Apple Logic Pro X 10.2 Crack Windows + Mac OSX is the best advanced version of logical software.Logic pro x pro tool that is used in mixing & edit sounds
A beginner's guide to the Mac OSX from a nuts and bolts perspective. Half hour long - but I paused to try apply what I was learning as I learned so took me a few hours. Well worth it - I feel much more comfy with what is for me a whole new OS!
Increase/Decrease Volume
Pressing modifier keys
while increasing/decreasing (F4/F5 for MacBook) will
slowly increase/decrease the volume bar by a quarter.
Searching by Lyrics
Spotlight in Leopard now supports searching music by its lyric.
Attach Files into Mail
Simple drag-and-drop to the icon helps you done the attaching in New
Working without Mouse or Trackpad
Using only keyboard shortcuts with modifier key
and keys F1 to F3, you can do Turn on Full Keyboard Access, Jump to Menubar and Go to
Dock respectively.
Assign a Shortcut to Multiple