A research group to gather and share online sources and links from and about the Outer Hebrides. Historical, natural, cultural, contemporary, governmental (mental being the operative word...) - all of the above.
A - good solid walls at full height, possible new roof.
B - bit tumbled but still some height, interior shapes
C - well tumbled but clearly recognisable
D - a mere pile of stones
E - just a memory
I am adding this link to the Advance Search page because I have found it to be particularly useful in that one can restrict searches to aParish or particulat Island and then navigate the drop-down list of site-types, generating a list of such sites in the chosen area.
Evening Post, Volume XXXIV, Issue 62, 10 September 1887, Page 2 -
recounting activities of Donald Munro, Chamberlain to Lady Matheson, in evicting the widow of the Miller in Ullapool in 1887