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Randy Kolset

Ozge Karaoglu's Blog - 0 views

    100 Digital Storytelling Tools for Your Digital Selves + Natives (Part 2) Filed Under (Uncategorized) by ozge on 11-11-2009 and tagged 100 digital storytelling tools, digital storytelling, web 2.0 tools
Randy Kolset

Top 100 Web2.0 tools for learning 2011 - 0 views

    A compilation of web based tools gathered by educators.
Randy Kolset

cooltoolsforschools - Home - 1 views

    "This site has been compiled by Lenva Shearing If you are using a cool web2.0 tool in your classroom that is not included here, please email me and I will add it (email link in navigation bar)"
Randy Kolset

Global Collaboration Projects that Go Way Beyond Skype -- THE Journal - 0 views

    "Here's how one program is engaging Web 2.0 skills to bridge cultures and classrooms - one project at a time. "
Randy Kolset

Home - Creaza Education - 0 views

    About Creaza Creaza is used worldwide by thousands of students and teachers every day. Creaza offers you an integrated, web-based toolbox for creative work, both at school and in your spare time. You can use the toolbox along with various fully developed thematic universes: historical periods, fairy-tales, fantasy worlds, and current challenges, such as climate change/environmental issues. You can combine these themes with your own uploaded content. Creaza integrates professional and user generated content, creative tools and a social network in a new and innovative way.
Randy Kolset

Welcome to Aviary - 0 views

    "Photo-editing, logos, web templates, filters, color palettes, screen capture & more at "
Randy Kolset

Top 5 iPad apps for Educators - HOME - Edgalaxy: Where Education and Technol... - 0 views

    cool site for nerdy teachers. Great information on 2.0 tools and ipad information
Randy Kolset

WebTools4u2use - Finding the Right Tool - 0 views

    "WebTools4U2Use will introduce you to a lot of different, powerful, useful tools. But... how do you choose the right one?"
Randy Kolset

Visuwords™ online graphical dictionary and thesaurus - 1 views

    online graphical dictionary. Animated
Randy Kolset

WORDCOUNT / Tracking the Way We Use Language / - 1 views

    Interactive website showing usage of over 86,000 english words
Randy Kolset

Using PBworks in Education - 0 views

    "PBworks in Education PBworks hosts over 300,000 educational workspaces, and has helped transform teaching and learning for millions of students, parents and teachers. Educators ranging from major universities like DePaul, school districts like Baltimore County Public Schools and individual teachers trust PBworks as their collaborative learning environment. Learn how PBworks can help your classroom, library, school, or university: "
Randy Kolset

About Celly | Mission | Team | History | Contact Info - 0 views

    "the big picture Celly believes small messages change the world so we built a place where your message will build movements inspire learning level playing fields & promote free speech we call this place a cell. "
Randy Kolset

Google | Open Online Education - 0 views

    "Are you new to creating online courses? Would you like insights into what we learned about ours? Checkout our Online Course Kit to help you plan and design your online course. Jump to the Quick Start to get started immediately. See Insights for our collection of articles and blog posts about our own experiments in online education."
Randy Kolset

SchoolNotes 2.0 - 0 views

    "The web's leading FREE school-to-home communications tool! SchoolNotes provides teachers with a virtual environment, giving the ability to post classroom or school oriented information. This information is accessible anywhere there is an internet connection giving both parents and students the opportunity to keep in touch with what is happening in the classroom. With SchoolNotes Teachers, Parents and Students are all on the same page! If you are not a current SchoolNotes user, you can either register for a FREE account here, or visit the Teacher, Student or Parent tabs above. "
Randy Kolset

| Admin 2.0 - 0 views

    Tical Website to connect to Admins with technology
Randy Kolset

Math - 0 views

    Math quiz in higher math concepts
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