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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Steve Madsen

Steve Madsen

ICT Guy » Scratch Resources - 14 views

    Scratch resources
    Some further resources for Scratch
Steve Madsen

Wikipedia Tightens Editing Policy -- Wikipedia -- InformationWeek - 0 views

    This article explains how editing has tightened within Wikipedia.
    Wikipedia has tightened its editing policy to improve accuracy and prevent vandalism on the user-written online encyclopedia. The changes were discussed Wednesday on the site's blog, following reports on the Web that the site was "clamping down" on its open-editing process, which allows anyone to contribute articles or revise information on existing articles.
Steve Madsen

Format Factory - Free media file format converter - 0 views

    claim to be a format converter
    Claims to be a free media format converter.
Steve Madsen

The Educational Technology Site: ICT in Education: --> A teen's view of social networki... - 0 views

    Miller (female) interviewed by Mr. Freedman
Steve Madsen

Langwitches » About - 0 views

    This site was nominated for an Edublog Award. Has very specific entries that are relevant for the classroom teacher. Focus may be for primary students but concepts seem easy to transform for Years 7 - 10 students.
    LANGWITCHES' Blog contains thoughts, ideas and projects on my journey as a Technology Integration Facillitator. My name is Silvia Tolisano. I was born in Germany, raised in Argentina and am living in the United States. I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Spanish with a Minor in International Studies and a Masters in Education with an emphasis in Instructional Technology. My areas of interest include technology in the classroom and multicultural and global education.
Steve Madsen MINDSTORMS NXT New Zealand - 0 views

    LEGO MINDSTORMS site from New Zealand. Seems to have worth while links that focus on the NXT robots.
Steve Madsen

Lego Mindstorm NXT Playlist | Wonder How To - 0 views

    Building Lego Robots is amazing. Here are some great tutorials that get you through the tricky parts of making the bricks sentient. Note: not sure if tutorials are actually operational?
Steve Madsen

UNSW COMPUTING :: RoboCup Junior - 0 views

    UNSW offers training for staff in various aspects of NXT Lego robots. Seems to have workshops each year.
    UNSW Computing has developed specialised robotic workshops for school students. They focus on the use of the new Lego NXT technology combined with the popular RoboCup Junior competition for schools. This results in some serious fun for students.
Steve Madsen

Teaching ROBOTC for Mindstorms - 0 views

    Teaching RobotC for Lego Mindstorms
Steve Madsen

Robotics and the 5 E's - 0 views

    Robotics Club Australia, Robotics and the 5 E's, Introductory Robotic Investigation Lesson Plans
Steve Madsen

Robotics on the Web - 0 views

    An online Victorian collaborative project to gather, display and share robotic projects from classrooms around the world. Seems to have a primary school focus.
Steve Madsen

Atomic Learning: Robolab for NXT - Movies - 0 views

    Atomic Learning training: a fee is involved.
    Robolab for NXT The ROBOLAB™ software uses an icon-based, diagram-building environment to write programs that control your students' LEGO® robotics projects. This 2.9 upgrade to ROBOLAB™ is designed to support RCX users and ease the transition to the NXT system.
Steve Madsen

Lego NXT Robots - 0 views

    A site that has some actual lessons plans and activities for the NXT robot. Seems to be quite extensive.
    NXT Design Activities and Challenges with some programming examples
Steve Madsen

Main Page: Robotics - 0 views

    An extensive moodle site for various technology courses in NSW by Graham Betts. One of the courses is an overview on robotics.
    This course is designed to give people a general overview of robotics. You will need to register but registration is free and open to anyone.
Steve Madsen

Proactive PD - Education-Technology-Training - 0 views

    This site has some actual lesson plans and activities for the NXT robots.
    The following lesson plans are for free use by Teachers of Robotics using the LEGO NXT Mindstorms Education kit. There are Junior, Middle and Senior School Lesson Sequences and plans that build on Robot Educator. They are designed to be used in an approximate 6 week block, but feel free to access single lessons.
Steve Madsen

ALE: Robotics - 0 views

    Moodle site that has content for RobotC programming for NXT robots. Seems to have a Robocup competition focus.
    Moodle site that has content for RobotC programming for NXT robots. Seems to have a Robocup competition focus.
Steve Madsen

Domabotics - 0 views

shared by Steve Madsen on 26 Dec 08 - Cached
  • Robotics is fast becoming an integral part of the school curriculum with it's ability to integrate across a broad range of topics, most notably the Technology, Science and Math Key Learning Areas. Robotics encourages kids to think creatively, analyse situations and apply critical thinking and problem solving skills to real world problems. Teamwork and co-operation are a cornerstone of any robotics project. Students learn it is acceptable to make mistakes, especially if it leads them to better solutions. Robotics is a fun and engaging way to teach fundamental technology, maths and science concepts.
    • Steve Madsen
      Nice description as to why to teach robotics
    Australian site that seems to deal with robotics indepth.
Steve Madsen

Robotics Bookmarks Lacking - 31 views

NXT Lego robotics
started by Steve Madsen on 26 Dec 08 no follow-up yet
  • Steve Madsen
    During the summer 2008 / 09 holidays, I was in the process of creating a unit of work using the Lego NXT robots. I assumed there would be some bookmarks within the OZ/NZ educators group on robotics but I did not find any.

    Could teachers that teach robotics, please add their bookmarks to this group. Thanks in anticipation.

    Steve Madsen
Steve Madsen

Remember The Milk: Online to do list and task management - 0 views

    * Manage tasks from anywhere * Get email, SMS or IM reminders * Share your tasks * Access from your phone * Manage tasks offline * Use with Google Calendar * Add tasks from iGoogle * a free version
    Excellent productivity tool that operates with iGoogle seamlessly.
Steve Madsen

Announcing "Diigo Educator Accounts - 0 views

    Great tool that can be used for collaboration within a class. It is possible (with proper tagging) to list these bookmarks within students' wikis. Updates delicious accounts automatically as well. Highly recommended.
    Today, we are happy to announce the release of Diigo Educator Accounts, a suite of features that makes it incredibly easy for teachers to get their entire class of students or their peers started on collaborative research using Diigo's powerful web annotation and social bookmarking technology.
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