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International Research Experiences for Students - 0 views

    The International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) program supports international research and research-related activities for U.S. science and engineering students. The IRES program contributes to development of a diverse, globally-engaged workforce with world-class skills. IRES focuses onactive research participation by undergraduate or graduate students in high quality international research, education and professional development experiences in NSF-funded research areas. The overarching, long-term goal of the IRES program is to enhanceU.S. leadership in research and education and to strengthen economic competitiveness through training the next generation of research leaders. This solicitation features three mechanisms; proposers are required to select one of the following tracks to submit their proposal. Track I focuses on the development of world-class research skills in international cohort experiences.

International Research Experiences for Students | NSF - National Science Foundation - 0 views

    The International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) program supports international research and research-related activities for U.S. science and engineering students. The IRES program contributes to development of a diverse, globally-engaged workforce with world-class skills. IRES focuses on active research participation by undergraduate or graduate students in high quality international research, education and professional development experiences in NSF-funded research areas. The overarching, long-term goal of the IRES program is to enhance U.S. leadership in research and education and to strengthen economic competitiveness through training the next generation of research leaders.

Building the Capacity of the Peruvian Labor Inspectorate - 0 views

    USDOL/ILAB intends to award up to USD 2 million for one cooperative agreement to fund a technical assistance project in Peru. The purpose for funding this project is to help build the labor law enforcement capacity of the Peruvian labor inspectorate, with a focus on the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion (MTPE)'s newly-formed National Superintendency of Labor Inspection or Superintendencia Nacional de Fiscalización Laboral (SUNAFIL). The project will help the MTPE in its transition from a decentralized to a more centralized labor law enforcement system and will help ensure more effective labor law enforcement at the national and regional levels. The project will focus particularly on improving the MTPE's enforcement of laws, regulations, and other legal instruments governing subcontracting/outsourcing and the use of short-term employment contracts, especially in the nontraditional export sectors (e.g., mining, agriculture, fishing, and textiles). The duration of the project funded by this announcement is up to 4.5 years (54 months) from the effective date of award. The project start date will be negotiated upon award of the individual cooperative agreement but will be no later than December 31, 2014. ILAB's mission is to use all available international channels to improve working conditions, raise living standards, protect workers' ability to exercise their rights, and address the workplace exploitation of children and other vulnerable populations. ILAB is authorized to award and administer cooperative agreements by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014, Pub. Law 113-76. Cooperative agreements awarded under this solicitation will be administered by the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) and technically managed by ILAB's Office of Trade and Labor Affairs (OTLA). The mission of OTLA is to implement trade-related labor policy and coordinate international technical cooperation in support of the labor provisions in free trade agreements; to

Political Science - 0 views

    The Political Science Program supports scientific research that advances knowledge and understanding of citizenship, government, and politics. Research proposals are expected to be theoretically motivated, conceptually precise, methodologically rigorous, and empirically oriented. Substantive areas include, but are not limited to, American government and politics, comparative government and politics, international relations, political behavior, political economy, and political institutions.In recent years, program awards have supported research projects on bargaining processes; campaigns and elections, electoral choice, and electoral systems; citizen support in emerging and established democracies; democratization, political change, and regime transitions; domestic and international conflict; international political economy; party activism; political psychology and political tolerance. The Program also has supported research experiences for undergraduate students and infrastructural activities, including methodological innovations, in the discipline.Besides information on the Political Science Program, we invite you to also look at the Cross-Directorate Activities program web site.Furthermore, for program specific guidelines on the Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant, please view the: Doctoral Preparation Checklist.

International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) (nsf12551) | NSF - National Scie... - 0 views

    The International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) program supports development of globally-engaged U.S. science and engineering students capable of performing in an international research environment at the forefront of science and engineering. The IRES program supports active research participation by students enrolled as undergraduates or graduate students in any of the areas of research funded by the National Science Foundation. IRES projects involve students in meaningful ways in ongoing research programs or in research projects specifically designed for the IRES program.

Fellowships for Advanced Social Science Research on Japan | National Endowment for the ... - 0 views

    The Fellowship Program for Advanced Social Science Research on Japan is a joint activity of the Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission (JUSFC) and the National Endowment for the Humanities. Awards support research on modern Japanese society and political economy, Japan's international relations, and U.S.-Japan relations. The program encourages innovative research that puts these subjects in wider regional and global contexts and is comparative and contemporary in nature. Research should contribute to scholarly knowledge or to the general public's understanding of issues of concern to Japan and the United States. Appropriate disciplines for the research include anthropology, economics, geography, history, international relations, linguistics, political science, psychology, public administration, and sociology. Awards usually result in articles, monographs, books, digital materials, archaeological site reports, translations, editions, or other scholarly resources.

Global South Scholars - 0 views

    This fellowship is open to outstanding young professors from universities from developing and emerging countries pursuing advanced research in areas bridging the fields of international and development studies, broadly defined, and working in disciplines such as anthropology, history, law, politics and political science, and economics.  Scholars will spend one academic semester (mandatory duration: 3 months minimum - 5 months maximum) at the Institute to : Share their expertise and experience with students and professors at the Institute ; Further a personal research project ; Participate in teaching courses ; Update and strengthen the curriculum of their course ; Develop their contacts with the international community of the Institute and Geneva area. Scholars receive a contribution towards living expenses. The Scholarship also covers round trip travel to and accommodation in Geneva. The selection will be based on the quality of research. Quality being equal, selection may be guided by an interest in promoting gender and regional diversity. Candidates should demonstrate how their research stay will contribute to their academic career and their home institution.

US NSF - Dear Colleague Letter: Research Opportunities in Germany for NSF CAREER Awarde... - 0 views

    To further scientific and technological cooperation between the scientific communities of Germany and the United States, a Letter of Intent was signed on May 27, 2014 to enable U.S.-based scientists and engineers with NSF-funded CAREER awards to pursue research collaboration with colleagues supported through German Research Foundation (DFG) grants. Connecting researchers with complementary strengths and shared interests promotes scientific progress in solving some of the world's most vexing problems. This international research opportunity is mutually beneficial to the U.S. participants and their hosts through cooperative activities during research visits and also by establishing international research partnerships to enrich future research activities in Germany and the U.S. Under the Letter of Intent, the DFG identifies DFG-funded research groups who wish to host CAREER awardees for research visits of up to one year in connection with their DFG funding. This Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) invites current CAREER awardees to apply for supplemental funding to support travel for research visits to any identified, appropriate DFG-funded research group. Further, the DCL gives instructions on how to apply and other relevant policies and requirements.

International Technology Alliance - 0 views

    A landmark collaboration known as the International Technology Alliance (ITA) in Network and Information Sciences was initiated by the US Army Research Laboratory (ARL) and the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) in 2006. Awards were made to a Consortium of industrial and academic organizations from the United States and the United Kingdom that along with the US ARL and the UK Dstl formed an international research Alliance that is jointly conducting collaborative research focused on enhancing coalition operations. The key factors contributing to the success of this unique collaborative venture are: joint technical leadership and management by the Alliance (academia, industry, government in both countries); an arrangement fostering an open collaborative research environment to support deep collaboration among researchers; multi-disciplinary research approach applied to key coalition technical challenges; and an innovative transition model that is facilitating the rapid transition of research results to both commercial and military domains.The purpose of this US ARL and UK Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) ITA Program Announcement (PA) under W911NF-15-R-0003 is to solicit offers that will help to fulfill the research and development goals of the US Department of Army and UK Ministry of Defence. This PA announces a new and innovative opportunity for cooperation between the US and the UK in the area of Distributed Analytics and Information Science (DAIS). The DAIS ITA Program is comprised of two components: (1) the Basic Research Component and (2) the Technology Transition Component. The Basic Research Component will provide for fundamental research, the results of which will be in the public domain, while the Technology Transition Component will provide for the application of the fundamental research results to military, security and commercial applications to foster the best technologies for future defense and security needs. The Catalog of Federal Domestic As

The USAID BAA for Sustainable Development in Sub-Saharan Africa - 0 views

    This Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) seeks opportunities to co-create, co-design, co-invest, and collaborate in the research, development, piloting, testing, and scaling of innovative, practical and cost-effective interventions that address development challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) invites interested parties to participate with USAID to identify innovative thinking, best practices and promising programs that will create more strategic, focused, results-oriented, cost-effective and practical options that will further the US Government's goal of improving the impact of its policies and programs on Africa's poor. USAID, through the Bureau for Africa (USAID/AFR), aims to develop and test innovative, sustainable and cost-effective solutions that will accelerate progress towards eliminating extreme poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa. This BAA specifically seeks to incorporate new ideas that will directly and positively influence USAID's programs and policies, including, but not limited to, support for SSA institutions to deliver services and manage programs that contribute to sustainable development.
    This Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) seeks opportunities to co-create, co-design, co-invest, and collaborate in the research, development, piloting, testing, and scaling of innovative, practical and cost-effective interventions that address development challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) invites interested parties to participate with USAID to identify innovative thinking, best practices and promising programs that will create more strategic, focused, results-oriented, cost-effective and practical options that will further the US Government's goal of improving the impact of its policies and programs on Africa's poor. USAID, through the Bureau for Africa (USAID/AFR), aims to develop and test innovative, sustainable and cost-effective solutions that will accelerate progress towards eliminating extreme poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa. This BAA specifically seeks to incorporate new ideas that will directly and positively influence USAID's programs and policies, including, but not limited to, support for SSA institutions to deliver services and manage programs that contribute to sustainable development.

Boulware Foundation Seeks to Increase Economic Opportunities for Women and Girls | RFPs... - 0 views

    The Boulware Foundation is a new family foundation focused on increasing economic opportunities for women and girls. The foundation's goal is to fund domestic and international programs aimed at empowering women economically and moving them toward financial freedom. To that end, the foundation awards grants of up to $10,000 in support of projects or programs aligned with the foundation's areas of interest, including financial literacy education, workforce and vocational skill development, microfinance, and entrepreneurship. In every case, women and girls must be the targeted beneficiary population. To be eligible, applicants must be tax exempt under section 501(c)()3 of the United States Internal Revenue Code.

Fellowships for Advanced Social Science Research on Japan | National Endowment for the ... - 0 views

    The Fellowships for Advanced Social Science Research on Japan program is a joint activity of the Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission (JUSFC) and the National Endowment for the Humanities. Awards support research on modern Japanese society and political economy, Japan's international relations, and U.S.-Japan relations. The program encourages innovative research that puts these subjects in wider regional and global contexts and is comparative and contemporary in nature. Research should contribute to scholarly knowledge or to the general public's understanding of issues of concern to Japan and the United States.


    USAID/Middle East is making a special call for the submission of Concept Papers focused on the Middle East Water Security Initiative (MWSI). The goal of the MWSI is to improve sustainable, long-term access to water for up to 20 million people living in the Middle East. The MWSI will target Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, West Bank/Gaza, and Yemen and promote sharing of best practices and lessons learned among the five participating countries. To achieve its bold but doable goal, MWSI will engage both international and local actors from the private sector, civil society, public sector, and other organizations to (a) support dynamic young entrepreneurs, researchers, and consumers with opportunities to develop, test, scale-up and market "water-smart" technologies; and (b) increase awareness of and local ability to address water security challenges in the Middle East through behavior change and advocacy campaigns.

USAID Better Outcomes for Children and Youth in Eastern and Northern Uganda - 0 views

    The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Uganda is seeking applications to fund one or more organizations through a five-year Cooperative Agreement to improve health, nutrition, education, and psychosocial wellbeing, and reduce abuse, exploitation and neglect among children and youth orphaned and made vulnerable by HIV (OVC) and other adversities in Uganda, and particularly in the Eastern and Northern Regions; as described in Section I of this RFA.

The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies - 0 views

    The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (of the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy) offers educational and professional development opportunities for individuals interested in pursuing further education and careers in academia, diplomacy, government, and/or the private sector. The CCDS focuses in particular on exploring the  balance between hard and soft power, the process of globalization in an interdependent world, international economics & business multiculturalism, intercultural dialogue & exchange, human rights, religion, and the ability for culturally based initiatives to further mutual understanding and in turn to foster global peace and stability.

Economics - 0 views

    The Economics program supports research designed to improve the understanding of the processes and institutions of the U.S. economy and of the world system of which it is a part. This program also strengthens both empirical and theoretical economic analysis as well as the methods for rigorous research on economic behavior. It supports research in almost every area of economics, including econometrics, economic history, environmental economics, finance, industrial organization, international economics, labor economics, macroeconomics, mathematical economics, and public finance.The Economics program welcomes proposals for individual or multi-investigator research projects, doctoral dissertation improvement awards, conferences, workshops, symposia, experimental research, data collection and dissemination, computer equipment and other instrumentation, and research experience for undergraduates. The program places a high priority on interdisciplinary research. Investigators are encouraged to submit proposals of joint interest to the Economics Program and other NSF programs and NSF initiative areas. The program places a high priority on broadening participation and encourages proposals from junior faculty, women, other underrepresented minorities, Research Undergraduate Institutions, and EPSCoR states.The program also funds conferences and interdisciplinary research that strengthens links among economics and the other social and behavioral sciences as well as mathematics and statistics.For additional funding opportunities, we invite you to also look at the Cross Disciplinary Activities homepage.For program specific guidelines on the Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grants in Economics, please visit: Doctoral Preparation Checklist.

Strengthen Citizen Security through Economic and Social Opportunity - 0 views

    The U.S. Embassy in San Jose, Costa Rica announces a Notification of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to strengthen citizen security through economic and social opportunity. U.S. Embassy San Jose intends to issue five awards in an amount not to exceed $1,500,000 in total funding. The anticipated start date for this activity is September 30, 2016, and project periods should not exceed two years. This funding will support United States government objectives under the Central America Regional Security Initiative (CARSI). Within Central America (Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama), the United States works with partner nations to strengthen institutions to counter the effects of organized crime, uphold the rule of law, and protect human rights. Institution building is coupled with prevention projects that dissuade at-risk youth from turning to crime and gangs and community policing projects that engage local communities on citizen security issues. U.S. Embassy San Jose invites qualified U.S. non-profit/non-governmental organizations (NGOs) having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS or overseas-based NGOs, U.S. and overseas-based public and private institutions of higher education, and public international organizations to submit proposals that include an implementation strategy to address the following objective: Objective: Provide workforce development, education, or entrepreneurship opportunities designed to reduce poverty, particularly among youth and women, in historically marginalized and economically-disadvantaged communities. Proposals should help create safe streets by providing economic opportunities as attractive alternatives for at-risk populations that might otherwise turn to crime and illicit drugs for their livelihood. U.S. Embassy San Jose reserves the right to fund any or none of the applications submitted and will determine the resulting level of funding for the award.

Addendum COLOMBIA - 0 views

    The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Mission in Colombia is making a special call for the submission of Concept Papers focused on leveraging private sector investment and expertise that results in enhance sustainable and inclusive development in Colombia's conflict-affected areas. Subject to the availability of funds, USAID/Colombia may allocate up to $10,000,000 to fund a portfolio of GDA alliances with the private sector, with funding for individual applications estimated in the range of $1,500,000 to $5,000,000 to be implemented over a period of 3-5 years through 2 to 3 awards, depending on the approach of each individual application.

Alumni Engagement - 0 views

    The Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs Office of Assistance Coordination (NEA/AC) announces a new Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) aimed at promoting social and private entrepreneurship in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region by partnering with its Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) alumni. Alumni networks can be effective social networks that generate both a higher level of interaction and longer-lived relationships, and ultimately improve social and private entrepreneurial performance by at least 8% more than other non-connected initiatives, according to a 2010 Harvard Business Review study. The corporate world is realizing that treating ex-employees as “alumni” increases referrals, client business, as well as advice and input on internal issues and job leads. MEPI aims to apply these lessons in its new initiative aimed at enhancing its alumni relations in order to sustain its social and business entrepreneurship efforts in the region. Problem Statement Since 2002,

DRL AGOA Civil Society Network Support - 0 views

    AGOA legislation, authorized to 2025, calls for the establishment of a United States-Sub-Saharan Africa Trade and Economic Cooperation Forum (AGOA Forum) to meet annually to discuss trade and investment between the United States and the countries of sub-Saharan Africa, and the implementation of AGOA. To ensure civil society participation in AGOA trade discussions and promote strong and inclusive sub-Saharan African economies, DRL requests proposals for a $950,000 cooperative agreement to support leadership and development of a transparent and comprehensive AGOA civil society network. In conjunction with the annual AGOA forum, projects should support the network to effectively provide observations and recommendations regarding country compliance with AGOA eligibility criteria - including the establishment of or progress toward political pluralism and the rule of law, a system to combat corruption and bribery, and protection of internationally recognized worker rights - as well as effective utilization of AGOA benefits. Programs should also support local civil society to provide input on country compliance with requirements to not engage in gross violations of human rights and to cooperate with international efforts to eliminate human rights violations. Activities may include, but are not limited to: outreach, support, and mentoring for human rights and labor rights civil society organizations (CSOs) in AGOA eligible countries; assistance for local CSOs to prioritize and monitor key issues; and support to strategize, prepare for and attend the Forum and follow-up on Forum recommendations throughout the year.
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