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Antarctic Research - 0 views

    The Antarctic Sciences Section (ANT) of the Office of Polar Programs (OPP) supports cutting-edge researchto: Expand fundamental knowledge of Antarctic systems, biota, and processes Improve understanding of interactions among the Antarctic region and global systems Utilize the unique characteristics of the Antarctic region as a science observing platform

BOEM FY 2020 Environmental Studies Program - 0 views

    The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) through the Environmental Studies Program (ESP) is offering a cooperative agreement opportunity to complete a demonstration project on Understanding of Atlantic Sturgeon Migratory Patterns: Integrating Telemetry and Genetics for Distinct Population Segment-specific (DPSs) Insights. The study is to provide a better understanding of spatial and temporal patterns of Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus) in the mid-Atlantic in order to characterize, reduce and mitigate risks to the species due to offshore wind development.

Coastlines and People Hubs for Research and Broadening Participation - 0 views

    Scientific research into complex coastal systems and the interplay with coastal hazards is vital for predicting, responding to and mitigating threats in these regions. Understanding the risks associated with coastal hazards requires a holistic Earth Systems approach that integrates improved understanding of and, where possible, predictions about natural, social, and technological processes with efforts to increase the resilience of coastal systems.The Coastlines and People program supports diverse, innovative, multi-institution awards that are focused on critically important coastlines and people research that is integrated with broadening participation goals.The objective of this solicitation is to support Coastal Research Hubs, structured using a convergent science approach, at the nexus between coastal sustainability, human dimensions, and coastal processes to transform understanding of interactions among natural, human-built, and social systems in coastal, populated environments.

Exceptional Flash Call for Proposals: Mitigating risk in the wake of the... - 0 views

    This Research Fund is opening a call for projects in the following areas: * Protecting vulnerable populations from epidemics and catastrophes, including COVID-19: be it migrants, informal settlements, workers in the informal economy, isolated people, people with disabilities, the elderly * Improving data collection and quality in health: how can data and technology help us get out of the crisis, understand it and mitigate it? How can it inform future containment and epidemic control? * Understanding the effects of confinement and social distancing: what are the effects of confinement and social distancing on society and households? What are the mental health consequences? The social and domestic repercussions? * Early warning and preparedness: how do we re-enforce our health infrastructure and ecosystem (including medical devices and drug supply) to be better prepared and how do we protect our health workers and caregivers? * Preserving the environment and our health: connections between climate change, biodiversity loss and the origin of viral disease including socioeconomic dynamics leading to infectious disease outbreaks and sanitary crisis; Learnings from COVID-19 for mitigating future related crises in climate and biodiversity

FY 2020 Alaska Coastal Marine Institute - 0 views

    The Environmental Studies Program (ESP) of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is offering a cooperative agreement opportunity through the University of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute (CMI) to units within the University of Alaska system that have the ability to conduct research in topics that serve the public interest of safe and environmentally sound energy production and meet the goals of the BOEM. The general types of studies that may be funded include scientific studies for better understanding marine, coastal or human environments affected or potentially affected by offshore oil and gas or other mineral exploration and extraction on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS); modeling studies of environmental, social, economic, or cultural processes related to OCS oil and gas activities in order to improve scientific predictive capabilities; experimental scientific studies for better understanding of environmental processes, or the causes and effects of OCS activities; projects which design or establish mechanisms or protocols for sharing data or information regarding marine or coastal resources, or human activities to support prudent management of oil, gas and marine mineral resources; and synthesis studies of scientific environmental or socioeconomic information relevant to the OCS oil and gas program. The most relevant geographic areas are potential OCS oil and gas lease areas off Alaska, including the Beaufort Sea and Cook Inlet. Projects in other areas of the Alaska Region may be considered if applicable to CMI priorities. Following the submission of letters of intent (LOI) from the University of Alaska, the BOEM, in discussion with representatives from the State of Alaska, have selected the LOI topics listed below for development of full proposals. This request is not a guarantee of funding.

FY 2020 and FY 2021 Source Reduction Assistance Grant Program - 0 views

    EPA is announcing a grant competition to fund two-year Source Reduction Assistance (SRA) agreements that support research, investigation, study, demonstration, education and training using source reduction approaches (also known as "pollution prevention" and herein referred to as "P2"). P2 means reducing or eliminating pollutants from entering any waste stream or otherwise released into the environment prior to recycling, treatment, or disposal. EPA is particularly interested in receiving applications that offer hands on practical P2 tools, information and/or innovative P2 approaches to measurably improve the public health and the surrounding environment, by reducing the use of hazardous substances, reducing toxic pollutants, supporting efficiencies in reducing resource use (e.g., water and energy), and reducing business expenditures and liability costs.

Ohio EPA Scholarship - The Ohio Academy of Science - 0 views

    These merit based, nonrenewable, scholarships will be given to undergraduate students admitted to Ohio state or private colleges and universities who can demonstrate their knowledge and commitment to careers in environmental sciences or environmental engineering. Students must be entering the final year of the program. Awardees will be selected by the Academy appointed panel. Scholarships may be used for tuition, fees, books, personal protection equipment, tools, instruments and field equipment but not housing.


    This notice announces the availability of funds and solicits applications from federally-recognized tribes or intertribal consortia for the development and implementation of hazardous waste programs and for building capacity to address hazardous waste management in Indian country. In accordance with the EPA Indian Policy of 1984, EPA recognizes tribal governments as the primary parties for managing programs for reservations. To maximize the benefits to tribes from the limited funding to support the Hazardous Waste Management Grant Program for Tribes, EPA has reassessed the criteria used to evaluate applications submitted for funding through this grant program beginning in FY 2015. The goal of this effort is to provide technical assistance to a greater number of tribes for activities that involve hazardous waste management on tribal lands.

Hydrologic Sciences (HS) - 0 views

    The Hydrologic Sciences Program supports basic research on the fluxes of water in the terrestrial environment that constitute the water cycle as well as the mass and energy transport function of the water cycle. The Program supports the study of processes including (but not limited to): rainfall, runoff, infiltration and streamflow; evaporation and transpiration; the flow of water in soils and aquifers; and the transport of suspended, dissolved, and colloidal components. The Program is interested in how water interacts with the landscape and the ecosystem as well as how the water cycle and its coupled processes are altered by land use and climate. Studies may address physical, chemical, and/or biological processes that are coupled directly to water transport. Observational, experimental, theoretical, modeling, synthesis and field approaches are supported. Projects submitted to Hydrologic Sciences commonly involve expertise from physical and ecosystem sciences, engineering and/or mathematics; and proposals may require joint review with related programs.

FY2020 BLM NOC Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Program Management - 0 views

    The BLM Aquatic Habitat Management mission area works cooperatively with a wide range of constituents to manage for the biological, chemical, and physical integrity and function and natural diversity of aquatic ecosystems. The BLM develops strategies that provide protection for instream, riparian and wetland areas as well as maintain or restore stream function and stream access to floodplains while supporting multiple uses on public lands. The program manages and guides fish and aquatic habitat conservation, riparian and wetland conservation, control of aquatic invasive species, aquatic organism passage, and monitoring riparian and instream habitat conditions and water quantity and quality conditions and trends.

Building Air Quality Monitoring Capacity in Southeast Asia - 0 views

    To strengthen local capacity to monitor air quality and expand awareness of air quality issues among decision makers and the general public in at least two Southeast Asian countries. The project will target key host government entities, universities, and NGOs to develop and enhance air quality monitoring capacity with low or medium cost sensors, educational materials on AQI PM2.5 and or PM10, formal expert workshops, and through the services of a professional monitoring and evaluation expert to develop and design a monitoring and evaluation plan to be used by key agencies.

Cooperative Agreement to Support FDA Land and Water Initiative (U01) Clinical Trial Not... - 0 views

    The grantee will work to promote coherent approaches to sustainable land and water management. Through projects, studies and information-sharing, the grantee will help increase scientific understanding of the biophysical and socioeconomic relationships between land and water resources at the landscape scale, and will provide international policy guidance aimed at achieving greater management coherence among sectors and across the full global community. The grantee will help to coordinate and review the latest research on best practices for environmental monitoring and its relationship to agricultural practices and food safety. Furthermore, the grantee will help disseminate the appropriate materials and knowledge gained to a world-wide audience.

Marine Energy Foundational Research and Testing Infrastructure - 0 views

    Complete information, including the full Funding Opportunity Announcement, can be found on the EERE Exchange website - The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) is issuing, on behalf of the Water Power Technologies Office (WPTO), a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) titled "Marine Energy Foundational Research and Testing Infrastructure." This FOA addresses priorities in the following Topic Areas: Topic Area 1: Foundational Research and Development (R&D) Topic Area 2: Atlantic Marine Energy Center (AMEC) Topic Area 3: Foundational Research Network Facilitator (FRNF) Topic Area 4: Current Energy Technology Testing Infrastructure

Navigating the New Arctic Community Office NSF - National Science Foundation - 0 views

    NSF invites proposals to establish a Navigating the New Arctic Community Office (NNA-CO). Launched in 2016, NNA has been building a growing portfolio of research and planning grants at the intersection of the built, social, and natural environments to improve understanding of Arctic change and its local and global effects. Each NNA-funded project is responsible for its own performance, including its core research and broader impacts. However, an NNA community office is required to coordinate the activities of funded NNA projects; engage new PIs; and promote research, education, and outreach activities. The NNA-CO will also provide centralized representation of ongoing NNA activities to the broader scientific community and the public. The lead PI of the successful NNA-CO proposal will serve as the Office Director and will work with the research community to develop and implement appropriate communication networks and support for investigators, stakeholders, and research teams pursuing NNA research. NNA research is inherently convergent, seeking new knowledge at the intersection of the natural, built, and social environments. NNA research also inherently involves diverse stakeholders, from local to international. The NNA-CO will need to demonstrate the ability to work with these types of research teams and audiences.

Investigating vital rate drivers of Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS) fishes to sup... - 0 views

    Investigating vital rate drivers of Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS) fishes to support management and restoration.

NV Fisheries and Aquatic Resource Management - 0 views

    The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) manages the Nation¿s most ecologically diverse range of aquatic habitat for fish, wildlife, and invertebrates, totaling more than 150,000 miles of streams and rivers, over 3 million acres of lake and reservoir habitat, and nearly 13 million acres of wetlands. Properly functioning instream, riparian and wetland areas are critical to sustaining ecosystem functions and services, providing local communities with clean water, habitat for aquatic and terrestrial wildlife, reducing sedimentation, soil erosion, improving water quality, and providing recreational opportunities.

General RFP - Environmental Research & Education Foundation - 0 views

    The program supports research projects related to sustainable solid waste management practices, including waste minimization; recycling; waste conversion to energy, biofuels, chemicals, or other useful products; strategies to promote diversion to higher and better uses (e.g., organics diversion, market analysis, optimized material management, logistics, etc.); and landfilling.

Investigating Environmental Factors that Increase the Risk for Parkinson's Disease | P... - 0 views

    The Michael J. Fox Foundation has issued a request for proposals to investigate environmental factors that increase Risk for Parkinson's disease. While some evidence links environmental factors with increased risk of PD, according to the foundation much remains unknown regarding the specific environmental risks, their role in disease, and the quantification of their contributions. A better understanding of environmental risk factors for PD could lead to efforts to reduce or prevent such exposures.

ROSES 2020: Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry - 0 views

    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Science Mission Directorate (SMD) released its annual omnibus Research Announcement (NRA), Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) - 2020 (OMB Approval Number 2700-0092, CFDA Number 43.001) on February 14, 2020. In this case "omnibus" means that this NRA has many individual program elements, each with its own due dates and topics. All together these cover the wide range of basic and applied supporting research and technology in space and Earth sciences supported by SMD. Awards will be made as grants, cooperative agreements, contracts, and inter- or intra-agency transfers, depending on the nature of the work proposed, the proposing organization, and/or program requirements. However, most extramural research awards deriving from ROSES will be grants, and many program elements of ROSES specifically exclude contracts, because contracts would not be appropriate for the nature of the work solicited. The typical period of performance for an award is three years, but some programs may allow up to five years and others specify shorter periods. In most cases, organizations of every type, Government and private, for profit and not-for-profit, domestic and foreign (with some caveats), may submit proposals without restriction on teaming arrangements. Tables listing the program elements and due dates, the full text of the ROSES-2020 solicitation, and the "Summary of Solicitation" as a stand-alone document, may all be found NSPIRES at

Supporting Women in Environmental Justice | EILEEN FISHER - 0 views

    According to the company, women and girls around the globe are the most vulnerable to climate change but have the firsthand experience to solve it. Linking these two issues is essential to accelerating progress toward improving the status and rights of women and the health of our planet. To that end, grants ranging between $10,000 and $40,000 will be awarded to nonprofits providing direct services and programs with potential to increase women's participation in decision-making; train them in climate change adaptation, mitigation, and advocacy; and engage them in sustainable economic activity. Executive leadership must reflect the demographics of the program's beneficiaries, and the program itself should be generated by and/or co-designed with the communities it serves
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