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Technology Use and Internet Safety in ECE - 0 views

    Advice, Resources, and Research on internet safety while teaching in Early Childhood Education.

Teacher Performance Evaluation: Definitions, Research, Models, and More - Education Week - 0 views

    I choose this article because it is a complete overview of teacher evaluation.

What is Surface Web? - 0 views

    Definition of surface web

Reading Rockets | Launching Young Readers - 5 views

shared by blendspace on 29 Sep 15 - Cached
    Reading Rockets is a national multimedia project that offers a wealth of research-based reading strategies, lessons, and activities designed to help young children learn how to read and read better. Our reading resources assist parents, teachers, and other educators in helping struggling readers build fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills.
    This is also a great resource for lesson plans and activities.
christyshuman for Science - Government Science Portal - 0 views

shared by christyshuman on 28 Sep 17 - Cached
    The deep website,, would be beneficial in teaching science for older elementary students if you were to have them do some kind of research project. You could create a custom search engine and put this website in it to find information approved by the teacher.
    This might be help for science lessons as a resource. Christy Shuman

Internet Archive Search - 0 views

    This website would be great for research projects to find primary sources, or educational games and videos to supplement a lesson.

Big6 Skills Overview - Big6 - 0 views

    I chose Big6 Skills Overview so I can refer back to this website when I need to show my children/students how to safey research things. I also can see how to evulaute my students. 

Early English Books Online - EEBO - 0 views

    EEBO is a digital archive of scanned-in images of nearly every English/British work written between 1473 and 1700. It is a good example of an archival/primary source website.

One-to-One Laptop Initiatives Boost Student Scores, Researchers Find - Digital Educatio... - 0 views

    The positive influence of 1:1 teaching in the classroom. It is explained how providing this technological tool for all students is the first step to improving the learning and results of learning.

Integrating Technology in an Elementary Classroom - 0 views

    This is a great research article written by Ben Whipple in 2006 who was a student at John Fisher University at the time the article was written. He conducted to see how much technology would either help or hinder a child in the educational setting. After his experiment, he concluded that the integration of technology in the classroom is important in that it helps children stay more focused on the topic being presented and allows for better visuals.

What is a PLN? Why Do I Need One? - 0 views

    Gives insight to personal learning networks and why a teacher should be using social media. "By developing professional relationships electronically, teachers can immediately post their latest articles, research, experiences, or discoveries. You, the connected teacher, are the recipient of all of these communications."

A Research Note on Time With Children in Different- and Same-Sex Two-Parent Families - ... - 0 views

    A study on the similarities and differences between heterosexual, two parent households and different- and same-sex two parent families. An article to help teachers learn about these subjects more extensively to better understand their students' situations.

5 Keys to Rigorous Project-Based Learning - 0 views

    See Edutopia's core strategies in action with our Five Keys video series. Take a deeper look at each strategy as we share the nuts and bolts of program implementation, give voice to examples from schools around the country, and illuminate the research behind the practices.

ExploreLearning Gizmos: Math and Science Simulations That Power Inquiry and Understanding - 0 views

    "Gizoms" are hundreds of online simulations with lesson materials and supporting research-based strategies to build deep conceptual understanding in math and science. This can be used for all grades, and is awesome because it is very interactive and can simulate experiments you can't physically carry out in a classroom setting

Why PBL | Project Based Learning | BIE - 0 views

    This website shows how PBL benefits students and has links to research to strengthen their statements.

Edutopia digital citizenship - 0 views This website is really good for students to learn more about being safe on the internet and precautions they need to take.Theres a lot of solid articles as well to l...

edtech teaching resources technology education

started by lakaylavickrey on 30 Apr 18 no follow-up yet

Chapter 13. Assessing Learning Spaces | EDUCAUSE - 0 views

    goes into detail about assessing learning

What Is Digital Composition & Digital Literacy? - Digital Composition, Storytelling & M... - 0 views

    This website will be helpful when students are composing and creating videos. They may need assistance with how to turn their video into a story.
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