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Jones, B., & Walters, S. (2015). Flexible learning and teaching: looking beyond the bin... - 1 views

    Summary; This paper engages with literature on flexible learning and teaching in order to explore whether it may be possible, within the South African context, to have flexible learning and teaching provide a third way which goes beyond the current practice of full-time/part-time provision. This binary classification of students is a proxy for day-time/after-hours delivery.

How social collaboration accelerated learning at Xerox - ThingLink - 3 views

    Explanation from John Seely Brown about how connections enhance learning and how knowledge resides in networks.

YouTubing: Challenging Traditional Literacies and Encouraging Self-Organisation and Con... - 2 views

    An article which posits YouTube as a pedogogical tool for connected learning.

Teaching Crowds | A Teaching Crowds book site - 3 views

    "This is a book about how crowds can teach, and how to teach crowds, using the tools and communities of social media. It is about online learning with the help of other people and helping other people to learn online."

How to Find Creative Commons Licensed Images and Cite Them Correctly - 1 views

    Creative Commons (CC) is a non-profit organization devoted to expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share. The organization has released several copyright-licenses known as CC licenses free of charge to the public.

The Twitter Essay - Hybrid Pedagogy - 2 views

    Consider the tangible violence technology has wrought upon grammar. We rely on automated grammar and spell-check tools in word-processing software (so much that they've become a crutch). E-mail shorthand fails to live up to the grammatical standards of typed or handwritten letters. And many believe our language is being perverted by the shortcuts (and...

Attention, and Other 21st-Century Social Media Literacies - 1 views

    © 2010 Howard Rheingold. The text of this article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial License ( EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 45, no. 5 (September/October 2010): 14-24 Howard Rheingold ( is the author of Tools For Thought, The Virtual Community, Smart Mobs, and other books and is currently lecturer at the University of California, Berkeley, and Stanford University.

Online learning: it is all about dialogue, involvement, support and control- according ... - 9 views

    Please notice that the above link is no longer in use; please go to to find this interesting paper!

The space for social media in structured online learning - 4 views

    The space for social media in structured online learning aOffice of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education Innovation), The University of Western Australia, Crawley, WA, Australia; bStudent Academic Support Unit, Monash University, Monash, Caulfield, VIC, Australia; cLearning Transformations Unit, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, VIC, Australia; d Australian Council for Educational Research,

Evaluating digital services: a visitors and residents approach - 0 views

    This Jisc Guide presents the results from the research project 'The Visitors and Residents project'. The research project is the background for the videos "Visitors and Residents" and "Credibility" by David White.

Motivating learners in open and distance learning: do we need a new theory of learner s... - 4 views

    Ormond Simpson, Open Polytechnic of New Zealand, New Zealand Open Learning Vol. 23, No. 3, November 2008, 159-170

Directory of OER repositories - 3 views

    List of global collections of open educational resources.

The Resident Web and Its Impact on the Academy - 4 views

    On the Web, there is a close coupling between the individual, their persona and the information they consume and produce. This stands in stark contrast to the traditional discipline of academic writing and publishing, which requires the extraction of self, even as the credibility and status of the author is still paramount.

Developing digital literacies - 5 views

    Digital literacy looks beyond functional IT skills to describe a richer set of digital behaviours, practices and identities. What it means to be digitally literate changes over time and across contexts, so digital literacies are essentially a set of academic and professional situated practices supported by diverse and changing technologies.
    Thanks Anne for highlighting this resource to our group, it is indeed valuable and ended up as suggested resources for topic 2 on the course site!! best wishes Maria
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