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Anthony Barnett

Interview on Britain and Europe with Former Prime Minister Tony Blair - SPIEGEL ONLINE - 0 views

  • The rationale for Europe in the 21st century is stronger than it has ever been. It is essentially about power, not about peace anymore.
  • here is a very strong and very vocal minority however. Basically, it's an old fashioned form of nationalism. That's what the UK Independence Party is, and it carries with it a very old fashioned set of attitudes and arguments.
Tom Griffin

Falconer vows to lead revolt on 42-day detention - Times Online - 0 views

    ONE of Tony Blair's closest political allies, Lord Falconer, has pledged to lead the Lords revolt against Gordon Brown's flagship antiterror measures, if MPs back the prime minister this week.
Anthony Barnett

Peter, we've spent 10 years working with Gordon and we don't like him. The more the pub... - 0 views

  • Douglas arrived at HQ very agitated about it. ‘I can’t believe Ed Miliband,’ he complained. ‘You’d imagine that after ten years of waiting for this, and ten years complaining about Tony, we would have some idea of what we are going to do but we don’t seem to have any policies. For God’s sake, Harriet’s helping write the manifesto!’It was the first serious indication of a recurrent theme of Gordon’s premiership – everyone around him thought there was some big plan  sitting in a bottom drawer somewhere, just ready to be pulled out when the moment came. In fact, there was nothing.
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