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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Steve Madsen

Steve Madsen

k12online2008 - October - 0 views

    Blog posting from Vicki Davis
    Start spreading the News to leave some PD time open during the K12 online conference October 20-24 and 27-31! If you want to download the flyer you can get it in PDF format. Julie and I met 3 years a go at the K12 online conference and shortly thereafter the first Flat Classroom Project was born. Little did we know we'd be keynoting a strand so soon. But the best thing about the K12 online conference is you -- us. All of "us" -- the loosely defined, ever changing edublogosphere full of plurkers, lurkers, and prolific conversationalists. So, you've been hanging around the fringes wondering if all of this "stuff" is for you and your classroom. I challenge you -- read / listen to ONE session -- participate in ONE conversation. Just dip you toe in and see what you think! Share what you're doing! Learn from others! This is not about any ONE person telling US how to do things the best way. This is about US telling US how to do things. Free. By teachers and educators for teachers and educators. What is there to lose?
Steve Madsen

Wiggio - Makes it easy to work in groups. - 0 views

shared by Steve Madsen on 11 Sep 08 - Cached
  • Wiggio lets you use the following group tools, and it’s all for free! Messages— send mass text messages, voice messages and emails from wiggio Calendar— keep a shared group calendar that will send you text message reminders before all your meetings, practices, rehearsals, games and other events Poll—survey your entire group and get their responses as they answer Folder— dump all your groups’ files into one folder and never send another attachment Meetings— never walk 15 minutes through the snow to get to a 10 minute meeting again… setup free conference calls and web chats on Wiggio Links— keep a shared favorites folder
    This seems to have a more intuitive feel as compared to the likes of yahoo groups and google groups. Will be testing it out with a class.
Steve Madsen

Developing a Learning Technology Plan - 0 views

  • smadsenaulikesthe idea that academic staff get formal time to play in the technology sandpit.Jo McLeay&nbsp;smadsenau I like it fifikinssaysI'd like it to be a given, not an extra that is worked in.Teacher_ricksaystechnical or educational?Teacher_ricksaystechnical: stability, stability, stabilityTeacher_ricksayseducational: time, time and timeJo McLeay&nbsp;Teacher_rick a great distinction. I thnk this job is mainly the educational sidesmadsenaufeelsthat a 3 to 5 year Learning Plan needs to be developedsmadsenaufeelsthat it is good to make use of the expertise of staff within the schoolsmadsenaufeelsthat numerous short workshops on various topics can be run eg. 1 or 2 hour session on delicioussmadsenaufeelsthat your school could deliver electronic courses much like 'Distance Education'smadsenaufeelsthat collaboration software choice is Elluminate is best for delivering long distant courses with its whiteboard facilities?smadsenaufeelsan electronic extensive survey will need to be carried out with your staffsmadsenaufeelsthat you need the IT people to provide the infrastructure &amp; respond quickly to day to day problems.smadsenaufeelsthat one person can't implement a Learning Technology plan, a team of people need implement it with the proper time allowancefifikinssaysBoth internal and external collaboration.smadsenau&nbsp;assumes your school has school administration / reports online that can be carried out at school and from home.smadsenauaskswill you be going to the ACEC'08 in Canberra, in October?TeachingMothersaysI agree with smadsenauJo McLeay&nbsp;smadsenau yes I'll be there with bells on. Maybe we can meet up smadsenaulovesthe idea of meeting up at ACEC.bookjewel&nbsp;consultation with staff</tbod
    Some concepts that could be used in a job interview involving eLearning.
    This was a result of a Plurk posting. Some concepts may be worthwhile?
Steve Madsen

PicoCricket - Invention kit that integrates art and technology - 0 views

    Picocricket is aimed at primary schools, age 8 and up. From the same people who created Scratch. Combining Art & Robotics to spark Creative Thinking. Not free.
    A PicoCricket is a tiny computer that can make things spin, light up, and play music. You can plug lights, motors, sensors, and other devices into a PicoCricket, then program them to react, interact, and communicate.
Steve Madsen

Nebo Elementary School Department of Music - 0 views

    Several small snappy Scratch projects at this relatively unknown site on Scratch.
    Several small snappy Scratch projects listed.
Steve Madsen

Main Page - - 0 views

    An apparent mechanism to collect / collate possible innovations in technology in the near and medium term futures for New Zealand & Australia.
    An apparent mechanism for NZ & OZ people to assist in the identification of technological trends in the near to medium future. Input assists in the publication of the yearly Horizon Report.
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