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Contents contributed and discussions participated by MiamiOH OARS


BAA-OAA-E3-POLLUTION-2020 - 0 views

    This Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) seeks opportunities to co-create, co-design, co-invest, and collaborate in the research, development, piloting, and scaling of innovative interventions for effectively mitigating air, water, and soil pollution, including ocean plastic pollution, electronic and other forms of solid waste in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) invites organizations, companies, academic and research institutions, and investors to propose innovative approaches for preventing and mitigating pollution in countries to promote healthier populations, cleaner environments, and inclusive, sustainable economic growth. USAID's Office of Energy and Infrastructure (E&I) within the Bureau for Economic Growth, Education and Environment (E3/DDI), in cooperation with regional and Global Health Bureaus and selected Missions, developed this BAA for Pollution Prevention & Mitigation to improve the Agency's ability to assist partner countries in solving complex pollution problems that threaten sustainable development. This BAA seeks to engage with a wide range of actors within the global pollution sector to provide innovative interventions and technologies that further the U.S. Government's commitment to improving human health and the environment. Specific opportunities to do so will be provided through Addenda issued under this BAA.

FY2020 National Environmental Information Exchange Network Grant Program - 0 views

    The EPA Exchange Network Grant Program is soliciting project applications using the Environmental Information Exchange Network (EN) to: Facilitate sharing of environmental data, especially through shared and reusable services. Streamline data collection and exchanges to improve its timeliness for decision making. Increase the quality and access to environmental data through discovery, publishing, outbound and analytical services so it is more useful to environmental managers. Develop foundational EN shared services to reduce burden and avoid costs for co-regulators and the regulated community. Expand and improve participation in the EN by strengthening the requisite information management and technology capabilities for interested parties to fully participate in the EN. Section I-E of the funding opportunity announcement summarizes the priorities and associated activities eligible for funding through the FY 2020 EN Grant Program competitive grant process.


    Research and development under this Funding Opportunity Announcement is intended to increase the beneficial use and advance the management of Coal Combustion Residuals, thereby reducing the volume of Coal Combustion Residuals needed to be disposed of in impoundments while protecting the environment and the health and safety of the public.

Reproducible Cells and Organoids via Directed-Differentiation Encoding (RECODE) (nsf205... - 0 views

    The National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental and Transport Systems (CBET), seeks proposals that elucidate mechanisms of, and develop strategies to, direct the differentiation of undifferentiated cells into mature, functional cells or organoids. Projects responsive to this solicitation must aim to establish a robust and reproducible set of differentiation design rules, predictive models, real-time sensing, control, and quality assurance methods, and integrate them into a workable differentiation strategy. They must develop a fundamental understanding of how cells develop, including mechanisms, molecular machinery, dynamics, and cell-cell interactions, and use this understanding to manipulate cells purposefully. Investigators can choose any undifferentiated cell type, from any animal species, as a starting point and choose any appropriate functional product (cell, organoid, etc.) with real-world relevance. This solicitation parallels NSF's investment in Understanding the Rules of Life (URoL): Predicting Phenotype, NSF's Big Idea focused on predicting the set of observable characteristics (phenotype) of an organism based on its genetic makeup and the nature of its environment and applies it to understanding and accomplishing the intentional and guided differentiation of an undifferentiated cell into cells, organoids or tissues with predetermined activities and functions.

Reproducible Cells and Organoids via Directed- Differentiation Encoding - 0 views

    The National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental and Transport Systems (CBET), seeks proposals that elucidate mechanisms of, and develop strategies to, direct the differentiation of undifferentiated cells into mature, functional cells or organoids. Projects responsive to this solicitation must aim to establish a robust and reproducible set of differentiation design rules, predictive models, real-time sensing, control, and quality assurance methods, and integrate them into a workable differentiation strategy. They must develop a fundamental understanding of how cells develop, including mechanisms, molecular machinery, dynamics, and cell-cell interactions, and use this understanding to manipulate cells purposefully. Investigators can choose any undifferentiated cell type, from any animal species, as a starting point and choose any appropriate functional product (cell, organoid, etc.) with real-world relevance.This solicitation parallels NSF's investment inUnderstanding the Rules of Life (URoL): Predicting Phenotype, NSF's Big Idea focused on predicting the set of observable characteristics (phenotype) of an organism based on its genetic makeup and the nature of its environment and applies it to understanding and accomplishing the intentional and guided differentiation of an undifferentiated cell into cells, organoids or tissues with predetermined activities and functions.

Hudson River Foundation - 0 views

    In 2020, the Foundation will award up to six full-time research fellowships to advanced graduate students conducting research on the Hudson River system. Read below for more information about application instructions. A fellowship awarded to a doctoral student will include a stipend consistent with the policy of the student's graduate institution, in an amount of up to $19,000 for one year, and an incidentals research budget of up to $1,000. A fellowship awarded to a master's level student will include a stipend consistent with the policy of the student's graduate institution, of up to $15,000 for one year, and an incidentals research budget of up to $1,000.

Request for Information: Prediction of Solar Variability for Better Grid Integration - 0 views

    The U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) is issuing this request for information (RFI) to solicit feedback from industry, academia, research laboratories, government agencies, and other stakeholders. This RFI will inform SETO's strategic planning on research related to the integration of solar energy resources. Specifically, this RFI will inform SETO's strategies relating to prediction of (a) solar irradiance reaching the surface of the earth, and (b) power output from solar generation plants, using either photovoltaic (PV) or concentrating solar power (CSP) technologies. Improving solar generation prediction will better inform grid operators as they consider the impacts of solar power variability on grid planning and operations technologies, as well as the owners and operators of utility-scale plants and aggregators of distributed PV systems.

Scientific and Cooperative Research Program - 0 views

    The United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) announces the availability of funding through cost reimbursable agreements for the Scientific Cooperation Research Program (SCRP) for fiscal year (FY) 2020. SCRP supports FAS' Borlaug Fellowship Program and other strategic goals and utilizes the scientific communities' accumulated knowledge and technologies to help aid in developing practical solutions to address issues including agricultural trade and market access, animal and plant health, biotechnology, food safety and security, and sustainable natural resource management. All applications must include foreign collaborations, and projects should not exceed two years. Funding may be allocated to foreign collaborators through sub-awards. Background The Scientific Cooperation Research Program (SCRP) is a Foreign Agricultural Service Office,(FAS) administered program that has been in existence for several decades. Historically, SCRP has funded hundreds of collaborative research programs between U.S. and foreign scientists.This program supports up to 10 collaborative research programs annually, up to $50,000.

Fiscal Year 2020 Advanced Vehicle Technologies Research Funding Opportunity Announcement - 0 views

    The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy is issuing, on behalf of the Vehicle Technologies Office, a Funding Opportunity Announcement entitled, Fiscal Year 2020 Advanced Vehicle Technologies Research Funding Opportunity Announcement. This announcement seeks research projects to address priorities in the following areas: advanced batteries and electrification in support of the recently-announced DOE Energy Storage Grand Challenge; advanced engine and fuel technologies, including technologies for off-road applications and alternative fueled engines; lightweight materials; new mobility technologies (energy efficient mobility systems); and alternative fuels technology demonstrations.

University Training and Research in Fossil Energy - UCR/HBCU - 1 views

    The objective of the proposed activity is to issue a Funding Opportunity Announcement with restricted eligibility among the University and HBCU/OMI community, receive and review the applications, select the top-rated applications for award, negotiate with the selected applicants and complete the award process by issuing grants. Applications submitted in response to the FOA will be evaluated by reviewers from differing backgrounds (e.g., industry and DOE) with the most meritorious applications selected for award.

ecoSolution - Captain Planet Foundation - 0 views

    ecoSolution™ Grants (previously called "Small Grants") have been the defining basis of Captain Planet Foundation's work over the last 25 years. In that time, we have funded over 2,100 projects that have impacted 1.2 million youth around the world - actively fulfilling our mission to build the next generation of environmental stewards and change-agents. ecoSolution™ Grants range from $500-$2,500 and are intended to support solution-oriented, youth-led projects that result in real environmental outcomes. ecoSolution™ Grants are available to educators working with youth in the United States (international projects are by invitation only). Please note that ecoSolution™ Grants will only support direct project costs. Support for t-shirts, staff salaries, field trips, scholarships, beautification/ landscaping, etc. will NOT be considered.

Environmental Health Specialists Network (EHS-Net) - Practice based research to improve... - 0 views

    This Environmental Health Specialists Network (EHS-Net) research opportunity seeks to develop and sustain a network of environmental health program staff, in collaboration with epidemiologists and other public health professionals, to identify retail food safety research practice-based priorities focused on identifying and preventing foodborne illness risk factors, and to conduct the research. This announcement will fund EHS-Net research projects related to food safety activities under the jurisdiction of departments of health or other health agencies responsible for regulatory oversight of retail food service including restaurants, delis, cafeterias, schools, etc. For more information on EHS-Net, please visit our web page at:

Notice of Intent: BOTTLE: Bio-Optimized Technologies to Keep Thermoplastics out of Land... - 0 views

    The Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) intends to issue a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) entitled "BOTTLE: Bio-Optimized Technologies to Keep Thermoplastics out of Landfills and the Environment." This FOA, jointly funded by the Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) and Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO), supports the Department's Plastics Innovation Challenge, a comprehensive DOE program to accelerate innovations in energy-efficient plastics recycling technologies, which was announced on November 21, 2019. Additional information regarding the Plastics Innovation Challenge can be found by visiting Current recycling strategies often do not allow for cost-effective recycling of commonly used plastics. Typical recycling techniques can result in diminished material properties, which limit opportunities to produce products from recycled material with equal or greater value. However, there is an opportunity to advance new technologies that use recycled materials to reduce manufacturing energy consumption for some of the most prevalent plastics by up to 50 percent, including those used in grocery bags and beverage bottles. BETO and AMO have identified significant potential to improve the carbon efficiency and energy efficiency of plastics recycling technologies

Identify and Evaluate Potential Risk Factors for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) - 0 views

    The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) is soliciting investigator initiated research that will further the understanding of potential risk factors for ALS, while supporting the ATSDR National ALS Registry's mission. The National ALS Registry's goals are to estimate the number of new ALS cases each year, estimate the number of people who have ALS at a specific point in time, better understand who gets ALS, and identify what contributing factors, including environmental, may affect ALS. ATSDR is seeking investigator-initiated research that will identify and evaluate risk factors contributing to ALS, with preferred focus in this Notice of Funding Opportunity on factors related to military service, contact sports, traumatic brain injury, neuroinflammation and infectious agents.

Addressing Systems Challenges through Engineering Teams | NSF - National Science Founda... - 0 views

    The Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems Division (ECCS) supports enabling and transformative engineering research at the nano, micro, and macro scales that fuels progress in engineering system applications with high societal impact. This includes fundamental engineering research underlying advanced devices and components and their seamless penetration in power, controls, networking, communications or cyber systems. The research is envisioned to be empowered by cutting-edge computation, synthesis, evaluation, and analysis technologies and is to result in significant impact for a variety of application domains in healthcare, homeland security, disaster mitigation, telecommunications, energy, environment, transportation, manufacturing, and other systems-related areas. ECCS also supports new and emerging research areas encompassing 5G and Beyond Spectrum and Wireless Technologies, Quantum Information Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Big Data.

Sustainability Grant Opportunity: Partners for Places Round 16 RFP | Funders Network - 0 views

    The Funders' Network (TFN), in partnership with the Urban Sustainability Directors Network, is pleased to announce the opening of Round 16 of the Partners for Places grant program. Partners for Places is a successful matching grant program that improves U.S. and Canadian communities by building partnerships between local government sustainability leaders and place-based foundations. National funders invest in local projects developed through these partnerships to promote a healthy environment, a strong economy and well-being for all residents. Through these investments, Partners for Places fosters long-term relationships that make our communities more prosperous, livable and vibrant. In addition to the general grant program, Round 16 also includes dedicated funding to support green stormwater infrastructure projects that advance water-related sustainability goals.

Early Career Research Program - 0 views

    SC hereby invites grant applications for support under the Early Career Research Program in the following program areas: Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR); Biological and Environmental Research (BER); Basic Energy Sciences (BES), Fusion Energy Sciences (FES); High Energy Physics (HEP), and Nuclear Physics (NP). The purpose of this program is to support the development of individual research programs of outstanding scientists early in their careers and to stimulate research careers in the areas supported by SC.

Water and Energy for Food: A Grand Challenge for Development - Regional Innovation Hubs - 0 views

    The Water and Energy for Food ("WE4F") challenge fund is a partnership between the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Sweden through the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (hereafter the partners[1]). Through WE4F, the partners want to expand the scale of innovations that impact the sectors food and water, food and energy or all three sectors of the nexus (food, water, energy) to increase the sustainability of agricultural food value chains, improving energy and water efficiency as well as to improve climate resilient agriculture in developing countries and emerging markets in accordance with the SDGs, with a particular focus on the poor and women.


    The Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy (ARPA-E), an organization within the Department of Energy (DOE), is chartered by Congress in the America COMPETES Act of 2007 (P.L. 110-69), as amended by the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010 (P.L. 111-358) to: "(A) to enhance the economic and energy security of the United States through the development of energy technologies that result in- (i) reductions of imports of energy from foreign sources; (ii) reductions of energy-related emissions, including greenhouse gases; and (iii) improvement in the energy efficiency of all economic sectors; and (B) to ensure that the United States maintains a technological lead in developing and deploying advanced energy technologies."

NOI 2211 for Materials for Power Generation FOA - 0 views

    This Notice of Intent provides potential applicants advance notice that the Department of Energy Office of Fossil Energy intends to issue a Funding Opportunity Announcement No. DE-FOA-0002192, titled Extreme Environment Materials for Power Generation. The objective of the planned FOA is to competitively solicit and award research and development projects that will focus on materials research,development,testing, and validation to enhance the domestic materials supply chain and the reliability of the existing fossil power generation fleet.
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