ollie1 (Peterman): Iowa Online Teaching Standards - 28 views
Has experienced online learning from the perspective of a student
Gary Garles on 18 Jan 13This is the part that I need to spend a lot of time on...
ronda fey on 18 Jan 13I agree. I need to first understand the tools available from a student's point of view before I can bring it into the classroom.
Paloma Soria on 19 Jan 13Yes, it is a very good personal experience.
Charmaine Carney on 19 Jan 13I think that taking online courses ourselves humbles us and helps us to empathize with our students who experience problems with online learning.
Steve Leach on 19 Jan 13Each time I come to this class, I am engaged in a riveting conflict that involves the following extremes: the fear of being a miserable failure vs. the thrill of successully participating online in a manner that I did not even know exsted two weeks ago.
Elizabeth VanDeHey on 20 Jan 13Working as a student in an online course is so beneficial to those who will later be an instructor in an online course! I believe it provides instructors with empathy and an understanding that it will not be easy for every student and the challenges will vary with each technology tool!
Karen Hobbs on 20 Jan 13I agree that this is a humbling experience.
Mari Haley on 27 Jan 13I think this would be such a plus. I always thought my best early childhood college instructors were those that had had experience in an elementary classroom
Jonathan Wylie on 15 Sep 13As educators, perhaps we should be doing more to experience what our lessons are like from a learner's point of view, and I mean online and offline. We would learn a lot from this.
Catherine Leipold on 25 Sep 13I agree with so many of the comments in this section. It is beneficial to be attempting an online class before presenting an online class. (Or hybrid) And it is good to recall what our students will feel - the 'riveting conflict' as described by Steve Leach is something good to experience.
Catherine Leipold on 25 Sep 13Being able to understand the issues students have with respect to the online presentations can help us 'fine-tune' our lessons. It can perhaps motivate us to search for easier programs or give ideas we can suggest to the publishers of our favorite program to make them work better. It is a humbling experience to jump from feeling like you know what you are doing to being totally 'lost'.
manderson34 on 28 Sep 13Frankly, it's fun to be a student when a lesson is engaging and hits our optimal zone of learning and challenge, but on the flip side if a lesson is poorly conceived it is difficult, even for an adult, to stay focused. It is important to put ourselves in the shoes of students in order to grow as educators. Reflection is so important.
meliathompson on 07 Oct 14I think this is very important. One of the reasons I want to get involved in creating my own online course is because I enjoyed being a student and taking classes online. I feel like I know some of the criteria and how to navigate somewhat around an online course that will help me relate to my students. I always like to emphasize to my student whether in the classroom or adult students, that I am sure there will be times when we are going to be learning together.
Being able to be in contact with the instructor (and other students) is imparative during an online course.
I agree, Ronda. Students, especially those new to online learning or using a new online platform, need that instructor support to avoid becoming too frustrated. Also, contact with other students helps students to learn from each other.
I am one of those students who is new to online learning. On a daily basis, I use face-to-face contact in order to succeed, so this is a very challenging way for me to learn. I am encouraged to know that my instructor and my classmates are there to help me when I have a simple question or am feeling overwhelmed by how much I don't know.
This is crucial. Technology is only a vehicle to learning. If the process is too difficult students won't be spending that time on the content.
Karen, it is nice to know there is a troubleshooting area in online classes and other students to ask questions of. It is a new way of accessing when we can't see the person on the other end.
It is important for instructors to be able to use technology to better prepare out students
The challenge is staying current because the technology emerges so quickly.
I agree, it is very hard to keep up and stay current with all of the new and better programs that are constantly emerging. It seems like the students are one step ahead all of the time since they are so comfortable with technology.
I agree Jamie, it is a challenge for teachers to stay current on technology as it changes so fast. School age kids can fit new technology quickly into their skill set because they have always had technology in their life.
I agree the technology changes so fast that for teachers it is more difficult to 'keep up'. I wonder if we get used to one site that works and we get comfortable and we don't keep looking for new ideas or sites to improve our teaching.
With my students, we feel more of a responsibility to expose them to educational sites. The population I teach is comfortable with tech, but using it in an educational setting is were they struggle.
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Assists students with technology used in the course (Varvel III.C)
It is my wish that this class will help me to assist my students with technology as we move to 1:1 school, next year.
Paloma, Does 1:1 mean that every student will have a laptop or some other form of technology available for every class period?
I would also like to be more technology literate after this course. While I will not be teaching an online course, I will be enhancing my classroom courses with online resources.
I am thinking about the importance of collaboration with other teachers and the help of the school's IT Department to help us growing technologically.
I think collaboration is very important. I'm the only social studies teacher in the middle school level at my school. I love getting together with other middle school social studies teachers and pitching around ideas of what we're using tech wise in class.
Communicates with students effectively and consistently
I wanted to say THANK YOU! to Nancy for doing a great job communicating with all of us, effectively and consistently. Great example in teaching us how to create a community of learners.
Yes, Paloma. Nancy is a great example. I took another course with her and was very encouraged when I communicated my frustration.
Identifies and communicates learning outcomes and expectations through a course overview/orientation
I believe one key to student success in any course is getting them off to a good start. A good overview/orientation is essential so that students know what they will be learning and what will be required of them.
I agree, Charmaine. I found the "Topic 1 Pacing Chart" to be especially helpful last week. I printed it and used check marks to keep track of my progress.
Having one place with all assignments listed by due date was a feature of all my classes. I would continue thta in this context.
This is a must with the population that I teach. We have a high ELL group (many children of first generation immigrants). Have detailed explainitions, not only at the beginning, but throughout any activity or class is needed.
Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
I think that understanding these differences is essential. What works in one environment may not work in the other. Taking our face-to-face course work and merely putting it online may not be effective nor desirable.
As a newcomer to online learning, I believe the directions need to be incredibly explicit because the students don't necessarily "see" what the instructor sees, and the instructor isn't standing in the same room as the learner with the ability to just point at the concept that is causing the confusion.
Yes, and I had a glitch that prevented me from seeing these notes earlier, and that was very frustrating. Have to allow for tech issues.
Being a student in this class gives me an opportunity to experience what my students may encounter. I am presently working from three different computers and each one works (or doesn't) a little differently.
From my perspective, I feel that you need to be an online student yourself first before you can design and guide an online class. Being a student gives you the understanding and need to predict student needs when designing online instructions that are different and more challenging than face-to-face instruction. It initially takes more time to design online instruction than face-to-face
This is definitely something to think about. Some things would be similar, but others would be very different. I've taught face-to-face classes with adults, but never online
I agree with you Mari. I believe it is very beneficial to be an online student first before you design your own course. I have worked on a course this year, but am learning so many different ways to present information and engage students by taking this course. I think this will make the course I have been working on more rigorous and engaging to the course participants.
Knows the content of the subject to be taught and understands how to teach the content to students (SREB A.3, Varvel II.A, ITS 2.a)
Knows the content of the subject to be taught and understands how to teach the content to students
At my school, North Polk, we are currently discussing how we teachers must be constantly adjusting the strategies we use to teach so that we are better able to meet the needs of all learners. It is not enough to know our curriculum; we must be able to deliver it successfully too.
This is so true! Quality teaching will have the most impact on student achievement - not resources, class sizes or the use of technology.
I appreciate the 2nd half of this statement most--understands HOW to teach the content to students. We must be developing 21st century skills through all content learning and that doesn't happen by using 19th century teaching methods. Cooperative learning and deep thinking needs to occur.
• Promotes learning through online collaboration group work that is goal-oriented and focused (SREB C.5, Varvel V.I)
Is knowledgeable and has the ability to use computer programs required in online education to improve learning and teaching
Using technology in a classroom is only appropriate if it is beneficial to the learning process for students. Sometimes I believe it is easy to think that using technology is in itself helping students learn, because this generation tends to focus more when on the computer or with a video game type learning device. I imagine this can make it easy to implement technology without a true educational benefit for students and teachers must stay away from that.
Designs the structure of the course and the presentation of the content to best enhance student learning, including using unit/lesson overviews and reviews, using patterns in lesson sequencing, and using appropriate visual web design techniques
I think this standard is closely related to a standard in ITS 4 which brings up the fact that online learning is different than face-to-face learning. That is very true and because of that online instructors must strive to make their course understandable and beneficial through the presentation of the content and the use of various tools to enhance understanding.
• Continuously uses data to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of instructional strategies (SREB J.7, ITS 1.c)
Provides and communicates evidence of learning and course data to students and colleagues (SREB J.6, ITS 1.a)
Tailors instruction to meet the different needs of students, including different learning styles, different interests and backgrounds, and students with special needs or whom are language learners
• Maintains an online social presence that is available, approachable, positive, interactive, and sincere
I would be interested to know how other teachers do this. I am new to doing things online for my courses, but I would like to know how other teachers tailor their online material to fit the different needs of students.
Sometimes I follow the forum discussions and from these discussions, I ask more guiding questions that seem to follow student interests or other sites that may support their topics for further research
I have found that students are more open to communication via online tools than they are in class. Discussions tend to go much deeper when they are online than in the classroom. I have had students ask me some rather profound questions that I don't think they would have face to face.
I would agree with that. From my experience, online communication tends to break down some barriers for some students. It seems less threatening to them somehow, but this does not always apply for all students.
• Sets and models clear expectations for appropriate behavior and proper interaction (SREB D.6, ITS 6.b) • Creates a safe environment, managing conflict (Varvel VII.D, ITS 6.e)
Selects and uses technologies appropriate to the content that enhance learning
This is important because technology is not "one size fits all" and you want the technology to help the learner not distract the learner.
Yes, I agree, we must select the right tool for the right job. The tool needs to be selected after the objective of the lesson has been decided, then the tool is selected to "enhance the learning". We also need to remember that instruction on how to use the tool should be taught before it is expected to help with content learning. It is too easy to forget the content and focus on "tool proficiency."
Provides substantive, timely, and constructive feedback to students
If you don't give students appropriate and timely feedback, how will they know what to do? This is important in a face-to-face class and probably more important with online classes when you don't see the teacher each day.
I am weak in this area, but last summer experienced a total lack of communication in one of my online courses that really left me frustrated. I resolved to make sure my students never had to experience the same thing at that point.
I think this is so important especially for those who are not sure if they are doing an assignment correctly.
You are so right -- it's easy to get frustrated when there is a lack of communication.
4 Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face (SREB C.1, Varvel V)
Has knowledge of learning theory appropriate to online learning, which may include (but is not limited to) age and ability level, multiple intelligences, didactic conversation, student developmental influences, constructivism, behaviorism, cognitivism, connectivism, and group theory (Varvel V.A)
Understands student motivation and uses techniques to engage students (Varvel V.D, ITS
Technology can do wonders in the motivation area. Today's students have grown up with technology and it's technology that can engage students in online or face to face classes.
So true - everyday I have 2-3 students ask "are going to use the iPads today?". It really is amazing how it is so much apart of their lives and I'm just learning and trying to keep up.
We are going 1:1 next year - ready or not. It's going to be a learning opportunity for everyone. Since I teach the business classes - Microsoft Office - they won't be used as much in my room, but I'm still looking for ways to incorporate them.
Just like I said in the first section, this is very similar to what is expected in a classroom. I'm not sure how this would be done for creating an online class, other than having a variety of ways to get information, communicate and share what you have learned. I would think that those people taking an online class would have a more similar learning style.
I've seen several instances that technology is used just for the sake of technology. It really doesn't enhance the learning. I think in an online course this hopefully would not be the case.
Demonstrates effective instructional strategies and techniques, appropriate for online education, that align with course objectives and assessment
This has been something I have had to do deliberately because it is too easy for me to keep the same sort of activities happening all the time. I took another OLLIE course that taught me various ways of doing this. It was helpful because I was having difficulty visualizing what I could do on my own.
I have had this experience as an online student and have included it as an online instructor. In both cases, people who collaborated worked face to face, even though there was an online option. I think as a student you really have to push for inclusion in the collaboration. It is somehow less satisfying than being physically present.
Understands and uses course content that complies with intellectual property rights and fair use, and assists students in complying as well (
As a newcomer to online learning, I believe the directions need to be incredibly explicit because the students don't necessarily "see" what the instructor sees, and the instructor isn't standing in the same room as the learner with the ability to just point at the concept
Networks with others involved in online education for the purpose of professional growth
Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
Communicates assessment criteria and standards to students, including rubrics for student performances and participation
Students like to understand how they are going to be graded on a project. Making sure that you show them by using a rubric will help with any questions they may have later on about their score. A rubric can also be like a checklist for students to make sure they have covered all parts of the assignment.
Establishes standards for student behavior that are designed to ensure academic integrity and appropriate use of the internet and written communication
This is important because students need to understand that their online course is a classroom setting not a private chat room setting. Being professional and respectful in their posts and comments is important.
I think it's also important to stress the use of proper sentence structure, proper grammar, etc. Just because it's online doesn't meet texting rules apply.
It's frustrating to see text abbreviations in an academic class. It's something I stress - the difference between what is appropriate and when it is appropriate.
to stay current with emerging technologies (SREB B.5)
Aligns assessment with course objectives
• Knows and aligns instruction to the achievement goals of the local agency and the state, such as with the Iowa Core (Varvel I.A, ITS 1.f, ITS 3.a)
• Applies research, knowledge, and skills from professional growth to improve practice (SREB C.8, ITS 7.c)
I am a firm believer in this benchmark of standard 7. I feel as if I'm falling behind when I'm not taking classes to expand my horizon. Which explains my interest in learning about moodle, etc.
You will probably be able to tell my age .... but I've been going to school for 50 years! If I don't keep taking classes on technology that can help my students, I feel like I'm not preparing them for their next step.
• Understands and uses data from assessments to guide instruction (SREB J, ITS 5.c)
These standards are an alignment of the Iowa Teaching Standards (ITS), the Southern Regional Educational Board's iNACOL standards (SREB), and the standards put forth by the University of Illinois (Virgil Varvel)
Creates a learning community that encourages collaboration and interaction, including student-teacher, student-student, and student-content (SREB D.2, Varvel VII.B, ITS 6.a)
Not only do we need to promote a collaborative and interactive situation in the face-to-face classroom, online collaboration that promote interactive activities while teaching content is very important however challenging for someone just starting to learn how to develop online classes. The tools to form collaborative situations sound great but learning how to take advantage of their full potential takes time. I think to start with I'll find one tool, maybe two, to focus on.
In today's business world - teamwork is an important skill. You are right when you say we need to promote collaborative skills with out students. The online classes can help students work together while not being in the exact location or time.
This one hits home with me being a science teacher. We need more scientists. We need students graduating and heading to college and majoring in the sciences. One way to capture attentiion and make science intruiging is through technology. I have found that using things like LoggerPro with Vernier Software and Hardware get students that hands-on experience that facilitate learning when they don't know they're learning.
I believe in trying new things and I'm not afraid to jump out there along with the students. This year, we tried two new projects in class involving two different software programs. One of which, I had zero experience with and the other, minimal technical practice. One was Google Sketchup and the other was Audacity. With Sketchup, the students were highly skeptical, but became extremely more than proficient. Some got really good. When we went to Audacity, it jsut took a reminder that they can do anything they put their mind to. Students are highly adaptable when it comes to technology.
Meets the professional teaching standards established by a state-licensing agency, or has the academic credentials in the field in which he or she is teaching (SREB A.1, Varvel II.A)
I developed great respect for teaching standards over the past few years as I was required to learn all about Iowa's Early Learning Standards in my position as an Early Childhood Consultant for Northwest AEA. I observed that teachers who get to know and implement the standards have better outcomes for children. Having the credentials and meeting the standards for whatever you are teaching, on or off-line, brings credibility to what you are doing.
I'm new to online teaching. What are your thoughts in rigor? Do you find online classes more or less rigorous than traditional class?
Creates or selects multiple assessment instruments that are appropriate for online learning
Utilizes a course evaluation and student feedback data to improve the course
Demonstrates ethical conduct as defined by state law and local policies or procedures
Maintains an online social presence that is available, approachable, positive, interactive, and sincere
evaluate learning materials and resources that align with the context and enhance learning
I know it's been mentioned above but this so closely replicates the Iowa Teaching Standards yet is so different at the same time. Remembering that learning material and resource needs are different for students in an online environment is so important! Again, wraps back to the importance of being an active online learner yourself to understand the needs and demands your students will require.
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This is important because technology is not "one size fits all" and you want the technology to help the learner not distract the learner.
From my experiences as an online student and an instructor, I have found these two criteria very important. The reasons I have found is that you have to think about how to describe in detail expectations that a variety of individuals may have as an online instructor. When you are face-to-face, you can be more general and as students immediately ask questions or you can read body language, you can adjust immediately. So, you have to use many previous experiences to predict concerns which students may have and be ready to differentiate at any time.
Helps students with disabilities to understand the lessons snapped a picture of what is required of them for the assignments, or connect the subject lessons in reading and writing parts for all other students in class or online lectures. also works to shorten the time of the study. Asma Ali
studying of Diigo, help increase the teacher in his style in the study, and may be a means of importance in a variety of teaching methods
If you don't give students appropriate and timely feedback, how will they know what to do? This is important in a face-to-face class and probably more important with online classes when you don't see the teacher each day.
If you don't give students appropriate and timely feedback, how will they know what to do? This is important in a face-to-face class and probably more important with online classes when you don't see the teacher each day.
From my experiences as an online student and an instructor, I have found these two criteria very important. The reasons I have found is that you have to think about how to describe in detail expectations that a variety of individuals may have as an online instructor. When you are face-to-face, you can be more general and as students immediately ask questions or you can read body language, you can adjust immediately. So, you have to use many previous experiences to predict concerns which students may have and be ready to differentiate at any time.