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Samantha W

4 Ways to Use iPads in Kindergarten - 1 views

    This website has 4 ways Kindergarten teachers can use iPads in the classroom. I choose this resource because I knew a couple students in Ed Tech are wanting to teach kindergarten. I thought it would be a good resource for them to get ideas.
Audrey Parnell

K-12 Tech Tools © - Tips & Tricks - 1 views

    This site gives specific tips, resources, and tricks to integrate technology in your classroom. You can search by grade-level, subject, learning types. classroom types, and much more! Lots of good links, videos, and tutorials available, AND there's a place for you to share your tips too!

The Hidden Costs of Wireless Computer Labs -- THE Journal - 0 views

    Mobile labs may bring us a step closer to one-to-one computing, but with the proliferation of security problems and tech support issues, are theyreally ready to replace dedicated computer labs?
    Mobile labs may bring us a step closer to one-to-one computing, but with the proliferation of security problems and tech support issues, are theyreally ready to replace dedicated computer labs?

How to Manage BYOD - 0 views

    Check out some tips on management in a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) classroom!
    This article is extremely helpful as it provides teachers with tips on how to manage a classroom that implements BYOD. It gives great suggestions that make integrating personal devices into the classroom easier and more efficient.
Bethani McIntire

Classroom Management in the Tech-Equipped Classroom | Edutopia - 2 views

    This is a great article to read over when considering a classroom management system in your own classroom.
    This website allows teachers to give helpful tips in classroom management by integrating technology. And also suggests not to only have a well-planned lesson, but also a plan B.

Assessment resources EDTC - sec 001 - 0 views This is a great resource because it provides a simple place to start out and gives a clear basic understanding of what is required for assessment. http://rubistar.4te...

Ed Tech @OSU

started by dbacher90 on 16 Sep 13 no follow-up yet

Students - 1 views

    Today's students must be prepared to thrive in a constantly evolving technological landscape. Zip codes and borders no longer determine the learning opportunities, skills and careers that students can access. The ISTE Standards for Students are designed to empower student voice and ensure that learning is a student-driven process of exploration, creativity and discovery no matter where they or their teachers are in the thoughtful integration of ed tech.

Tech in education - 0 views

    A short video on the benefits of using educational technology.
    A short video on the benefits of using educational technology.

implenting technology into classroom - 0 views This was a good article showing how to use different ways to implement tech. into class, giving examples of only having one comp...

resources classroom teaching

started by darickpash on 11 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
Audrey Parnell

TeacherEase: Learning Management System (LMS) - 1 views

    We can also utilize sites like these that provide technology for specific learning environments.

5 Resources about integrating technology in the classroom - 1 views

* Smart tablet, video - I chose this resource because it is accessible to all types of learners (handicapped and able bodied). It also has a large screen...

started by mrzahra on 22 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
Anais Brown

iPad Apps for Elementary Students - Tech Integration Resources - 1 views

    Find a subject you would like the student to learn. For example, under the Language Arts subject there is a tab for the student to create a story. This will enhance the children's Language Arts skills.
steenka - 0 views

    Technology standards for teachers and what they should teach Technology standards for students and what they should learn

ISTE | Standards For Educators - 0 views

    ISTE standards for teachers i.e. learners, leaders, designers, etc.

| NAESP - 1 views

    I like this website because it explains that technology isn't something that know one knows how to use. Children are more tech savvy than most of the teachers because the kids have grown up using technology. In this day and time it is essential that students know how to work technology to get through school.

Project-Based Learning | Edutopia - 0 views

    Explores how Project Based Learning is a dynamic classroom approach in which students explore real world problems through hands-on, engaging activities. This website provides evidence of PBL through videos. The video portion of this website is very helpful and connects to this chapter because it shows different activities that teacher's can use to engage their students. Not only are there videos, but there is also topics that organize the different types of lessons and activities making it organized and efficient to use. Lastly there is a blog where teachers can communicate with each other, exploring new ideas and topics.

5 Personal Learning Networks (PLNs) for Educators - 1 views

    I chose this resource because it talks about different plns than we learn about in the tech playground. Professional development and networking are vital in any field, and that's especially true for educators. Whether it's coming up with fresh ideas for lesson plans and classroom activities, seeking mentorship and support from veteran educators, or cultivating resources for technology integration or for meeting state standards, teachers need one another's expertise.

What is PBL? | Project Based Learning | BIE - 0 views

    Project Based Learning is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging and complex question, problem, or challenge. In Gold Standard PBL, Essential Project Design Elements include:
    This website goes into detail about what Project Based Learning is. This is a great tool other than the textbook to get a complete grasp on the concept. Not only does it describe PBL as "a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging and complex question, problem, or challenge", but it also provides steps to follow when creating an engaging PBL assignment lesson plan. These steps include: Key Knowledge, Challenging Problem, Sustained Inquiry, Authenticity, Student Voice & Choice, Reflection, Critique & Revision, and Public Product. Following this list of steps and making sure the lesson plan provides all of these points will make for an engaging class. Another component this website contains is a blog for educators to post about the Project Based lessons they implemented in the classroom. I believe sharing ideas with other teachers is one of the most helpful ways to improve your own teaching because you receive feedback and encouragement to what you are doing well, and what can be changed for the benefit of the class.
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