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Ashlyn Hood

Google Search Engine-Week 6 - 2 views This website explains how to avoid plagiarism. It explains the difference between summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting in re...

Technology edtech cse week7


Custom Search Engine - 0 views

shared by lensi01 on 22 Feb 16 - No Cached
    With Google Custom Search, add a search box to your homepage to help people find what they need on your website. This will be great in a classroom because it allows you to limit the students search to only sites that you prefer.

Week 6 Websites! - 7 views

Here are some helpful tools for your Customized Google Search Engine and some good tips to avid Plagiarism! 1. 2. 3. htt...

resources edtech teaching classroom education teachers learning technology plagiarism CSE

started by jaymescott on 23 Sep 14 no follow-up yet

Google Custom Search - 0 views

    Holly's customized search engine for her future classroom

Google Search Engine - 1 views

technology resources tutorial


Custom Search Engine - 1 views

  • Sign up for the basics - it's free
    • torfergie
      Watch this helpful tutorial to get started!!
    This is a direct link to create a custom search engine through Google.
    A site that teachers can use to make custom search engines for their classrooms.  These search engines can be as broad or specific as the teacher chooses. The tutorial video is very helpful to get you started!
Susan Stansberry

Google Custom Search - SMARTBoard Notebook Search Engine - 4 views

    This is a Google Custom Search Engine that just searches sites that have SMART Notebook files to download.
Megan Rosencutter

Week 6 - 0 views

edtech technology resources

started by Megan Rosencutter on 21 Feb 14 no follow-up yet
Aaron Davis

Aaron's Customized Search Engine - 5 views

    Information Literacy search engine

My Library - 0 views

shared by vbarney on 22 Sep 15 - No Cached
    • vbarney
      Link 2: Although this website is made by Indiana University to answer common questions that students have, we believe it is still a very useful site to help understand the difference between a Google Custom Search (GCS) and a Google Site Search (GSS). 
    • vbarney
      Link 3: This website is great to take a look at if you do not quite understand why Google Custom Search Engine (Gcse) is so beneficial. On the page you will see the top ten reasons for why you should use this awesome Google feature.  #lessonplan #tutorial
    • vbarney
      Link 4: Do not understand how this applies to your lesson plan? Well, this is the link for you. It tells why it is important for students as well as telling how to share and collaborate your different search engines. If there's anything you need to know about GCSE in your classroom, it is here. #lessonplan #searchengine
  • ...2 more annotations...
    • vbarney
      Link 5: This was chosen to show that there are many sites out there that are not as reliable as you may think. World News Daily Report sounds legit, but when on their page, you can soon start to realize that their journal is faux. Although the articles may be based off of something true, there is so much false information in it causing it to be a fake news article. This is why you need Google Custom Search Engines. They cut out the hassle of clicking on false information websites. How helpful and convenient is that? #lessonplan #websites
  • Link 2: this website is made by Indiana University to answer common questions that students have, we believe it is still a very useful site to help understand the difference between a Google Custom Search (GCS) and a Google Site Search (GSS). 
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