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Sue Maberry

Can We Promote Experimentation and Innovation in Learning as well as Accountability? Interview with Terrel Rhodes | Academic Commons - 0 views

  • n contrast, the VALUE project responds to the need for multiple measures of multiple abilities and skills, many of which are not particularly well suited to snapshot standardized tests.
  • Drawing directly from curriculum-embedded and co-curricular work, e-portfolios can represent multiple learning styles, modes of accomplishment, and the quality of work achieved by students.
  • e believe that e-portfolios, potentially, can foster and provide evidence of high levels of student learning, across a vast range of experiences, and across programs and institution-wide outcomes.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • periodic reflections on learning by students are critical components of an education.
  • ntegrative Learning Metarubric
  • Creative Thinking Metarubric
  • Critical Thinking Metarubric
  • metarubrics
  • We hope that the VALUE project will be able to demonstrate several things:  that faculty across the country share fundamental expectations about student learning on all of the Essential learning Outcomes deemed critical for student success in the 21st century; that rubrics can articulate these shared expectations; that the shared rubrics can be used and modified locally to reflect campus culture within this national conversation; and that the actual work of students should be the basis for assessing student learning and can more appropriately represent an institution’s learning results.
  • e have an environment in which we need to be able to encompass a wider variety of modes for students to demonstrate their learning processes and achievements. By definition this forces us to encompass audio and video, Web 2.0, hard copy and virtual learning.
  • that different knowledge sets and ways of knowing result in learning outcomes being demonstrated in different ways. But in the deconstruction of the demonstrated learning, we tend to find similarity in the core components or criteria of learning, e.g. for critical thinking.
  • student learning is something that the entire campus community is engaged with; each person on the campus participates in the learning, but no one is responsible for all of the learning.
  • rubrics and e-portfolios does not have to create more work--it requires working differently, shifting my time and focus a bit--but it is richer and more rewarding than what I used to struggle with in trying to communicate my expectations for learning and how students could more readily succeed in meeting those expectations. There is a transparency and communication ability that enriches the conversations both with students and with colleagues.
    rubrics and e-portfolios does not have to create more work--it requires working differently, shifting my time and focus a bit good example rubrics for Integrative Learning, Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking
Sue Maberry

New Media Technologies and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: A Brief Introduction to this Issue of Academic Commons | Academic Commons - 0 views

  • there has been relatively little interaction between those most interested in new technologies and those invested in the scholarship on teaching and learning.
    • Sue Maberry
      To what extent is this true at Otis? I wish we had more time to actually talk about these issues...
  • We need, in short, to merge a culture of inquiry into teaching and learning with a culture of experimentation around new media technologies.
  • to understand better the changing nature of learning in new media environments and the potential of new media environments to make learning--and faculty insights into teaching--visible and usable.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • synoptic case study of the Visible Knowledge Project (VKP), a five-year project looking at the impact of technology on learning, primarily in the humanities, through the lens of the scholarship of teaching and learning. 
  • Learning for adaptive expertise: the role of new media in making visible the thinking processes intrinsic to the development of expert-like abilities and dispositions in novice learners; Embodied Learning: the impact of new media technologies on the expansion of Learning strategies that engage affective as well as cognitive dimensions, renewed forms of creativity and the sensory experience of new media, and the importance of identity and experience as the foundation of intellectual engagement; and Socially Situated Learning: the role of social dimensions of new media in creating conditions for authentic engagement and high impact Learning.
  • As Michael Wesch puts it in his commentary on the meaning of these changes, “Nothing good will come of these technologies if we do not first confront the crisis of significance and bring relevance back into education.
  • ePortfolios
  • A key element in this transformation is shifting the unit of analysis from the learner in a single course to the learner over time, inside and outside the classroom.
    Introduction to the whole issue which has several excellent essays related to best practices
Sue Maberry

From Narrative to Database: Multimedia Inquiry in a Cross-Classroom Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Study | Academic Commons - 0 views

  • technologies of delivery and “technology protocols.”
  • defines “media as socially realized structures of communication, where structures include both technological forms [technologies of delivery] and their associated protocols.”
  • not merely a technological add-on
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • This idea is useful for helping scholars of teaching and learning think through the impact of new media technologies on the practice of capturing and representing evidence of student learning and drawing conclusions from it.
  • Thinking with clarity about the role of technology is key when research focuses on the use of technology in the classroom and when the presentation of that research takes advantage of new media technologies.
  • The results of this study are available in print (see AHHE Forum on Digital Storytelling, Vol. 7.2, 2008) and also online at the Digital Storytelling Multimedia Archive.2
  • There is a somewhat familiar relationship between research and writing which underpins student work; however, because students are working towards a digital end, they are already thinking about their work as being different—more visual, more compressed, and more public than traditional writing products.
  • Thus, the grid designates a liminal space between the protocols of database and linear narrative in a multimedia environment.
  • The tension between grid and linear Web site as two related, yet fundamentally different ways to represent evidence of student learning is one of the most challenging aspects of our meta-study.
  • hese publications follow the hermeneutics of linear, hierarchical, cause-and-effect narratives.
  • the database is the privileged narrative of the computer age, and its logic is fundamentally different from that of linear print narratives
  • his absence of hierarchy is symptomatic of the database as “cultural form:”
  • reducing complexity through categorization works well only if certain criteria are met. First, in terms of the domain of knowledge to be organized, classification is dependent on a “small corpus, formal categories, stable and restricted entities, and clear edges.” Second, successful classification assumes “expert catalogers, an authoritative source of judgment,” as well as “coordinated” and “expert users.”8 One of our goals for this study is to make our findings publicly available in an online archive, accessible to the scholarship of teaching community and beyond. For such an environment, Shirky adds, reducing complexity through stable categories is a “bad strategy:”
  • Users have a terrifically hard time guessing how something they want will have been categorized in advance, unless they have been educated about those categories in advance as
  • Through collaborative coding/tagging and the production of further metadata in a collaborative effort with the academic community, we aim to push the limits of analyzing and representing student learning in Web 2.0 environments.
Sue Maberry

Digital Stories -Georgetown U project - 0 views

    Great archive about pedagogy of the process. * A "research section" that addresses questions around digital storytelling and student learning in three major sections: Multimedia Distinctive, Social Pedagogy, Affective learning * A grid as an alternative, condensed representation of our findings from this project * Video interviews with students and faculty as well as student produced digital stories * "Best practices": advice from students and faculty for working with digital stories
Sue Maberry

Digital Stories :: Introduction - 0 views

    This multimedia archive on digital storytelling provides:\n* A "research section" that addresses questions around digital storytelling and student learning in three major sections: Multimedia Distinctive, Social Pedagogy, Affective learning\n* A grid as an alternative, condensed representation of our findings from this project\n * Video interviews with students and faculty as well as student produced digital stories\n * "Best practices":
Gwynne Keathley

Liberal Education | Winter 2009 | Liberal Education & Effective Practice - 0 views

  • The most prominent attempt to introduce practical activity into liberal education is the civic engagement movement, through which students are encouraged to participate in off-campus community service, sometimes in connection with credit-bearing service-learning courses, sometimes outside the formal curriculum. Such programs aim to cultivate habits of “active citizenship” and build problem-solving skills in community settings.
  • Though important in its own right, the civic engagement movement is also a specific instance of the broader effort to link liberal education with action and practice.
  • The Carnegie Foundation has sponsored an effort to enrich the “thinking” orientation of liberal education with the “doing” emphasis of professional studies by incorporating practice-oriented pedagogies, such as simulations and case studies, in liberal arts courses. Many colleges offer interdisciplinary, problem-focused minors like urban studies or international relations through which students learn to think about complex, real-world problems. These programs often provide platforms for community-based research projects, internships and service opportunities, and Model UN–type simulations.
    AACU example of a call to link liberal education with more practice-based learning.
Sue Maberry

Engaging Students as Researchers through Internet Use | Academic Commons - 0 views

  • Should we be more concerned as teachers about correctness of sources or about successful inventiveness?
  • The final stage is one that we hope our students will reach; students comfortable with relativism and having a commitment to relativism have grasped that they must make judgments about evidence in terms of context and in a way that integrates objectivity and empathy.
  • they need to be taught methods of bringing together disparate sources.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Lessons and assignments are sequenced, in a scaffolding fashion, so that each assignment builds on the last. A scaffold provides support for the student and is structured so that one level builds upon the other. For instance, instead of a single introduction to searching online, the introduction to search engines can be a starting point for progressively more complex assignments building on previous knowledge. Lessons are delivered at regularly scheduled intervals throughout the course, so that learning is evenly distributed. Lessons balance the transfer of information about technology and research skills. Critical thinking concepts, which provide an essential framework for research evaluation, are incorporated into class and practiced regularly through such means as textual annotation, concept mapping, and research logs. Reading skills are adapted to the online environment; students learn to “read” search results, database information, and Web sites. Reading Web sites in particular requires that students read vertically, horizontally, and through multiple layers and that they recognize the key words that most Web sites use to guide the reader (such as “about us” which often leads to publication information). One student comment was typical about the course: “I learned how to read a site and how to read the hits.”
  • Research challenges students conceptually. Consider the complexity of the metaphorical language we use about areas of research: the “search” and the metasearch (a truer search?) sound mystical, a kind of archetypal quest (especially when combined with geographical terms like “mapping” and “logging”); the term keyword has a metaphysical promise; other terms invoke complex spatial images such as Web, network, and links; and finally “operators” (as in Boolean operators) echo with the lingering implication of agency. Given this profusion of rich terminology and complex skill building, students need to be grounded in regular, persistent sequencing of lessons and activities that encourage meta-cognition.
  • As we teach research skills, fostering that sense of amazement at discovery develops students as thoughtful researchers capable of handling the serendipitous moment online.
  • My goal for this course was to increase effective instruction on Internet research and improve the quality of Web-based sources used in student papers. I focused on developing a series of lessons in research methods, analytical reading, and critical thinking, all in the context of Internet research. Moreover, I wanted students to develop a better sense of the “art” of research, of finding good sources by sheer work, good judgment, and a bit of serendipitous luck.
  • nformation Gathering: students appreciated a wide range of options and felt that the Internet allowed them more choices. They also expressed awareness of the pitfalls of searching the Web and cautioned against gathering too much information without focusing their topic or evaluating their results as they progressed in their research. Discovery: students appreciated the exposure to new perspectives and areas of research--essentially the increased opportunity for serendipitous events.   Connectivity: students liked the brainstorming aspect of Web searches and how they would return to their searching strategy as new information appeared. Students also made connections in terms of sequencing tasks and developed a sense of the connections emerging between their sources. Evaluation: students want to read a lot of articles to find the “best ones.” They expressed awareness of practicing more caution in their choices and understood the need to look at sites for the publisher’s bias.2
    for our project to define "research"
    What does information literacy look like in first-year college work?
Sue Maberry

January 2009 | Academic Commons - 0 views

    issue with many many interesting articles about New Media Technologies and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Sue Maberry

Visible Knowledge Project Home Page - 0 views

    VKP is a five-year project aimed at improving the quality of college and university teaching through a focus on both student learning and faculty development in technology-enhanced environments.
Sue Maberry

Making Common Cause: Electronic Portfolios, Learning, and the Power of Community | Academic Commons - 0 views

  • Barbara Cambridge
  • How Eportfolios Help Us All Learn
    "A key element in this transformation is shifting the unit of analysis from the learner in a single course to the learner over time, inside and outside the classroom. "
Sue Maberry

Themes & Findings | Visible Knowledge Project - 0 views

  • n general, faculty have to make room for uncertainty, openness to multiple paths and approaches, reflection, and productive iteration. Additionally, faculty who design for this kind of development in new media environments have found that they have to create new ways to stimulate and capture artifacts of student learning that reflect expert processes that are different from traditional summative assessments.
  • intellectual play
Sue Maberry

From Looking to Seeing: Student Learning in the Visual Turn | Academic Commons - 0 views

    incorporating images as key "texts" into their courses

Turbo-Charged Wikis: Technology Embraces Cooperative Learning | Academic Commons - 0 views

    First, a teacher must establish a collaborative environment from the beginning of class. A wiki-based project should not be the first time students work together. Collaborative projects work well, but only if an environment of cooperation already exists.
Sue Maberry

Producing Audiovisual Knowledge: Documentary Video Production and Student Learning in the American Studies Classroom | Academic Commons - 0 views

    interesting article about how to effectively use video/multimedia in LAS courses
    pedagogy related to multimedia use in the classroom
Sue Maberry


    Excellent set of pedagogy help especially for new faculty
    Excellent set of pedagogy help especially for new faculty
Sue Maberry

Trace Evidence: How New Media Can Change What We Know About Student Learning | Academic Commons - 0 views

  • Seven Types of Discussion Questions
  • Part of moving from novice, to intermediate, to expert learner is understanding the types of questions can be asked and answered. T
    the first part about clickers is not that relevant, but after that there is a good discussion about TYPES OF DISCUSSION QUESTION Participants were encouraged to think through what might happen to their practice of art history if: --they had easy access to high-quality, copyright-cleared material in all media; --they could share research and teaching with whomever they wanted; --they had unrestricted access to instructional technologists who could assist with technical problems, inspire with teaching ideas and suggest resources they might not otherwise have known about.
Sue Maberry

VKP Glossary - 0 views

  • find the glossary a helpful guide to terms they might encounter in many contemporary discussions of student learning in higher education settings.
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