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hola - 0 views

iniciando el curso


started by yessimp on 04 Sep 14 no follow-up yet

Control your online identity (Video from TEDxOxford, Pernille Tranberg) - 3 views

started by emmaict on 04 Sep 14 no follow-up yet

Ley de acceso abierto a conocimiento científico en México - 2 views Un pequeño gran esfuerzo de México y su gobierno para garantizar el acceso abierto y gratuito a la información de carácter científico, educa...

open access module1 Ley conocimiento científico

Kim Baker

Neither digital or open - 7 views

Antonella Esposito ( reflexiona sobre el papel de las prácticas y las limitantes institucionales, en este caso académicas, sobre la selecci...

open access scholarly communication publishing network research digital research

moonlove - 1 views

I think this site should be in the core reading, about indymedia

MOOC module3 indymedia and citizen journalism

started by moonlove on 03 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
moonlove - 3 views As long as we are talking about knowledge, and as long as this knowledge is unlimited, I have to post this audio book about knowledge, but a different ...

mooc module1 knowledge

started by moonlove on 03 Sep 14 no follow-up yet

Do you dare to dream? - 2 views

I want to share this video it talks about how when we get older we lose the ability to dream, to innovate, to change and to create. Because we live in a...

open access dream

started by camilalondonoa on 03 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
Raúl Marcó del Pont

Redes sociales e investigadores. ¿Cómo las usan? - 1 views

Nature: investigadores y redes sociales / Nature: Online collaboration: Scientists and the social network.

scholarly communication social networks

started by Raúl Marcó del Pont on 02 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
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