, innovation, family learning, learning outside the classroom: it's all here on Engaging Places.
dean groom

Pecha Kucha -Presentation Method - 0 views

    Pecha Kucha (ペチャクチャ?), usually pronounced in three syllables like "pe-chak-cha") is a presentation format in which content can be easily, efficiently and informally shown, usually at a public event designed for that purpose. Under the format, a presenter shows 20 images for 20 seconds apiece, for a total time of 6 minutes, 40 seconds. It was devised in 2003 by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham of Tokyo's Klein-Dytham Architecture (KDa), who sought to give young designers a venue to meet, network, and show their work and to attract people to their experimental event space in Roppongi.[1] They devised a format that kept presentations very concise in order to encourage audience attention and increase the number of presenters within the course of one night. They took the name Pecha Kucha from a Japanese term for the sound of conversation ("chit-chat"). Klein and Dytham's event, called Pecha Kucha Night, has spread virally around the world. More than 170 cities now host such events.[2][3]
Nestor Ndzi Talla

Baby Love: Therapy for Alzheimer's Sufferers | Healthy and Green Living - 1 views

    Dolls can create miracles," says architectural gerontologist Mark Warner, founder of Ageless Design and The Alzheimer's Store. "They allow people who are no longer able to communicate to once again say that they're hungry, need to go to the bathroom, are uncomfortable, often using the doll as their tool: 'My baby is cold.
Raj Thakur

High Performance FPGA Based Decimal-to-Binary Conversion Schemes - 0 views

    Check out this article to know conversion schemes of FPGA based decimal to binary conversion and bit grouping with architecture and its applications. Click to read this article.

Google SketchUp Pro 2016 Crack Incl Keygen Free Download - 0 views

    Google SketchUp Pro 2016 Crack Incl Keygen Review & Full Free Download Google SketchUp Pro 2016 Crack Review: SketchUp Pro 2016 Crack is the most drawing programming which involves 3D displaying Architecture. You can utilize this system in planning; 3D auto CAD documentation and you can likewise associate your arrangements through in 3D.

SketchUp Pro 2020 Serial Key + Crack Free Download 2019 - 0 views

    Google SketchUp Pro 2020 Crack is 3D software that allows users to obtain a great many architectural features and ideas into your 2019 design
Nigel Coutts

Universal Design for Learning: An Introduction - 0 views

    What is UDL? Universal Design for Learning is born out of the broad principles for Universal Design in architecture. An architect working with Universal Design will consider all of the potential users of a structure, assess their individual needs and then develop a response that meets all of these needs.
Rhondda Powling

Designing the Classroom of the Future | always learning - 3 views

    Considering that education may look very different in a reasonably short amount of time, that we're going 1:1 in the next year, continuing to expand our online course offerings, and that the school is not too afraid of taking risks, I want to make sure we don't just design a great classroom for today. I'm just not quite sure how to bring our classroom design into the present, while still being forward-thinking enough to take us into the future at the same time.
Kerry J

Top 10 Best Practices for Government Websites - - Guide to Managing U.S. Government Websites - 0 views

    US government best practice guidelines but really good advice for anyone planning/re-structuring their web site.

SAP Analytics Cloud training - 1 views

SAP Analytics Cloud is actually a software-as-a-company (SaaS) giving that gives all the analytics abilities for all customers in a single products. SAP Analytics Cloud and the palms-on materials ...

https:__www.anubhavtrainings.com_sap-analytics-cloud-training education learning teaching tools web2.0 resources technology collaboration twitter interactive

started by neha2231 on 31 May 20 no follow-up yet

SAP Analytics Cloud training - 2 views

SAP Analytics Cloud is actually a software-as-a-company (SaaS) giving that gives all the analytics abilities for all customers in a single products. SAP Analytics Cloud and the palms-on materials ...

SAP Analytics Cloud training. education . learning teaching tools

started by neha2231 on 30 May 20 no follow-up yet

SAP Analytics Cloud training - 2 views

SAP Analytics Cloud is actually a software-as-a-company (SaaS) giving that gives all the analytics abilities for all customers in a single products. SAP Analytics Cloud and the palms-on materials ...

SAP Analytics Cloud training

started by neha2231 on 29 May 20 no follow-up yet
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