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The Science of Storytelling: Why Telling a Story is the Most Powerful Way to Activate O... - 0 views

  • The Science of Storytelling: Why Telling a Story is the Most Powerful Way to Activate Our Brains
  • The Science of Storytelling: Why Telling a Story is the Most Powerful Way to Activate Our Brains
  • Our brain on stories: How our brains become more active when we tell stories
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  • We are wired that way. A story, if broken down into the simplest form, is a connection of cause and effect. And that is exactly how we think.
  • Why does the format of a story, where events unfold one after the other, have such a profound impact on our learning?
  • A story can put your whole brain to work.
  • Exchange giving suggestions for telling stories
  • a story is the only way to activate parts in the brain so that a listener turns the story into their own idea and experience.
  • Write more persuasively—bring in stories from yourself or an expert
  • The next time you struggle with getting people on board with your projects and ideas, simply tell them a story, where the outcome is that doing what you had in mind is the best thing to do.
  • The simple story is more successful than the complicated one
    This website discusses the importance of storytelling when teaching new material to a class. We felt like when most people think of storytelling they only think of teaching in that method to younger kids but it can actually be beneficial to all ages. We thought this website had a lot of good reasons and facts as to why storytelling can be beneficial in the classroom.
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    This article is a good read because at the bottom it gives tips on how to get people engaged and do what you want them to do!  Highlighted in green is the important tips I took out of this read. 
    This article is a good read because at the bottom it gives tips on how to get people engaged and do what you want them to do!  Highlighted in green is the important tips I took out of this read. 
    A good story can make or break a presentation, article, or conversation. But why is that? When Buffer co-founder Leo Widrich started to market his product through stories instead of benefits and bullet points, sign-ups went through the roof. Here he shares the science of why storytelling is so uniquely powerful.

To-Do Task - 0 views

    The #1 task management app used by over 11 million people globally, is free mobile and online task manager for Android, iPhone, Web and more. This is an easy way to share tasks with others, while also making quick to do lists. Educators can use this tool to organize ideas, and make quick notes.

How do You Choose Good Online Sources? | An Ethical Island - 0 views

    Students often ask how to determine which websites and articles are good sources to cite. My answer is always, "Well, what do you think?" Students need to be able to think on their own. So, if your...
    Students often ask how to determine which websites and articles are good sources to cite. My answer is always, "Well, what do you think?" Students need to be able to think on their own. So, if your...

EdTechTeam: Do Your Students Know How to Search? - 1 views

    Students need to know how to find and curate information from the web. Learning how to effectively search for information on the Internet is something that teachers are not teaching their students how to do because they assume their students know how to conduct an effective search. Provided in this link is searching skills and vocabulary that will help teachers teach their kids how to effectively search.

Cleopatra: Searchasaurus - Powered By EBSCOhost - 1 views

  • In the year 48 B.C., the great Roman general Julius Caesar traveled to the city of Alexandria in Egypt. He took up residence in the Egyptian palace and demanded to have the country's rulers, 21-year-old Cleopatra VII and her younger brother, Ptolemy XIII, brought before him. Cleopatra was hesitant. She and her brother were in the midst of a long and bitter battle for power over Egypt. She thought--with good reason--that her enemies would try to kill her if she were seen approaching the palace. Still, she knew it was important to answer his demand. Caesar was extremely powerful, and Cleopatra knew he could be helpful in her struggle against her brother.
  • In Cleopatra's brief life she was involved in war- and peace-making, royal intrigue, a ruthless struggle for power, violent and treacherous acts, and legendary love affairs. She ruled over--and then lost--an entire kingdom, and her name is forever linked with two of the most powerful men of the ancient world, Julius Caesar and Marc Antony. Although we know little of absolute fact about her, she lives on in our imaginations--on movie and television screens, in books and newspaper articles. Somehow Cleopatra's vivid, larger-than-life story reaches out from centuries ago and continues to enchant us today
  • Cleopatra's full name was Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator. In Greek, Cleopatra means "glory of her race," and Philopator means father-loving. She was born in 69 B.C., the third daughter of Ptolemy XII, king of Egypt. Ptolemy XII, who was known by the more familiar name of Auletes ("flute player"), was a descendant in a dynasty that had begun in 323 B.C., when Ptolemy I, a native of Macedonia and a subordinate of Alexander the Great, became one of three Diadochi (successors) to gain control over portions of Alexander's massive empire. Cleopatra would ultimately become the last of the Ptolemaic dynasty to rule Egypt.
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  • Cleopatra herself was, first and foremost, a Ptolemy. The very best of ancient Greek and Egyptian cultures lay at her feet. She received her education from the best scholars in Egypt. Servants fulfilled her smallest whim. She lacked for nothing, and there was little she could have wanted that would not have been granted her. But life during that period, as Ptolemy XII knew, was not perfect. Beneath the outward glamour and elegance, Egypt and the Ptolemy line were in grave danger. A self-indulgent king, Ptolemy XII watched as the Egyptians became increasingly restless and dissatisfied with his leadership. Moreover, the kingdom had been split when his brother became king of Cyprus, and when the Egyptians discovered that Ptolemy XI, his father, had left a will that ceded Egypt to Rome, Ptolemy XII found himself on unstable ground indeed.
  • The exiled queen first traveled to the Roman province of Syria, where she found backers to help her raise her own army in return for offering to share Egypt's wealth once she was restored to the throne. Cleopatra began to face the fact that Rome, not Egypt, was the central power of the Mediterranean world. Therefore, she reasoned, would it not make sense to ally herself with Rome rather than fight it?
  • By 48 B.C., Cleopatra had raised a substantial army. Determined to regain the throne, she led the army to Pelusium in northern Egypt in preparation for fighting her brother and his regents for control of the kingdom. Cleopatra knew that the Ptolemy dynasty was not as powerful and influential as it had once been. The glorious days of Egypt's ascendancy were gone, and Rome was now the world's great power. But the queen held a burning desire to restore Egypt to its former splendor and influence. She was convinced that she would be the one ruler who could honor her ancestors by renewing the Ptolemaic reign, and she was determined to do so by whatever means were necessary. Cleopatra VII did not know, as she readied her forces for battle, that the two Romans with whom she would cast her lot during this struggle would change her life forever--and secure her place in world history.
    World history (999 BCE-500 CE), Among other women Cleopatra rose to power under some unusual circumstances. Cleopatra has been the inspiration for all sorts of books and plays.

Do Your Students Know How To Search? | Edudemic - 0 views

  • There is a new digital divide on the horizon. It is not based around who has devices and who does not, but instead the new digital divide will be based around students who know how to effectively find and curate information and those who do not.  Helene Blowers has come up with seven ideas about the new digital divide – four of them, the ones I felt related to searching, are listed below. The New Digital Divide: In an age of information abundance learning to effectively search is one of the most important skills most teachers are NOT teaching. They assume students know how to conduct a search, and set them free on the internet to find information. They assume that students have the skills to critically think their way through the searching and the web. Sadly, this is not the case and everyday we are losing the information literacy battle because we often forget to teach these crucial searching skills in our schools. Teachers – especially in the elementary grades  -need to develop a shared vocabulary around the skill of searching. They need to make sure their students learn some basic search strategies and keep applying them until they become almost automatic. Here are some of the searching skills and vocabulary we should be teaching students : Quotation Marks: Students should always use quotes to search for an exact word or set of words. This is useful when you want something like quotes, song lyrics or text from a an exact historical time period. Example: “The Great Chicago Fire” Dashes (or minus sign): Use this symbol directly before a word to help exclude unwanted information from your search Example: Great Chicago Fire -soccer Two Periods: Use this to help you find information between those two numbers. For example you might want to try: Example: Great Chicago Fire October 8..10 Site Search: For a look through the Chicago HIstory Museum site only Examples: Great Chicago Fire
    This page helps teach how to Google a topic.
    This page provides tips for searching for information. They are searching skills that all students should know in order to research efficiently and effectively.

3 Steps for Building a Professional Learning Network - Education Week Teacher - 1 views

    English teacher and instructional technology coach Brianna Crowley offers practical advice on creating professional learning networks built on intersecting layers of relationships. I chose this article because it showed step by step what we need to do to build those connections.
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    English teacher and instructional technology coach Brianna Crowley offers practical advice on creating professional learning networks built on intersecting layers of relationships. I chose this article because it showed step by step what we need to do to build those connections.
    This article gives a great insight to what a PLN is, how to get it started, and how to use it.
    This site provides information on how to create your own Professional Learning Network including how to get started, how to find other professionals, and how to use it to communicate effectively. It is great to join PLNs but it's great to learn how to create one!
    I chose this resource because it gives a brief explanation of what a PLN is. Then it give three specific steps on how to build your PLN and goes into detail about each step.

What is PBL? | Project Based Learning | BIE - 0 views

    Project Based Learning is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging and complex question, problem, or challenge. In Gold Standard PBL, Essential Project Design Elements include:
    This website goes into detail about what Project Based Learning is. This is a great tool other than the textbook to get a complete grasp on the concept. Not only does it describe PBL as "a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging and complex question, problem, or challenge", but it also provides steps to follow when creating an engaging PBL assignment lesson plan. These steps include: Key Knowledge, Challenging Problem, Sustained Inquiry, Authenticity, Student Voice & Choice, Reflection, Critique & Revision, and Public Product. Following this list of steps and making sure the lesson plan provides all of these points will make for an engaging class. Another component this website contains is a blog for educators to post about the Project Based lessons they implemented in the classroom. I believe sharing ideas with other teachers is one of the most helpful ways to improve your own teaching because you receive feedback and encouragement to what you are doing well, and what can be changed for the benefit of the class.

5 Fantastic, Fast, Formative Assessment Tools | Edutopia - 0 views

    This website gives resources for teachers to assess their students' content knowledge in a technological way. Assessment of the instruction of content is essential for a teacher. These resources make assessment interesting and show results in a very visual way. This instruction benefits teachers as they get to realize what their students have actually learned. Often students do not want to show that they do not understand the content, these resources give students a chance to share their voice.

7 Rules to Teach Kids Online Etiquette | Common Sense Media - 0 views

    Resource #5: I think this would be a great resource for an activity to do in the classroom. This resource provides the reader with rules to teach kids online etiquette. I think a fun activity to do with students is have them come up with a definition for what they think digital etiquette is and then together the class can form a poster for the classroom.

Digizen - Resources - Digizen Game - 1 views

    Fun game students can play to learn to become digital citizens. They get to make their own character and go through different scenarios choosing the best answer for each scenario.
    Resource #2: I really enjoyed this resource. This is a game that lets the student experience what it is like to experience cyberbullying. It allows the students to think of appropriate solutions to how to prevent cyberbullying and what to do if you are being bullied.
2More - 0 views

    This is an image of a "Menu". The basis behind the Menu is that each student has specific things goals to reach in each section. Also the Menu always each student to learn and do things at their own pace. The menu includes: Appetizer: Something I can always work on. Soups/Salads: Homework assignments. Main Course: Required assignments. Desserts: Things I can do to challenge myself.

Integrating Technology into the Classroom - 0 views

    Tells how teachers deal with the new technology in the classroom, and how they should not be afraid of it. Some teachers do not want to use new technology in the classroom because they do not understand it or do not want to learn. This gives encouragement to those teachers who struggle with technology. It also gives helpful suggestions such as have a phone that automatically connects a teacher to a tech agent, so they do not have to wait a half hour for help.

A few Tips & Tricks for Student filming in the Classroom | Langwitches Blog - 2 views

  • A few Tips & Tricks for Student filming in the Classroom
  • Take short clips
  • Hold the camera with two hands to keep it steady
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  • The microphone is on the camera.
  • Here are a few tips & tricks for your students as they take over being the film directors in your classroom:
  • Know what is in your background
  • Don’t include students who do not have media release permission
  • Don’t identify students by filming something with their first and last name on it
    Having students make video projects is a great way to get them involved and invested in their learning, and this website provides helpful tips for studentst that are creating video projects in the classroom.
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    We used this website because it mentions tips for students when they are making their own films in the classroom. We thought it would be good to include because teachers can use this to mention to their students some things to remember so they have an easier time filming.
    These tips will help everyone film their videos the correct way! The video is a good resource too! 
    These tips will help everyone film their videos the correct way! The video is a good resource too! Please watch the video if we don't have time in class to do so!

My Library - 0 views

shared by vbarney on 22 Sep 15 - No Cached
    • vbarney
      Link 2: Although this website is made by Indiana University to answer common questions that students have, we believe it is still a very useful site to help understand the difference between a Google Custom Search (GCS) and a Google Site Search (GSS). 
    • vbarney
      Link 3: This website is great to take a look at if you do not quite understand why Google Custom Search Engine (GCSE) is so beneficial. On the page you will see the top ten reasons for why you should use this awesome Google feature.  #lessonplan #tutorial
    • vbarney
      Link 4: Do not understand how this applies to your lesson plan? Well, this is the link for you. It tells why it is important for students as well as telling how to share and collaborate your different search engines. If there's anything you need to know about GCSE in your classroom, it is here. #lessonplan #searchengine
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    • vbarney
      Link 5: This was chosen to show that there are many sites out there that are not as reliable as you may think. World News Daily Report sounds legit, but when on their page, you can soon start to realize that their journal is faux. Although the articles may be based off of something true, there is so much false information in it causing it to be a fake news article. This is why you need Google Custom Search Engines. They cut out the hassle of clicking on false information websites. How helpful and convenient is that? #lessonplan #websites
  • Link 2: this website is made by Indiana University to answer common questions that students have, we believe it is still a very useful site to help understand the difference between a Google Custom Search (GCS) and a Google Site Search (GSS). 

Assessment advice and forms - 0 views

    advice on assessment and forms that can be used to do those assessments
    advice on assessment and forms that can be used to do those assessments
    advice on assessment and forms that can be used to do those assessments

Connect With Students and Parents in Your Paperless Classroom | Edmodo - 2 views

    Edmodo is a website similar to facebook that corresponds to a site that is similar to D2L. If a school does not have their own D2L, Edmodo is a good site to use for one.
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    This site especially cool because it helps break the barrier between students and teachers by using a facebook-Like atmosphere. It allows the students to collaborate with one another as well as take quizzes and do other assignments. Edmodo is also a way for teachers to help each other out. This site is D2L meets facebook, very cool!
    I chose EdModo because it's an easy-to-use collaborative tool that students, teachers, and parents can access from home or work and can connect with each other. Similar to Facebook, EdModo allows people to connect via comments, sharing, and messaging.
    Edmodo provides a safe and easy way for your class to connect and collaborate, share content, and access homework, grades and school notices. Our goal is to help educators harness the power of social media to customize the classroom for each and every learner
    Edmodo is an easy way to get your students connected so they can safely collaborate, get and stay organized, and access assignments, grades, and school messages.
    My daughter's school uses Edmodo and it works great for students. Teachers assign homework, and students ask follow-up questions while completing the assignment or anything concerning the class lesson.

The One Computer Classroom: From Reward to Treasure - 0 views

    This is a great website that describes how to survive in a one computer classroom. It gives examples of how classroom management is with one computer and gives great activities to do to utilize the technology given to you!
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