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BLM CO - Vegetation Management and Fuels Reduction. - 0 views

    This project/program is to restore and maintain healthy, productive ecosystems and wildlife populations through management activities. The project should include (but not limited to):  Commercial and non-commercial thinning of forests, Hand and mechanized treatment of vegetation to reduce hazardous fuel conditions and or improve habitats  Seeding of appropriate wildlife browse and forage species for habitat enhancement, and seeding for erosion and noxious weed control on sites disturbed by management activities. Seeding will be of native species unless science and experience have proven non-native, non-invasive species are more effective. Layout of treatment unit boundaries under the direct supervision of BLM staff. Prescribed fire may be part of the overall project. Federal agency personnel will serve as the lead partner for any prescribed fire planning and operations. All personnel used for prescribed fire operations will meet NWCG requirements
    This project/program is to restore and maintain healthy, productive ecosystems and wildlife populations through management activities. The project should include (but not limited to):  Commercial and non-commercial thinning of forests, Hand and mechanized treatment of vegetation to reduce hazardous fuel conditions and or improve habitats  Seeding of appropriate wildlife browse and forage species for habitat enhancement, and seeding for erosion and noxious weed control on sites disturbed by management activities. Seeding will be of native species unless science and experience have proven non-native, non-invasive species are more effective. Layout of treatment unit boundaries under the direct supervision of BLM staff. Prescribed fire may be part of the overall project. Federal agency personnel will serve as the lead partner for any prescribed fire planning and operations. All personnel used for prescribed fire operations will meet NWCG requirements

Environmental Research and Education Foundation - 0 views

    The Environmental Research & Education Foundation (EREF) is the only private, grant making institution with a national and international scope whose sole mission is to support solid waste research and education initiatives. Our research grants program is led by our Research Council, a body of volunteers consisting of technical experts in industry, academia and consulting. Non-research oriented projects are reviewed and recommended to the Board's Projects Committee by technical staff.
    The Environmental Research & Education Foundation (EREF) is the only private, grant making institution with a national and international scope whose sole mission is to support solid waste research and education initiatives. Our research grants program is led by our Research Council, a body of volunteers consisting of technical experts in industry, academia and consulting. Non-research oriented projects are reviewed and recommended to the Board's Projects Committee by technical staff. 

NOAA Sea Grant Aquaculture Research Program 2016 - 0 views

    This is part of the overall plan to support the development of environmentally and economically sustainable ocean, coastal, or Great Lakes aquaculture. Topical priorities for this FY 2016 competition are, briefly: a) Research to inform pending, regulatory decisions regarding aquaculture on the local, state, or federal level leading to an information product--such as a tool, technology, template, or model--needed to make final decisions on a specific question; b) Research that supports the introduction, and/or increase in production of new and emerging species of aquaculture interest; c) Research that supports continued seafood safety and product quality; and d) Social and/or economic research targeted to understand aquaculture issues in a larger context. Applicants must describe how their proposed work will rapidly and significantly advance U.S. aquaculture development in the short term (1-2 years after project completion).This Federal Funding Opportunity includes information on application and criteria for aquaculture research proposals requesting a maximum of $300,000 in total federal funding for up to a two-year period. Matching funds are required. Awards are anticipated to start no later than September 1, 2016. Additional proposals from this competition may be selected for funding in the next fiscal year, subject to the availability of FY17 funds.
    This is part of the overall plan to support the development of environmentally and economically sustainable ocean, coastal, or Great Lakes aquaculture. Topical priorities for this FY 2016 competition are, briefly: a) Research to inform pending, regulatory decisions regarding aquaculture on the local, state, or federal level leading to an information product--such as a tool, technology, template, or model--needed to make final decisions on a specific question; b) Research that supports the introduction, and/or increase in production of new and emerging species of aquaculture interest; c) Research that supports continued seafood safety and product quality; and d) Social and/or economic research targeted to understand aquaculture issues in a larger context. Applicants must describe how their proposed work will rapidly and significantly advance U.S. aquaculture development in the short term (1-2 years after project completion).This Federal Funding Opportunity includes information on application and criteria for aquaculture research proposals requesting a maximum of $300,000 in total federal funding for up to a two-year period. Matching funds are required. Awards are anticipated to start no later than September 1, 2016. Additional proposals from this competition may be selected for funding in the next fiscal year, subject to the availability of FY17 funds.

View Opportunity | GRANTS.GOV - 0 views

    Rwandan Rural Sanitation Activity (RRSA) is to improve access to and encourage correct, consistent use of household sanitation and hygiene facilities in order to decrease childhood stunting and support the Government of Rwanda's (GoR) work in sanitation.
    Rwandan Rural Sanitation Activity (RRSA) is to improve access to and encourage correct, consistent use of household sanitation and hygiene facilities in order to decrease childhood stunting and support the Government of Rwanda's (GoR) work in sanitation.

Environmental Education Local Grants Program -- Solicitation Notice for 2016 - 0 views

    The purpose of the Environmental Education Local Grants Program is to support locally-focused environmental education projects that increase public awareness and knowledge about environmental issues and provide the skills that participants in its funded projects need to make informed environmental decisions and take responsible actions toward the environment.
    The purpose of the Environmental Education Local Grants Program is to support locally-focused environmental education projects that increase public awareness and knowledge about environmental issues and provide the skills that participants in its funded projects need to make informed environmental decisions and take responsible actions toward the environment.

Biofuels & Bioproducts Process Pilot Verification Capabilities - 0 views

    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is seeking input from industry, academia, national laboratories and other biofuels and bioproducts stakeholders to identify existing pilot or process development scale facilities with the capability to perform process verifications for biomass conversion pathways to biofuels, bioproducts or intermediates which integrate multiple unit operations on a scale of approximately 0.5 or greater tons of dry biomass input per day. The mission of DOE's Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) is to develop and transform the country's biomass resources into commercially-viable high performance biofuels, bioproducts, and biopower through targeted research, development, demonstration and deployment (RD&D) supported through public and private partnerships.
    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is seeking input from industry, academia, national laboratories and other biofuels and bioproducts stakeholders to identify existing pilot or process development scale facilities with the capability to perform process verifications for biomass conversion pathways to biofuels, bioproducts or intermediates which integrate multiple unit operations on a scale of approximately 0.5 or greater tons of dry biomass input per day. The mission of DOE's Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) is to develop and transform the country's biomass resources into commercially-viable high performance biofuels, bioproducts, and biopower through targeted research, development, demonstration and deployment (RD&D) supported through public and private partnerships.

HawksNest: Miami University's crowdfunding platform - 0 views

shared by MiamiOH OARS on 29 Jan 16 - No Cached
    Together with University Advancement, the Office for the Advancement of Research & Scholarship (OARS) is rolling out an new crowdfunding platform called HawksNest. Through HawksNest, alumni, family, and friends of the university can directly support the research, scholarship, and service projects of Miami University students, faculty, and staff. This is how HawksNest works: * Any Miami University student, faculty, or staff member may complete an online application to have a project considered for funding. * An internal review team assesses applications and posts approved projects on HawksNest for a maximum of 45 days. * Potential donors visit the site to learn about and pledge funds to approved projects. * Once a funding goal has been met, the project can begin! * Project managers use the site to keep donors up-to-date with information on the project's progress.

Assistance to High Energy Cost Rural Communities - 0 views

    The Rural Utilities Service (RUS), an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), announces the availability of up to $10 million in competitive grants to assist communities with extremely high energy costs. The grant funds may be used to acquire, construct, or improve energy generation, transmission, or distribution facilities serving communities where average annual residential expenditure for home energy exceeding 275 percent of the national average. Eligible projects also include on-grid and off-grid renewable energy projects and implementation of energy efficiency, and energy conservation projects for eligible communities.

Jordan Water Conservation Activity - 0 views

    The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is seeking applications from qualified organizations to provide technical assistance and support to USAID/Jordan Water Conservation Activity 

Improvements in Facilities, Communications, and Equipment at Biological Field Stations ... - 0 views

    Biological Field Stations and Marine Laboratories (FSMLs) are off-campus facilities for research and education conducted in the natural habitats of terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems. FSMLs support environmental and basic biological research and education by preserving access to study areas and organisms, by providing facilities and equipment in close proximity to those study areas, and by fostering an atmosphere of mutual scientific interest and collaboration in research and education.

Great Lakes Restoration Initiative 2015 Request for Applications | Great Lakes Funding ... - 0 views

    EPA is soliciting applications for grants and/or cooperative agreements to be awarded as part of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. EPA will award approximately $13.9 million under a Request for Applications for up to about 40 projects, contingent upon funding availability, the quality of applications received and other applicable considerations. This RFA is EPA's major competitive grant funding opportunity under the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative for fiscal year 2015. It is one of several funding opportunities available through federal agencies under the GLRI. Categories (Funding Opportunity Number): *Invasive Species Prevention (EPA-R5-GL2015-ISP) *Invasive Species Control (EPA-R5-GL2015-ISC) *Urban Watershed Management Implementation (EPA-R5-GL2015-UWM) *Agricultural Watershed Management Implementation (EPA-R5-GL2015-AWM) *Maumee River Watershed Nutrient Prevention Pilot Project (EPA-R5-GL2015-MNP)

Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) - 0 views

    The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), an agency under the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), is announcing availability of Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) to stimulate the development and adoption of innovative conservation approaches and technologies in Vermont (VT). NRCS anticipates that the amount available for support of this program in FY 2015 will be up to $225,000. Proposals are requested from eligible governmental or non-governmental organizations, individuals, or legal entities for competitive consideration of grant awards for projects between 1 and 3 years in duration. Funds will be awarded through a statewide competitive grants process. Only projects with a direct nexus to the state of Vermont will be considered.This notice identifies the objectives, eligibility criteria, and application instructions for CIG projects. Proposals will be screened for completeness and compliance with the provisions of this notice. Incomplete and/or noncompliant proposals will be eliminated from competition, and notification of elimination will be sent to the applicant.

CESU BLM AZ-Recreation Impact Inventory, Monitoring and Assessment, Arizona Strip Distr... - 0 views

    Description of Program and/or Project Background: The project is a long-term inventory, monitoring, and assessment program of human impacts resulting from recreation uses on the Arizona Strip District using a standardized quantitative recreation monitoring approach. Using baseline data compiled in a geo-referenced database of impacts available on an easily accessed website, existing recreation sites will be monitored on a regular schedule to determine recreation-created impacts and make management recommendations for future actions. Graduate and undergraduate students will be involved in the recreation monitoring and assessment program and conference presentations and publications in pertinent scientific literature will represent the results of these studies, not required as deliverables to the BLM. Regular reporting with recommendations to management and staff will be conducted in order to assist the BLM in protecting and maintaining recreation settings and opportunities. Recreation assessments would also be conducted under this agreement for National Landscape Conservation System (NLCS) areas, such as national monuments, wilderness areas and national trails. Data collected during the inventory and the BLM and recipient will jointly develop monitoring. Project data will be available to the BLM on an as needed basis. This project provides opportunities for students and/or entry-level professionals to work with experienced, professional land managers to obtain experience in complex public land management issues. This project will provide the background experience by which students may make long term career goals and decisions, and will enable continuing development between the recipient and the BLM in terms of student development, recruitment, and service opportunities between the two entities. To ensure that data collection is useful and reliable, a standard monitoring procedure will be followed. This will also include proper GPS techniques with geo-referenced data,

BLM OR/WA - North Warner Medusahead Control and Sage Grouse Habitat Improvement - 0 views

    The Lakeview BLM in cooperation with the Lake County Cooperative Weed Management Area has been actively surveying the North Warner Sage Grouse Project Planning Area through a past agreement through both aerial and ground based survey methods. The North Warner area covers 222,667 acres of checker boarded ownerships of BLM, USFS, Oregon Department of State Lands and private lands. To date surveys have taken place over 130,000 acres. The North Warner project planning area falls within the Lakeview BLM Resource Area and is approximately 50 miles Northeast of Lakeview on the eastside of the Warner Mountain range. Studies have shown invasions of annual grass species could easily degrade the habitat for sage grouse and other wildlife species. Medusahead Rye and other non-native winter annual grass species were discovered the summer of 2010. The infestations have been found on all four of the ownerships. The majority of the infestations are small isolated infestations that could effectively be managed though cooperative control efforts. The issue in the past has been the lack of effective herbicides available for use on BLM lands. However, the NEPA to allow the use of imazapic and other more effective herbicides has been completed and should be available for use by the fall of 2015. This project will allow continued coordination among all of the land managers in the North Warner area. One of the biggest needs is education for all of the land managers, which will improve accurate identification of the annual grass species invading the North Warner Area. Surveys will need to continue to cover the southern portion of the project area. Once the use of imazapic use is finalized, large scale cooperative projects can be planned across all of the jurisdiction boundaries. These large scale projects will entail a lot of coordination and planning.

Multistate Conservation Grant Program - 0 views

    The Sport Fish Restoration Act and the Wildlife Restoration Act, as amended by the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Programs Improvement Act of 2000 (Pub. L. 106-408) authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to make up to $6,000,000 ($3,000,000 each from the Sport Fish Restoration and Wildlife Restoration Program trust funds) available annually under the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program for the purpose of funding multistate conservation project grants. The program is a discretionary grant program which awards grants based on a nationally competitive process that is administered jointly between the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

CESU Great Basin BLM Nevada Forest and Rangeland Research - 0 views

    The BLM is interested in partnering with a recipient to conduct research on the effectiveness of forest and rangeland restoration projects in Nevada

Eastern Tallgrass Prairie and Big Rivers Landscape Conservation Cooperative - 0 views

    The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Midwest Region, intends to issue a Single Source Cooperative Agreement Award without competition to the Missouri Botanical Garden for a project consisting of both a research and an outreach component to advance the state of science for monarch butterfly conservation in urban areas as described below.

BLM Utah RFO Paiute and Motorized Trails Project - 0 views

    Background: The BLM Richfield Field Office works together with Utah State Parks, the Forest Service, and private land owners to manage and maintain the Paiute Trail and other motorized trails to provide a unique and seamless experience for users and the public. This trail is over 900 miles long and benefits the local economies of multiple communities, draws in thousands of visitors each year, and helps maintain solid working relationships between the agencies and landowners with cohesive goals to benefit the public through the motorized trail systems. The BLM has worked with and Utah State Parks for the past 5 years to provide maintenance, public outreach, and to improve the trails for the benefit of the public. The BLM Richfield Field Office is seeking proposals to assist with maintenance, education, and monitoring on the Paiute and associated OHV trails. Objective: 1. The partner and BLM will continue to provide monitoring, education, and maintenance on over 150 miles of motorized and Paiute ATV trail on public lands, provide upkeep on kiosks and trailheads, litter removal and to provide a quality experience for thousands of recreational visitors. Areas to be maintained include recreation areas and trailheads associated with the motorized trails. Otter Creek trail access including Fishermans Beach, Tamarisk Point, and South Point. Sauls Meadow, Kingston Canyon, Aurora Open Area, Glenwood Open Area, Bicknelll Bottoms Trailheads, Koosharem Reservoir, and other recreation areas and trailheads along the trails will be maintained. Work would also include public outreach and education, trail work, maintenance, sign installation and maintenance, clearing, improving, and additional work and special projects as needed along the motorized trails on public land connecting communities, state parks, and trailheads. This would ensure a well-marked, signed, and maintained long-distance trail system with adequate support facilities that are open to the general public for recreati

Monitoring Sonoran Desert Tortoise Populations in the Maricopa and Tortilla Mountains. ... - 0 views

    Description of Program and/or Project a. Background: The BLM conducts population and habitat monitoring of Sonoran desert tortoise at previously established, 1 square mile, long term monitoring plots in the Tortilla and Maricopa Mountains of south central Arizona to determine current population and habitat status and trend using established protocols. Methods consist of mark/recapture surveys. Individual desert tortoises will be located, mapped, marked, measured and evaluated for presence of disease indicators. Habitat parameters, including vegetative composition will be measured and the presence of potential tortoise and habitat stressors will be documented and assessed. Data will establish current population demographic composition, presence of disease, recruitment, habitat conditions and presence and magnitude of threats to the population and habitat. Data will be compared with previous years and summarized in a monitoring report. b. Objectives: Determine current population demographic composition, presence of disease, recruitment, habitat composition and condition, and presence and magnitude of threats to the population and habitat at 2 locations in the Sonoran Desert following established protocols. Compare current conditions with historical data to determine trends and disseminate information to Arizona Interagency Desert Tortoise Team members.

Asian Elephant Conservation Fund - 0 views

    The Asian Elephant Conservation Fund solicits project proposals for the conservation of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) throughout its range. In 1997, with awareness of the increasing threat to the welfare of the already endangered Asian elephant The Asian Elephant Conservation Act was signed into law. The Act provides for the conservation of Asian elephants by supporting conservation programs in countries within the range of Asian elephants, and the projects of persons with demonstrated expertise in the conservation of Asian elephants. The Asian Elephant Conservation Fund supports projects that promote conservation of Asian elephants and their habitats through: Applied research on elephant populations and their habitats, including surveys and monitoring; Activities that result in fewer wild elephants being removed from the wild, reduce demand in consumer countries for ivory and other body parts, and prevent illegal killing of elephants; Development and execution of elephant conservation management plans; Compliance with applicable treaties and laws that prohibit or regulate the taking or trade of elephants or regulate the use and management of elephant habitat; Conservation education and community outreach; Enhanced protection of at-risk elephant populations; Efforts to decrease human-elephant conflict; Habitat conservation and management, including improved protected area management in important elephant ranges; Strengthening local capacity to implement conservation programs; Transfrontier elephant conservation; and Wildlife inspection, law enforcement, and forensics skills. Support will also be given to projects that enhance the knowledge of decision makers and other stakeholders. These include legislators, teachers, school children, journalists, tourists, non-governmental organizations, and private sector organizations or businesses in order to strengthen their ability to positively influence wildlife conservation, management, legislation, policy, and finan
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