No one needs to explain to Jacqui Smith why it is wrong to give the police extended detention powers because she already knows the arguments. Many years ago when we were both activists in the Labour party's student wing, she was in the office of Sally Morgan, the party's student officer, when the police told her they were holding me under the Prevention of Terrorism Act. She knows what happened to me and she must know that she will be inflicting this on other innocent people.
Contents contributed and discussions participated by Tom Griffin
Irish Post: Call for unity - 0 views
David Davis - News > Welcome to my Blog - 0 views
Good old boys ride to Gordon's rescue « Splintered Sunrise - 0 views
Sky News - Boulton and Co. - 0 views
Put the Union to the vote, says Frank Field - Times Online - 0 views
Field wants everyone to be given a say in the nation’s constitutional future and claims that if the Scots voted for independence while England voted against, the prime minister should not negotiate the union’s demise with the first minister.
Nani, Nani, Nani - 0 views
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